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synced 2025-03-09 20:15:14 +08:00

This changes log statements from log to fs package, which is required for --use-json-log to properly make log output in JSON format. The recently added custom linting rule, handled by ruleguard via gocritic via golangci-lint, warns about these and suggests the alternative. Fixing was therefore basically running "golangci-lint run --fix", although some manual fixup of mainly imports are necessary following that.
631 lines
15 KiB
631 lines
15 KiB
// Package main provides utilities for encoder.
package main
import (
const (
edgeLeft = iota
type mapping struct {
mask encoder.MultiEncoder
src, dst []rune
type stringPair struct {
a, b string
const header = `// Code generated by ./internal/gen/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
` + `//go:generate go run ./internal/gen/main.go
package encoder
var maskBits = []struct {
mask encoder.MultiEncoder
name string
{encoder.EncodeZero, "EncodeZero"},
{encoder.EncodeSlash, "EncodeSlash"},
{encoder.EncodeSingleQuote, "EncodeSingleQuote"},
{encoder.EncodeBackQuote, "EncodeBackQuote"},
{encoder.EncodeLtGt, "EncodeLtGt"},
{encoder.EncodeSquareBracket, "EncodeSquareBracket"},
{encoder.EncodeSemicolon, "EncodeSemicolon"},
{encoder.EncodeExclamation, "EncodeExclamation"},
{encoder.EncodeDollar, "EncodeDollar"},
{encoder.EncodeDoubleQuote, "EncodeDoubleQuote"},
{encoder.EncodeColon, "EncodeColon"},
{encoder.EncodeQuestion, "EncodeQuestion"},
{encoder.EncodeAsterisk, "EncodeAsterisk"},
{encoder.EncodePipe, "EncodePipe"},
{encoder.EncodeHash, "EncodeHash"},
{encoder.EncodePercent, "EncodePercent"},
{encoder.EncodeBackSlash, "EncodeBackSlash"},
{encoder.EncodeCrLf, "EncodeCrLf"},
{encoder.EncodeDel, "EncodeDel"},
{encoder.EncodeCtl, "EncodeCtl"},
{encoder.EncodeLeftSpace, "EncodeLeftSpace"},
{encoder.EncodeLeftPeriod, "EncodeLeftPeriod"},
{encoder.EncodeLeftTilde, "EncodeLeftTilde"},
{encoder.EncodeLeftCrLfHtVt, "EncodeLeftCrLfHtVt"},
{encoder.EncodeRightSpace, "EncodeRightSpace"},
{encoder.EncodeRightPeriod, "EncodeRightPeriod"},
{encoder.EncodeRightCrLfHtVt, "EncodeRightCrLfHtVt"},
{encoder.EncodeInvalidUtf8, "EncodeInvalidUtf8"},
{encoder.EncodeDot, "EncodeDot"},
type edge struct {
mask encoder.MultiEncoder
name string
edge int
orig []rune
replace []rune
var allEdges = []edge{
{encoder.EncodeLeftSpace, "EncodeLeftSpace", edgeLeft, []rune{' '}, []rune{'␠'}},
{encoder.EncodeLeftPeriod, "EncodeLeftPeriod", edgeLeft, []rune{'.'}, []rune{'.'}},
{encoder.EncodeLeftTilde, "EncodeLeftTilde", edgeLeft, []rune{'~'}, []rune{'~'}},
{encoder.EncodeLeftCrLfHtVt, "EncodeLeftCrLfHtVt", edgeLeft,
[]rune{'\t', '\n', '\v', '\r'},
[]rune{'␀' + '\t', '␀' + '\n', '␀' + '\v', '␀' + '\r'},
{encoder.EncodeRightSpace, "EncodeRightSpace", edgeRight, []rune{' '}, []rune{'␠'}},
{encoder.EncodeRightPeriod, "EncodeRightPeriod", edgeRight, []rune{'.'}, []rune{'.'}},
{encoder.EncodeRightCrLfHtVt, "EncodeRightCrLfHtVt", edgeRight,
[]rune{'\t', '\n', '\v', '\r'},
[]rune{'␀' + '\t', '␀' + '\n', '␀' + '\v', '␀' + '\r'},
var allMappings = []mapping{{
encoder.EncodeZero, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeSlash, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeLtGt, []rune{
'<', '>',
}, []rune{
'<', '>',
}}, {
encoder.EncodeSquareBracket, []rune{
'[', ']',
}, []rune{
'[', ']',
}}, {
encoder.EncodeSemicolon, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeExclamation, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeDoubleQuote, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeSingleQuote, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeBackQuote, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeDollar, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeColon, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeQuestion, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeAsterisk, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodePipe, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeHash, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodePercent, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeSlash, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeBackSlash, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
encoder.EncodeCrLf, []rune{
rune(0x0D), rune(0x0A),
}, []rune{
'␍', '␊',
}}, {
encoder.EncodeDel, []rune{
}, []rune{
}}, {
runeRange(0x01, 0x1F),
runeRange('␁', '␟'),
var (
rng *rand.Rand
printables = runeRange(0x20, 0x7E)
fullwidthPrintables = runeRange(0xFF00, 0xFF5E)
encodables = collectEncodables(allMappings)
encoded = collectEncoded(allMappings)
greek = runeRange(0x03B1, 0x03C9)
func main() {
seed := flag.Int64("s", 42, "random seed")
rng = rand.New(rand.NewSource(*seed))
fd, err := os.Create("encoder_cases_test.go")
fatal(err, "Unable to open encoder_cases_test.go:")
defer func() {
fatal(fd.Close(), "Failed to close encoder_cases_test.go:")
fatalW(fd.WriteString(header))("Failed to write header:")
fatalW(fd.WriteString("var testCasesSingle = []testCase{\n\t"))("Write:")
_i := 0
i := func() (r int) {
r, _i = _i, _i+1
for _, m := range maskBits {
if len(getMapping(m.mask).src) == 0 {
if _i != 0 {
fatalW(fd.WriteString(" "))("Write:")
in, out := buildTestString(
[]mapping{getMapping(m.mask)}, // pick
[]mapping{getMapping(encoder.EncodeZero)}, // quote
printables, fullwidthPrintables, encodables, encoded, greek) // fill
fatalW(fmt.Fprintf(fd, `{ // %d
mask: %s,
in: %s,
out: %s,
},`, i(), m.name, strconv.Quote(in), strconv.Quote(out)))("Error writing test case:")
var testCasesSingleEdge = []testCase{
_i = 0
for _, e := range allEdges {
for idx, orig := range e.orig {
if _i != 0 {
fatalW(fd.WriteString(" "))("Write:")
fatalW(fmt.Fprintf(fd, `{ // %d
mask: %s,
in: %s,
out: %s,
},`, i(), e.name, strconv.Quote(string(orig)), strconv.Quote(string(e.replace[idx]))))("Error writing test case:")
for _, m := range maskBits {
if len(getMapping(m.mask).src) == 0 || invalidMask(e.mask|m.mask) {
for idx, orig := range e.orig {
replace := e.replace[idx]
pairs := buildEdgeTestString(
[]edge{e}, []mapping{getMapping(encoder.EncodeZero), getMapping(m.mask)}, // quote
[][]rune{printables, fullwidthPrintables, encodables, encoded, greek}, // fill
func(rIn, rOut []rune, quoteOut []bool, testMappings []mapping) (out []stringPair) {
testL := len(rIn)
skipOrig := false
for _, m := range testMappings {
if runePos(orig, m.src) != -1 || runePos(orig, m.dst) != -1 {
skipOrig = true
if !skipOrig {
rIn[10], rOut[10], quoteOut[10] = orig, orig, false
out = append(out, stringPair{string(rIn), quotedToString(rOut, quoteOut)})
for _, i := range []int{0, 1, testL - 2, testL - 1} {
for _, j := range []int{1, testL - 2, testL - 1} {
if j < i {
rIn := append([]rune{}, rIn...)
rOut := append([]rune{}, rOut...)
quoteOut := append([]bool{}, quoteOut...)
for _, in := range []rune{orig, replace} {
expect, quote := in, false
if i == 0 && e.edge == edgeLeft ||
i == testL-1 && e.edge == edgeRight {
expect, quote = replace, in == replace
rIn[i], rOut[i], quoteOut[i] = in, expect, quote
if i != j {
for _, in := range []rune{orig, replace} {
expect, quote = in, false
if j == testL-1 && e.edge == edgeRight {
expect, quote = replace, in == replace
rIn[j], rOut[j], quoteOut[j] = in, expect, quote
out = append(out, stringPair{string(rIn), quotedToString(rOut, quoteOut)})
for _, p := range pairs {
fatalW(fmt.Fprintf(fd, ` { // %d
mask: %s | %s,
in: %s,
out: %s,
},`, i(), m.name, e.name, strconv.Quote(p.a), strconv.Quote(p.b)))("Error writing test case:")
fatalW(fmt.Fprintf(fd, ` { // %d
mask: EncodeLeftSpace,
in: " ",
out: "␠ ",
}, { // %d
mask: EncodeLeftPeriod,
in: "..",
out: "..",
}, { // %d
mask: EncodeLeftTilde,
in: "~~",
out: "~~",
}, { // %d
mask: EncodeRightSpace,
in: " ",
out: " ␠",
}, { // %d
mask: EncodeRightPeriod,
in: "..",
out: "..",
}, { // %d
mask: EncodeLeftSpace | EncodeRightPeriod,
in: " .",
out: "␠.",
}, { // %d
mask: EncodeLeftSpace | EncodeRightSpace,
in: " ",
out: "␠",
}, { // %d
mask: EncodeLeftSpace | EncodeRightSpace,
in: " ",
out: "␠␠",
}, { // %d
mask: EncodeLeftSpace | EncodeRightSpace,
in: " ",
out: "␠ ␠",
}, { // %d
mask: EncodeLeftPeriod | EncodeRightPeriod,
in: "...",
out: "...",
}, { // %d
mask: EncodeRightPeriod | EncodeRightSpace,
in: "a. ",
out: "a.␠",
}, { // %d
mask: EncodeRightPeriod | EncodeRightSpace,
in: "a .",
out: "a .",
var testCasesDoubleEdge = []testCase{
`, i(), i(), i(), i(), i(), i(), i(), i(), i(), i(), i(), i()))("Error writing test case:")
_i = 0
for _, e1 := range allEdges {
for _, e2 := range allEdges {
if e1.mask == e2.mask {
for _, m := range maskBits {
if len(getMapping(m.mask).src) == 0 || invalidMask(m.mask|e1.mask|e2.mask) {
orig, replace := e1.orig[0], e1.replace[0]
edges := []edge{e1, e2}
pairs := buildEdgeTestString(
edges, []mapping{getMapping(encoder.EncodeZero), getMapping(m.mask)}, // quote
[][]rune{printables, fullwidthPrintables, encodables, encoded, greek}, // fill
func(rIn, rOut []rune, quoteOut []bool, testMappings []mapping) (out []stringPair) {
testL := len(rIn)
for _, i := range []int{0, testL - 1} {
for _, secondOrig := range e2.orig {
rIn := append([]rune{}, rIn...)
rOut := append([]rune{}, rOut...)
quoteOut := append([]bool{}, quoteOut...)
rIn[1], rOut[1], quoteOut[1] = secondOrig, secondOrig, false
rIn[testL-2], rOut[testL-2], quoteOut[testL-2] = secondOrig, secondOrig, false
for _, in := range []rune{orig, replace} {
rIn[i], rOut[i], quoteOut[i] = in, in, false
fixEdges(rIn, rOut, quoteOut, edges)
out = append(out, stringPair{string(rIn), quotedToString(rOut, quoteOut)})
for _, p := range pairs {
if _i != 0 {
fatalW(fd.WriteString(" "))("Write:")
fatalW(fmt.Fprintf(fd, `{ // %d
mask: %s | %s | %s,
in: %s,
out: %s,
},`, i(), m.name, e1.name, e2.name, strconv.Quote(p.a), strconv.Quote(p.b)))("Error writing test case:")
fatalW(fmt.Fprint(fd, "\n}\n"))("Error writing test case:")
func fatal(err error, s ...interface{}) {
if err != nil {
fs.Fatal(nil, fmt.Sprint(append(s, err)))
func fatalW(_ int, err error) func(...interface{}) {
if err != nil {
return func(s ...interface{}) {
fs.Fatal(nil, fmt.Sprint(append(s, err)))
return func(s ...interface{}) {}
func invalidMask(mask encoder.MultiEncoder) bool {
return mask&(encoder.EncodeCtl|encoder.EncodeCrLf) != 0 && mask&(encoder.EncodeLeftCrLfHtVt|encoder.EncodeRightCrLfHtVt) != 0
// construct a slice containing the runes between (l)ow (inclusive) and (h)igh (inclusive)
func runeRange(l, h rune) []rune {
if h < l {
panic("invalid range")
out := make([]rune, h-l+1)
for i := range out {
out[i] = l + rune(i)
return out
func getMapping(mask encoder.MultiEncoder) mapping {
for _, m := range allMappings {
if m.mask == mask {
return m
return mapping{}
func collectEncodables(m []mapping) (out []rune) {
for _, s := range m {
out = append(out, s.src...)
func collectEncoded(m []mapping) (out []rune) {
for _, s := range m {
out = append(out, s.dst...)
func buildTestString(mappings, testMappings []mapping, fill ...[]rune) (string, string) {
combinedMappings := append(mappings, testMappings...)
var (
rIn []rune
rOut []rune
for _, m := range mappings {
if len(m.src) == 0 || len(m.src) != len(m.dst) {
panic("invalid length")
rIn = append(rIn, m.src...)
rOut = append(rOut, m.dst...)
inL := len(rIn)
testL := inL * 3
if testL < 30 {
testL = 30
rIn = append(rIn, make([]rune, testL-inL)...)
rOut = append(rOut, make([]rune, testL-inL)...)
quoteOut := make([]bool, testL)
set := func(i int, in, out rune, quote bool) {
rIn[i] = in
rOut[i] = out
quoteOut[i] = quote
for i, r := range rOut[:inL] {
set(inL+i, r, r, true)
for pos := inL * 2; pos < testL; pos++ {
m := pos % len(fill)
i := rng.Intn(len(fill[m]))
r := fill[m][i]
for _, m := range combinedMappings {
if pSrc := runePos(r, m.src); pSrc != -1 {
set(pos, r, m.dst[pSrc], false)
continue outer
} else if pDst := runePos(r, m.dst); pDst != -1 {
set(pos, r, r, true)
continue outer
set(pos, r, r, false)
rng.Shuffle(testL, func(i, j int) {
rIn[i], rIn[j] = rIn[j], rIn[i]
rOut[i], rOut[j] = rOut[j], rOut[i]
quoteOut[i], quoteOut[j] = quoteOut[j], quoteOut[i]
var bOut strings.Builder
for i, r := range rOut {
if quoteOut[i] {
return string(rIn), bOut.String()
func buildEdgeTestString(edges []edge, testMappings []mapping, fill [][]rune,
gen func(rIn, rOut []rune, quoteOut []bool, testMappings []mapping) []stringPair,
) []stringPair {
testL := 30
rIn := make([]rune, testL) // test input string
rOut := make([]rune, testL) // test output string without quote runes
quoteOut := make([]bool, testL) // if true insert quote rune before the output rune
set := func(i int, in, out rune, quote bool) {
rIn[i] = in
rOut[i] = out
quoteOut[i] = quote
// populate test strings with values from the `fill` set
for pos := 0; pos < testL; pos++ {
m := pos % len(fill)
i := rng.Intn(len(fill[m]))
r := fill[m][i]
for _, m := range testMappings {
if pSrc := runePos(r, m.src); pSrc != -1 {
set(pos, r, m.dst[pSrc], false)
continue outer
} else if pDst := runePos(r, m.dst); pDst != -1 {
set(pos, r, r, true)
continue outer
set(pos, r, r, false)
rng.Shuffle(testL, func(i, j int) {
rIn[i], rIn[j] = rIn[j], rIn[i]
rOut[i], rOut[j] = rOut[j], rOut[i]
quoteOut[i], quoteOut[j] = quoteOut[j], quoteOut[i]
fixEdges(rIn, rOut, quoteOut, edges)
return gen(rIn, rOut, quoteOut, testMappings)
func fixEdges(rIn, rOut []rune, quoteOut []bool, edges []edge) {
testL := len(rIn)
for _, e := range edges {
for idx, o := range e.orig {
r := e.replace[idx]
if e.edge == edgeLeft && rIn[0] == o {
rOut[0], quoteOut[0] = r, false
} else if e.edge == edgeLeft && rIn[0] == r {
quoteOut[0] = true
} else if e.edge == edgeRight && rIn[testL-1] == o {
rOut[testL-1], quoteOut[testL-1] = r, false
} else if e.edge == edgeRight && rIn[testL-1] == r {
quoteOut[testL-1] = true
func runePos(r rune, s []rune) int {
for i, c := range s {
if c == r {
return i
return -1
// quotedToString returns a string for the chars slice where an encoder.QuoteRune is
// inserted before a char[i] when quoted[i] is true.
func quotedToString(chars []rune, quoted []bool) string {
var out strings.Builder
for i, r := range chars {
if quoted[i] {
return out.String()