#!/usr/bin/env bash function do_cppcheck() { local SOURCES=$(find $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) | egrep "\.(cpp|cc|c|h)\$") local CPPCHECK=$(which cppcheck) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "[!] cppcheck not installed. Failed to run static analysis the source code." >&2 exit 1 fi ## Suppression list ## # This list will explain the detail of suppressed warnings. # The prototype of the item should be like: # "- [{file}] {spec}: {reason}" # # - [hello-1.c] unusedFunction: False positive of init_module and cleanup_module. # - [*.c] missingIncludeSystem: Focus on the example code, not the kernel headers. local OPTS=" --enable=warning,style,performance,information --suppress=unusedFunction:hello-1.c --suppress=missingIncludeSystem --std=c89 " $CPPCHECK $OPTS --xml ${SOURCES} 2> cppcheck.xml local ERROR_COUNT=$(cat cppcheck.xml | egrep -c "" ) if [ $ERROR_COUNT -gt 0 ]; then echo "Cppcheck failed: $ERROR_COUNT error(s)" cat cppcheck.xml exit 1 fi } function do_sparse() { wget -q http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/devel/sparse/dist/sparse-latest.tar.gz if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to download sparse." exit 1 fi tar -xzf sparse-latest.tar.gz pushd sparse-*/ make sparse || exit 1 sudo make INST_PROGRAMS=sparse PREFIX=/usr install || exit 1 popd local SPARSE=$(which sparse) make -C examples C=2 CHECK="$SPARSE" 2> sparse.log local WARNING_COUNT=$(cat sparse.log | egrep -c " warning:" ) local ERROR_COUNT=$(cat sparse.log | egrep -c " error:" ) local COUNT=`expr $WARNING_COUNT + $ERROR_COUNT` if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; then echo "Sparse failed: $WARNING_COUNT warning(s), $ERROR_COUNT error(s)" cat sparse.log exit 1 fi make -C examples clean } function do_gcc() { local GCC=$(which gcc-11) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "[!] gcc-11 is not installed. Failed to run static analysis with GCC." >&2 exit 1 fi make -C examples CONFIG_STATUS_CHECK_GCC=y STATUS_CHECK_GCC=$GCC 2> gcc.log local WARNING_COUNT=$(cat gcc.log | egrep -c " warning:" ) local ERROR_COUNT=$(cat gcc.log | egrep -c " error:" ) local COUNT=`expr $WARNING_COUNT + $ERROR_COUNT` if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; then echo "gcc failed: $WARNING_COUNT warning(s), $ERROR_COUNT error(s)" cat gcc.log exit 1 fi make -C examples CONFIG_STATUS_CHECK_GCC=y STATUS_CHECK_GCC=$GCC clean } function do_smatch() { git clone https://github.com/error27/smatch.git --depth=1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to download smatch." exit 1 fi pushd smatch make smatch || exit 1 local SMATCH=$(pwd)/smatch popd make -C examples C=2 CHECK="$SMATCH -p=kernel" > smatch.log local WARNING_COUNT=$(cat smatch.log | egrep -c " warn:" ) local ERROR_COUNT=$(cat smatch.log | egrep -c " error:" ) local COUNT=`expr $WARNING_COUNT + $ERROR_COUNT` if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; then echo "Smatch failed: $WARNING_COUNT warning(s), $ERROR_COUNT error(s)" cat smatch.log | grep "warn:\|error:" exit 1 fi make -C examples clean } do_cppcheck do_sparse do_gcc do_smatch exit 0