Nick Craig-Wood 46b3854330 drive: set all metadata permissions and return error summary
Before this change when setting permissions from the metadata rclone
would stop on the first error.

This change causes rclone to attempt to set all the permissions and
return an error summary at the end.
2024-04-08 17:23:22 +01:00

617 lines
19 KiB

package drive
import (
drive ""
// system metadata keys which this backend owns
var systemMetadataInfo = map[string]fs.MetadataHelp{
"content-type": {
Help: "The MIME type of the file.",
Type: "string",
Example: "text/plain",
"mtime": {
Help: "Time of last modification with mS accuracy.",
Type: "RFC 3339",
Example: "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z07:00",
"btime": {
Help: "Time of file birth (creation) with mS accuracy. Note that this is only writable on fresh uploads - it can't be written for updates.",
Type: "RFC 3339",
Example: "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z07:00",
"copy-requires-writer-permission": {
Help: "Whether the options to copy, print, or download this file, should be disabled for readers and commenters.",
Type: "boolean",
Example: "true",
"writers-can-share": {
Help: "Whether users with only writer permission can modify the file's permissions. Not populated and ignored when setting for items in shared drives.",
Type: "boolean",
Example: "false",
"viewed-by-me": {
Help: "Whether the file has been viewed by this user.",
Type: "boolean",
Example: "true",
ReadOnly: true,
"owner": {
Help: "The owner of the file. Usually an email address. Enable with --drive-metadata-owner.",
Type: "string",
Example: "",
"permissions": {
Help: "Permissions in a JSON dump of Google drive format. On shared drives these will only be present if they aren't inherited. Enable with --drive-metadata-permissions.",
Type: "JSON",
Example: "{}",
"folder-color-rgb": {
Help: "The color for a folder or a shortcut to a folder as an RGB hex string.",
Type: "string",
Example: "881133",
"description": {
Help: "A short description of the file.",
Type: "string",
Example: "Contract for signing",
"starred": {
Help: "Whether the user has starred the file.",
Type: "boolean",
Example: "false",
"labels": {
Help: "Labels attached to this file in a JSON dump of Googled drive format. Enable with --drive-metadata-labels.",
Type: "JSON",
Example: "[]",
// Extra fields we need to fetch to implement the system metadata above
var metadataFields = googleapi.Field(strings.Join([]string{
}, ","))
// Fields we need to read from permissions
var permissionsFields = googleapi.Field(strings.Join([]string{
}, ","))
// getPermission returns permissions for the fileID and permissionID passed in
func (f *Fs) getPermission(ctx context.Context, fileID, permissionID string, useCache bool) (perm *drive.Permission, inherited bool, err error) {
defer f.permissionsMu.Unlock()
if useCache {
perm = f.permissions[permissionID]
if perm != nil {
return perm, false, nil
fs.Debugf(f, "Fetching permission %q", permissionID)
err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
perm, err = f.svc.Permissions.Get(fileID, permissionID).
return f.shouldRetry(ctx, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
inherited = len(perm.PermissionDetails) > 0 && perm.PermissionDetails[0].Inherited
// cache the permission
f.permissions[permissionID] = perm
return perm, inherited, err
// Set the permissions on the info
func (f *Fs) setPermissions(ctx context.Context, info *drive.File, permissions []*drive.Permission) (err error) {
errs := errcount.New()
for _, perm := range permissions {
if perm.Role == "owner" {
// ignore owner permissions - these are set with owner
err := f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
_, err := f.svc.Permissions.Create(info.Id, perm).
return f.shouldRetry(ctx, err)
if err != nil {
fs.Errorf(f, "Failed to set permission: %v", err)
return errs.Err("failed to set permission")
// Clean attributes from permissions which we can't write
func cleanPermissionForWrite(perm *drive.Permission) {
perm.Deleted = false
perm.DisplayName = ""
perm.Id = ""
perm.Kind = ""
perm.PermissionDetails = nil
perm.TeamDrivePermissionDetails = nil
// Clean and cache the permission if not already cached
func (f *Fs) cleanAndCachePermission(perm *drive.Permission) {
defer f.permissionsMu.Unlock()
if _, found := f.permissions[perm.Id]; !found {
f.permissions[perm.Id] = perm
// Clean fields we don't need to keep from the permission
func cleanPermission(perm *drive.Permission) {
// DisplayName: Output only. The "pretty" name of the value of the
// permission. The following is a list of examples for each type of
// permission: * `user` - User's full name, as defined for their Google
// account, such as "Joe Smith." * `group` - Name of the Google Group,
// such as "The Company Administrators." * `domain` - String domain
// name, such as "" * `anyone` - No `displayName` is
// present.
perm.DisplayName = ""
// Kind: Output only. Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value:
// the fixed string "drive#permission".
perm.Kind = ""
// PermissionDetails: Output only. Details of whether the permissions on
// this shared drive item are inherited or directly on this item. This
// is an output-only field which is present only for shared drive items.
perm.PermissionDetails = nil
// PhotoLink: Output only. A link to the user's profile photo, if
// available.
perm.PhotoLink = ""
// TeamDrivePermissionDetails: Output only. Deprecated: Output only. Use
// `permissionDetails` instead.
perm.TeamDrivePermissionDetails = nil
// Fields we need to read from labels
var labelsFields = googleapi.Field(strings.Join([]string{
}, ","))
// getLabels returns labels for the fileID passed in
func (f *Fs) getLabels(ctx context.Context, fileID string) (labels []*drive.Label, err error) {
fs.Debugf(f, "Fetching labels for %q", fileID)
listLabels := f.svc.Files.ListLabels(fileID).
for {
var info *drive.LabelList
err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
info, err = listLabels.Do()
return f.shouldRetry(ctx, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
labels = append(labels, info.Labels...)
if info.NextPageToken == "" {
for _, label := range labels {
return labels, nil
// Set the labels on the info
func (f *Fs) setLabels(ctx context.Context, info *drive.File, labels []*drive.Label) (err error) {
if len(labels) == 0 {
return nil
req := drive.ModifyLabelsRequest{}
for _, label := range labels {
req.LabelModifications = append(req.LabelModifications, &drive.LabelModification{
FieldModifications: labelFieldsToFieldModifications(label.Fields),
LabelId: label.Id,
err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
_, err = f.svc.Files.ModifyLabels(info.Id, &req).
return f.shouldRetry(ctx, err)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set owner: %w", err)
return nil
// Convert label fields into something which can set the fields
func labelFieldsToFieldModifications(fields map[string]drive.LabelField) (out []*drive.LabelFieldModification) {
for id, field := range fields {
var emails []string
for _, user := range field.User {
emails = append(emails, user.EmailAddress)
out = append(out, &drive.LabelFieldModification{
// FieldId: The ID of the field to be modified.
FieldId: id,
// SetDateValues: Replaces the value of a dateString Field with these
// new values. The string must be in the RFC 3339 full-date format:
SetDateValues: field.DateString,
// SetIntegerValues: Replaces the value of an `integer` field with these
// new values.
SetIntegerValues: field.Integer,
// SetSelectionValues: Replaces a `selection` field with these new
// values.
SetSelectionValues: field.Selection,
// SetTextValues: Sets the value of a `text` field.
SetTextValues: field.Text,
// SetUserValues: Replaces a `user` field with these new values. The
// values must be valid email addresses.
SetUserValues: emails,
return out
// Clean fields we don't need to keep from the label
func cleanLabel(label *drive.Label) {
// Kind: This is always drive#label
label.Kind = ""
for name, field := range label.Fields {
// Kind: This is always drive#labelField.
field.Kind = ""
// Note the fields are copies so we need to write them
// back to the map
label.Fields[name] = field
// Parse the metadata from drive item
// It should return nil if there is no Metadata
func (o *baseObject) parseMetadata(ctx context.Context, info *drive.File) (err error) {
metadata := make(fs.Metadata, 16)
// Dump user metadata first as it overrides system metadata
for k, v := range info.Properties {
metadata[k] = v
// System metadata
metadata["copy-requires-writer-permission"] = fmt.Sprint(info.CopyRequiresWriterPermission)
metadata["writers-can-share"] = fmt.Sprint(info.WritersCanShare)
metadata["viewed-by-me"] = fmt.Sprint(info.ViewedByMe)
metadata["content-type"] = info.MimeType
// Owners: Output only. The owner of this file. Only certain legacy
// files may have more than one owner. This field isn't populated for
// items in shared drives.
if o.fs.opt.MetadataOwner.IsSet(rwRead) && len(info.Owners) > 0 {
user := info.Owners[0]
if len(info.Owners) > 1 {
fs.Logf(o, "Ignoring more than 1 owner")
if user != nil {
id := user.EmailAddress
if id == "" {
id = user.DisplayName
metadata["owner"] = id
if o.fs.opt.MetadataPermissions.IsSet(rwRead) {
// We only write permissions out if they are not inherited.
// On My Drives permissions seem to be attached to every item
// so they will always be written out.
// On Shared Drives only non-inherited permissions will be
// written out.
// To read the inherited permissions flag will mean we need to
// read the permissions for each object and the cache will be
// useless. However shared drives don't return permissions
// only permissionIds so will need to fetch them for each
// object. We use HasAugmentedPermissions to see if there are
// special permissions before fetching them to save transactions.
// HasAugmentedPermissions: Output only. Whether there are permissions
// directly on this file. This field is only populated for items in
// shared drives.
if o.fs.isTeamDrive && !info.HasAugmentedPermissions {
// Don't process permissions if there aren't any specifically set
info.Permissions = nil
info.PermissionIds = nil
// PermissionIds: Output only. List of permission IDs for users with
// access to this file.
// Only process these if we have no Permissions
if len(info.PermissionIds) > 0 && len(info.Permissions) == 0 {
info.Permissions = make([]*drive.Permission, 0, len(info.PermissionIds))
g, gCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
var mu sync.Mutex // protect the info.Permissions from concurrent writes
for _, permissionID := range info.PermissionIds {
permissionID := permissionID
g.Go(func() error {
// must fetch the team drive ones individually to check the inherited flag
perm, inherited, err := o.fs.getPermission(gCtx, actualID(info.Id), permissionID, !o.fs.isTeamDrive)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read permission: %w", err)
// Don't write inherited permissions out
if inherited {
return nil
// Don't write owner role out - these are covered by the owner metadata
if perm.Role == "owner" {
return nil
info.Permissions = append(info.Permissions, perm)
return nil
err = g.Wait()
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Clean the fetched permissions
for _, perm := range info.Permissions {
// Permissions: Output only. The full list of permissions for the file.
// This is only available if the requesting user can share the file. Not
// populated for items in shared drives.
if len(info.Permissions) > 0 {
buf, err := json.Marshal(info.Permissions)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal permissions: %w", err)
metadata["permissions"] = string(buf)
// Permission propagation
// Leads me to believe that in non shared drives, permissions
// are added to each item when you set permissions for a
// folder whereas in shared drives they are inherited and
// placed on the item directly.
if info.FolderColorRgb != "" {
metadata["folder-color-rgb"] = info.FolderColorRgb
if info.Description != "" {
metadata["description"] = info.Description
metadata["starred"] = fmt.Sprint(info.Starred)
metadata["btime"] = info.CreatedTime
metadata["mtime"] = info.ModifiedTime
if o.fs.opt.MetadataLabels.IsSet(rwRead) {
// FIXME would be really nice if we knew if files had labels
// before listing but we need to know all possible label IDs
// to get it in the listing.
labels, err := o.fs.getLabels(ctx, actualID(info.Id))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch labels: %w", err)
buf, err := json.Marshal(labels)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal labels: %w", err)
metadata["labels"] = string(buf)
o.metadata = &metadata
return nil
// Set the owner on the info
func (f *Fs) setOwner(ctx context.Context, info *drive.File, owner string) (err error) {
perm := drive.Permission{
Role: "owner",
EmailAddress: owner,
// Type: The type of the grantee. Valid values are: * `user` * `group` *
// `domain` * `anyone` When creating a permission, if `type` is `user`
// or `group`, you must provide an `emailAddress` for the user or group.
// When `type` is `domain`, you must provide a `domain`. There isn't
// extra information required for an `anyone` type.
Type: "user",
err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
_, err = f.svc.Permissions.Create(info.Id, &perm).
// SendNotificationEmail(false). - required apparently!
return f.shouldRetry(ctx, err)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set owner: %w", err)
return nil
// Call back to set metadata that can't be set on the upload/update
// The *drive.File passed in holds the current state of the drive.File
// and this should update it with any modifications.
type updateMetadataFn func(context.Context, *drive.File) error
// read the metadata from meta and write it into updateInfo
// update should be true if this is being used to create metadata for
// an update/PATCH call as the rules on what can be updated are
// slightly different there.
// It returns a callback which should be called to finish the updates
// after the data is uploaded.
func (f *Fs) updateMetadata(ctx context.Context, updateInfo *drive.File, meta fs.Metadata, update bool) (callback updateMetadataFn, err error) {
callbackFns := []updateMetadataFn{}
callback = func(ctx context.Context, info *drive.File) error {
for _, fn := range callbackFns {
err := fn(ctx, info)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// merge metadata into request and user metadata
for k, v := range meta {
k, v := k, v
// parse a boolean from v and write into out
parseBool := func(out *bool) error {
b, err := strconv.ParseBool(v)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't parse metadata %q = %q: %w", k, v, err)
*out = b
return nil
switch k {
case "copy-requires-writer-permission":
if err := parseBool(&updateInfo.CopyRequiresWriterPermission); err != nil {
return nil, err
case "writers-can-share":
if !f.isTeamDrive {
if err := parseBool(&updateInfo.WritersCanShare); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
fs.Debugf(f, "Ignoring %s=%s as can't set on shared drives", k, v)
case "viewed-by-me":
// Can't write this
case "content-type":
updateInfo.MimeType = v
case "owner":
if !f.opt.MetadataOwner.IsSet(rwWrite) {
// Can't set Owner on upload so need to set afterwards
callbackFns = append(callbackFns, func(ctx context.Context, info *drive.File) error {
return f.setOwner(ctx, info, v)
case "permissions":
if !f.opt.MetadataPermissions.IsSet(rwWrite) {
var perms []*drive.Permission
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &perms)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal permissions: %w", err)
// Can't set Permissions on upload so need to set afterwards
callbackFns = append(callbackFns, func(ctx context.Context, info *drive.File) error {
return f.setPermissions(ctx, info, perms)
case "labels":
if !f.opt.MetadataLabels.IsSet(rwWrite) {
var labels []*drive.Label
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &labels)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal labels: %w", err)
// Can't set Labels on upload so need to set afterwards
callbackFns = append(callbackFns, func(ctx context.Context, info *drive.File) error {
return f.setLabels(ctx, info, labels)
case "folder-color-rgb":
updateInfo.FolderColorRgb = v
case "description":
updateInfo.Description = v
case "starred":
if err := parseBool(&updateInfo.Starred); err != nil {
return nil, err
case "btime":
if update {
fs.Debugf(f, "Skipping btime metadata as can't update it on an existing file: %v", v)
} else {
updateInfo.CreatedTime = v
case "mtime":
updateInfo.ModifiedTime = v
if updateInfo.Properties == nil {
updateInfo.Properties = make(map[string]string, 1)
updateInfo.Properties[k] = v
return callback, nil
// Fetch metadata and update updateInfo if --metadata is in use
func (f *Fs) fetchAndUpdateMetadata(ctx context.Context, src fs.ObjectInfo, options []fs.OpenOption, updateInfo *drive.File, update bool) (callback updateMetadataFn, err error) {
meta, err := fs.GetMetadataOptions(ctx, f, src, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read metadata from source object: %w", err)
callback, err = f.updateMetadata(ctx, updateInfo, meta, update)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to update metadata from source object: %w", err)
return callback, nil