Since Linux v3.14, the read, write and seek operations of "struct file" are
guaranteed for thread safety [1][2]. This patch added an explanation.
Here are the potential problems:
- Move the "msg_ptr" pointer into the read function to remove unnecessary usage.
- List the clear states of "already_open" by using mnemonic enumeration.
- The "buffer" in the write function is user space data. It cannot use in the
kernel space.
- Reduce the redundant type transformation.
- List the states of "already_open". Same as chardev.c.
[1] https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20140303210359.26624.qmail@science.horizon.com/T/#u
[2] 9c225f2655
The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
This project keeps the Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide up to date, with working examples for recent 5.x kernel versions. The guide has been around since 2001 and most copies of it on the web only describe old 2.6.x kernels.
The book can be freely accessed via https://sysprog21.github.io/lkmpg/ or latest PDF file. The original guide may be found at Linux Documentation Project. You may check other freely available programming books listed by The Free Ebook Foundation or Linux online books collected by The Online Books Page.
Getting Started
- Get the latest source code from the GitHub page.
- Install the prerequisites.
- Generate PDF and/or HTML documents.
Step 1: Get the latest source code
Make sure you can run git
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$ git clone https://github.com/sysprog21/lkmpg.git && cd lkmpg
Step 2: Install the prerequisites
To gernate the book from source, TeXLive (MacTeX) is required.
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$ sudo apt install make texlive-full
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$ docker pull twtug/lkmpg
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nerdctl is a Docker-compatible command line tool for containerd, and you can replace the above docker
commands with nerdctl
Step 3: Generate PDF and/or HTML documents
Now we could build document with following commands:
$ make all # Generate PDF document
$ make html # Convert TeX to HTML
$ make clean # Delete generated files
The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide is a free book; you may reproduce and/or modify it under the terms of the Open Software License.
Use of this work is governed by a copyleft license that can be found in the LICENSE
The complementary sample code is licensed under GNU GPL version 2, as same as Linux kernel.