Fix lint warning: prefer single quoted strings

This commit is contained in:
Caleb Maclennan 2019-12-30 10:53:41 +03:00
parent 6d51d1b334
commit ac3db1e70a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 63CC496475267693

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
" ============================================================================
" Section: script init stuff {{{1
if exists("loaded_nerd_comments")
if exists('loaded_nerd_comments')
if v:version < 700
@ -49,24 +49,24 @@ let s:spaceStr = ' '
let s:lenSpaceStr = strlen(s:spaceStr)
" Section: variable initialization {{{2
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDAllowAnyVisualDelims", 1)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDBlockComIgnoreEmpty", 0)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode", 0)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDCommentEmptyLines", 0)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDCompactSexyComs", 0)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDCreateDefaultMappings", 1)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDDefaultNesting", 1)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDMenuMode", 3)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDLPlace", "[>")
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDUsePlaceHolders", 1)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDRemoveAltComs", 1)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDRemoveExtraSpaces", 0)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDRPlace", "<]")
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDSpaceDelims", 0)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDDefaultAlign", "none")
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace", 0)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDToggleCheckAllLines", 0)
call s:InitVariable("g:NERDDisableTabsInBlockComm", 0)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDAllowAnyVisualDelims', 1)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDBlockComIgnoreEmpty', 0)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode', 0)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDCommentEmptyLines', 0)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDCompactSexyComs', 0)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDCreateDefaultMappings', 1)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDDefaultNesting', 1)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDMenuMode', 3)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDLPlace', '[>')
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDUsePlaceHolders', 1)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDRemoveAltComs', 1)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDRemoveExtraSpaces', 0)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDRPlace', '<]')
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDSpaceDelims', 0)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDDefaultAlign', 'none')
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace', 0)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDToggleCheckAllLines', 0)
call s:InitVariable('g:NERDDisableTabsInBlockComm', 0)
let s:NERDFileNameEscape="[]#*$%'\" ?`!&();<>\\"
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ let s:delimiterMap = {
\ 'omnimark': { 'left': ';' },
\ 'ooc': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' },
\ 'openroad': { 'left': '//' },
\ 'opl': { 'left': "REM" },
\ 'opl': { 'left': 'REM' },
\ 'ora': { 'left': '#' },
\ 'ox': { 'left': '//' },
\ 'paludis-use-conf': { 'left': '#' },
@ -442,14 +442,14 @@ let s:delimiterMap = {
\ 'teak': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' },
\ 'terraform': { 'left': '#', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' },
\ 'tex': { 'left': '%' },
\ 'texinfo': { 'left': "@c " },
\ 'texinfo': { 'left': '@c ' },
\ 'texmf': { 'left': '%' },
\ 'tf': { 'left': '#' },
\ 'tidy': { 'left': '#' },
\ 'tli': { 'left': '#' },
\ 'tmux': { 'left': '#' },
\ 'toml': { 'left': '#' },
\ 'trasys': { 'left': "$" },
\ 'trasys': { 'left': '$' },
\ 'troff': { 'left': '.\\"' },
\ 'tsalt': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' },
\ 'tsscl': { 'left': '#' },
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ let s:delimiterMap = {
\ 'vala': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' },
\ 'vasp': { 'left': '!' },
\ 'vb': { 'left': "'" },
\ 'velocity': { 'left': "##", 'right': "", 'leftAlt': '#*', 'rightAlt': '*#' },
\ 'velocity': { 'left': '##', 'right': '', 'leftAlt': '#*', 'rightAlt': '*#' },
\ 'vera': { 'left': '/*', 'right': '*/', 'leftAlt': '//' },
\ 'verilog': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' },
\ 'verilog_systemverilog': { 'left': '//', 'leftAlt': '/*', 'rightAlt': '*/' },
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ let s:delimiterMap = {
let g:NERDDelimiterMap = s:delimiterMap
if exists("g:NERDCustomDelimiters")
if exists('g:NERDCustomDelimiters')
call extend(s:delimiterMap, g:NERDCustomDelimiters)
@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ function s:SetUpForNewFiletype(filetype, forceReset)
" if g:NERD_<filetype>_alt_style is defined, use the alternate style
let b:NERDCommenterFirstInit = getbufvar(1,"NERDCommenterFirstInit")
let b:NERDCommenterFirstInit = getbufvar(1,'NERDCommenterFirstInit')
if exists('g:NERDAltDelims_'.ft) && eval('g:NERDAltDelims_'.ft) && !b:NERDCommenterFirstInit
call s:SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(0)
let b:NERDCommenterFirstInit = 1
@ -594,13 +594,13 @@ endfunction
" if this function changed the delimiters or not
function s:SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(printMsgs)
if exists('*NERDCommenter_before')
exe "call NERDCommenter_before()"
exe 'call NERDCommenter_before()'
"if both of the alternative delimiters are empty then there is no
"alternative comment style so bail out
if b:NERDCommenterDelims['leftAlt'] == '' && b:NERDCommenterDelims['rightAlt'] == ''
if a:printMsgs
call s:NerdEcho("Cannot use alternative delimiters, none are specified", 0)
call s:NerdEcho('Cannot use alternative delimiters, none are specified', 0)
return 0
@ -623,11 +623,11 @@ function s:SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(printMsgs)
"tell the user what comment delimiters they are now using
if a:printMsgs
call s:NerdEcho("Now using " . s:Left() . " " . s:Right() . " to delimit comments", 1)
call s:NerdEcho('Now using ' . s:Left() . ' ' . s:Right() . ' to delimit comments', 1)
if exists('*NERDCommenter_after')
exe "call NERDCommenter_after()"
exe 'call NERDCommenter_after()'
return 1
@ -645,18 +645,18 @@ function s:AppendCommentToLine()
" get the length of the right delimiter
let lenRight = strlen(right)
let isLineEmpty = strlen(getline(".")) == 0
let isLineEmpty = strlen(getline('.')) == 0
let insOrApp = (isLineEmpty==1 ? 'i' : 'A')
"stick the delimiters down at the end of the line. We have to format the
"comment with spaces as appropriate
execute ":normal! " . insOrApp . (isLineEmpty ? '' : ' ') . left . right
execute ':normal! ' . insOrApp . (isLineEmpty ? '' : ' ') . left . right
" if there is a right delimiter then we gotta move the cursor left
" by the length of the right delimiter so we insert between the delimiters
if lenRight > 0
let leftMoveAmount = lenRight - 1
execute ":normal! " . leftMoveAmount . "h"
execute ':normal! ' . leftMoveAmount . 'h'
@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ function s:CommentLines(forceNested, align, firstLine, lastLine)
" we need to get the left and right indexes of the leftmost char in the
" block of of lines and the right most char so that we can do alignment of
" the delimiters if the user has specified
let leftAlignIndx = a:align == "start" ? 0 : s:LeftMostIndx(a:forceNested, 0, a:firstLine, a:lastLine)
let leftAlignIndx = a:align == 'start' ? 0 : s:LeftMostIndx(a:forceNested, 0, a:firstLine, a:lastLine)
let rightAlignIndx = s:RightMostIndx(a:forceNested, 0, a:firstLine, a:lastLine)
" gotta add the length of the left delimiter onto the rightAlignIndx cos
@ -837,12 +837,12 @@ function s:CommentLines(forceNested, align, firstLine, lastLine)
" check if we can comment this line
if !isCommented || g:NERDUsePlaceHolders || s:Multipart()
if a:align == "left" || a:align == "start" || a:align == "both"
if a:align == 'left' || a:align == 'start' || a:align == 'both'
let theLine = s:AddLeftDelimAligned(s:Left({'space': 1}), theLine, leftAlignIndx)
let theLine = s:AddLeftDelim(s:Left({'space': 1}), theLine)
if a:align == "both"
if a:align == 'both'
let theLine = s:AddRightDelimAligned(s:Right({'space': 1}), theLine, rightAlignIndx)
let theLine = s:AddRightDelim(s:Right({'space': 1}), theLine)
@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ function s:CommentLinesToggle(forceNested, firstLine, lastLine)
let currentLine = a:firstLine
let align = g:NERDDefaultAlign
let leftAlignIndx = align == "start" ? 0 : s:LeftMostIndx(a:forceNested, 0, a:firstLine, a:lastLine)
let leftAlignIndx = align == 'start' ? 0 : s:LeftMostIndx(a:forceNested, 0, a:firstLine, a:lastLine)
let rightAlignIndx = s:RightMostIndx(a:forceNested, 0, a:firstLine, a:lastLine)
let rightAlignIndx = rightAlignIndx + strlen(s:Left({'space': 1}))
@ -1096,7 +1096,7 @@ function s:CommentLinesToggle(forceNested, firstLine, lastLine)
let theLine = s:AddLeftDelim(s:Left({'space': 1}), theLine)
if align == "both"
if align == 'both'
let theLine = s:AddRightDelimAligned(s:Right({'space': 1}), theLine, rightAlignIndx)
let theLine = s:AddRightDelim(s:Right({'space': 1}), theLine)
@ -1225,13 +1225,13 @@ endfunction
" 'Nested', 'ToEOL', 'Append', 'Insert', 'Uncomment', 'Yank'
function! NERDComment(mode, type) range
if exists('*NERDCommenter_before')
exe "call NERDCommenter_before()"
exe 'call NERDCommenter_before()'
let isVisual = a:mode =~ '[vsx]'
if !exists("g:did_load_ftplugin") || g:did_load_ftplugin != 1
call s:NerdEcho("filetype plugins should be enabled. See :help NERDComInstallation and :help :filetype-plugin-on", 0)
if !exists('g:did_load_ftplugin') || g:did_load_ftplugin != 1
call s:NerdEcho('filetype plugins should be enabled. See :help NERDComInstallation and :help :filetype-plugin-on', 0)
if isVisual
@ -1254,18 +1254,18 @@ function! NERDComment(mode, type) range
if a:type ==? 'Comment' || a:type ==? 'Nested'
if isVisual && visualmode() == "\<C-V>"
call s:CommentBlock(firstLine, lastLine, firstCol, lastCol, forceNested)
elseif isVisual && visualmode() == "v" && (g:NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode==0 || (g:NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode==2 && s:HasMultipartDelims()))
elseif isVisual && visualmode() == 'v' && (g:NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode==0 || (g:NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode==2 && s:HasMultipartDelims()))
call s:CommentRegion(firstLine, firstCol, lastLine, lastCol, forceNested)
call s:CommentLines(forceNested, g:NERDDefaultAlign, firstLine, lastLine)
elseif a:type ==? 'AlignLeft' || a:type ==? 'AlignBoth'
let align = "none"
if a:type ==? "AlignLeft"
let align = "left"
elseif a:type ==? "AlignBoth"
let align = "both"
let align = 'none'
if a:type ==? 'AlignLeft'
let align = 'left'
elseif a:type ==? 'AlignBoth'
let align = 'both'
call s:CommentLines(forceNested, align, firstLine, lastLine)
@ -1278,7 +1278,7 @@ function! NERDComment(mode, type) range
catch /NERDCommenter.Delimiters/
call s:CommentLines(forceNested, g:NERDDefaultAlign, firstLine, lastLine)
catch /NERDCommenter.Nesting/
call s:NerdEcho("Sexy comment aborted. Nested sexy cannot be nested", 0)
call s:NerdEcho('Sexy comment aborted. Nested sexy cannot be nested', 0)
elseif a:type ==? 'Toggle'
@ -1311,14 +1311,14 @@ function! NERDComment(mode, type) range
call s:CommentLinesMinimal(firstLine, lastLine)
catch /NERDCommenter.Delimiters/
call s:NerdEcho("Minimal comments can only be used for filetypes that have multipart delimiters.", 0)
call s:NerdEcho('Minimal comments can only be used for filetypes that have multipart delimiters.', 0)
catch /NERDCommenter.Settings/
call s:NerdEcho("Place holders are required but disabled.", 0)
call s:NerdEcho('Place holders are required but disabled.', 0)
elseif a:type ==? 'ToEOL'
call s:SaveScreenState()
call s:CommentBlock(firstLine, firstLine, col("."), col("$")-1, 1)
call s:CommentBlock(firstLine, firstLine, col('.'), col('$')-1, 1)
call s:RestoreScreenState()
elseif a:type ==? 'Append'
@ -1345,13 +1345,13 @@ function! NERDComment(mode, type) range
if isVisual
let nlines = lastLine - firstLine
silent! call repeat#set("V" . nlines . "jo" . "\<Plug>NERDCommenter". a:type)
silent! call repeat#set('V' . nlines . 'jo' . "\<Plug>NERDCommenter". a:type)
silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>NERDCommenter". a:type)
if exists('*NERDCommenter_after')
exe "call NERDCommenter_after()"
exe 'call NERDCommenter_after()'
@ -1364,40 +1364,40 @@ function s:PlaceDelimitersAndInsBetween()
let left = s:Left({'space': 1})
let right = s:Right({'space': 1})
let theLine = getline(".")
let theLine = getline('.')
let lineHasLeadTabs = s:HasLeadingTabs(theLine) || (theLine =~ '^ *$' && !&expandtab)
"convert tabs to spaces and adjust the cursors column to take this into
let untabbedCol = s:UntabbedCol(theLine, col("."))
call setline(line("."), s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine))
call cursor(line("."), untabbedCol)
let untabbedCol = s:UntabbedCol(theLine, col('.'))
call setline(line('.'), s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(theLine))
call cursor(line('.'), untabbedCol)
" get the length of the right delimiter
let lenRight = strlen(right)
let isDelimOnEOL = col(".") >= strlen(getline("."))
let isDelimOnEOL = col('.') >= strlen(getline('.'))
" if the cursor is in the first col then we gotta insert rather than
" append the comment delimiters here
let insOrApp = (col(".")==1 ? 'i' : 'a')
let insOrApp = (col('.')==1 ? 'i' : 'a')
" place the delimiters down. We do it differently depending on whether
" there is a left AND right delimiter
if lenRight > 0
execute ":normal! " . insOrApp . left . right
execute ":normal! " . lenRight . "h"
execute ':normal! ' . insOrApp . left . right
execute ':normal! ' . lenRight . 'h'
execute ":normal! " . insOrApp . left
execute ':normal! ' . insOrApp . left
silent! normal! l
"if needed convert spaces back to tabs and adjust the cursors col
if lineHasLeadTabs
let tabbedCol = s:TabbedCol(getline("."), col("."))
call setline(line("."), s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(getline(".")))
call cursor(line("."), tabbedCol)
let tabbedCol = s:TabbedCol(getline('.'), col('.'))
call setline(line('.'), s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(getline('.')))
call cursor(line('.'), tabbedCol)
if isDelimOnEOL && lenRight == 0
@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@ endfunction
" last right delimiter of the given line.
" The arguments left and right must be strings. If there is no right delimiter (as
" is the case for e.g vim file comments) them the argument right should be ""
" is the case for e.g vim file comments) them the argument right should be ''
" Args:
" -left: the left comment delimiter
@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@ function s:SetupStateBeforeLineComment(topLine, bottomLine)
" manual, do the commenting stuff and recover it later. To avoid slowing
" down commenting few lines, we avoid doing this for ranges smaller than
" 10 lines
if a:bottomLine - a:topLine >= 10 && &foldmethod != "manual"
if a:bottomLine - a:topLine >= 10 && &foldmethod != 'manual'
set foldmethod=manual
@ -1814,7 +1814,7 @@ endfunction
" Function: s:AddRightDelimAligned(delim, theLine, alignIndx) {{{2
" Args:
function s:AddRightDelimAligned(delim, theLine, alignIndx)
if a:delim == ""
if a:delim == ''
return a:theLine
@ -1881,10 +1881,10 @@ endfunction
" Function: s:CanPlaceCursor(line, col) {{{2
" returns 1 if the cursor can be placed exactly in the given position
function s:CanPlaceCursor(line, col)
let c = col(".")
let l = line(".")
let c = col('.')
let l = line('.')
call cursor(a:line, a:col)
let success = (line(".") == a:line && col(".") == a:col)
let success = (line('.') == a:line && col('.') == a:col)
call cursor(l,c)
return success
@ -1942,7 +1942,7 @@ endfunction
function s:ConvertLeadingSpacesToTabs(line)
let toReturn = a:line
while toReturn =~ '^\t*' . s:TabSpace() . '\(.*\)$'
let toReturn = substitute(toReturn, '^\(\t*\)' . s:TabSpace() . '\(.*\)$' , '\1\t\2' , "")
let toReturn = substitute(toReturn, '^\(\t*\)' . s:TabSpace() . '\(.*\)$' , '\1\t\2' , '')
return toReturn
@ -1958,7 +1958,7 @@ endfunction
function s:ConvertLeadingTabsToSpaces(line)
let toReturn = a:line
while toReturn =~ '^\( *\)\t'
let toReturn = substitute(toReturn, '^\( *\)\t', '\1' . s:TabSpace() , "")
let toReturn = substitute(toReturn, '^\( *\)\t', '\1' . s:TabSpace() , '')
return toReturn
@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@ endfunction
function s:ConvertLeadingWhiteSpace(line)
let toReturn = a:line
while toReturn =~ '^ *\t'
let toReturn = substitute(toReturn, '^ *\zs\t\ze', s:TabSpace(), "g")
let toReturn = substitute(toReturn, '^ *\zs\t\ze', s:TabSpace(), 'g')
if !&expandtab
@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@ endfunction
function s:FindDelimiterIndex(delimiter, line)
"make sure the delimiter isn't empty otherwise we go into an infinite loop.
if a:delimiter == ""
if a:delimiter == ''
return -1
@ -2474,13 +2474,13 @@ function s:IsDelimValid(delimiter, delIndx, line)
"to check if the delimiter is real, make sure it isn't preceded by
"an odd number of quotes and followed by the same (which would indicate
"that it is part of a string and therefore is not a comment)
if !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, '"', "\\")) && !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(postComStr, '"', "\\"))
if !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, '"', "\\")) && !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(postComStr, '"', '\\'))
return 0
if !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, "'", "\\")) && !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(postComStr, "'", "\\"))
if !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, "'", '\\')) && !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(postComStr, "'", '\\'))
return 0
if !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, "`", "\\")) && !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(postComStr, "`", "\\"))
if !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, '`', '\\')) && !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(postComStr, '`', '\\'))
return 0
@ -2493,7 +2493,7 @@ function s:IsDelimValid(delimiter, delIndx, line)
"vim comments are so fucking stupid!! Why the hell do they have comment
"delimiters that are used elsewhere in the syntax?!?! We need to check
"some conditions especially for vim
if &filetype == "vim"
if &filetype == 'vim'
if !s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, '"', "\\"))
return 0
@ -2504,8 +2504,8 @@ function s:IsDelimValid(delimiter, delIndx, line)
return 1
let numLeftParen =s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, "(", "\\")
let numRightParen =s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, ")", "\\")
let numLeftParen =s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, '(', '\\')
let numRightParen =s:CountNonESCedOccurances(preComStr, ')', '\\')
"if the quote is inside brackets then assume it isn't a comment
if numLeftParen > numRightParen
@ -2514,7 +2514,7 @@ function s:IsDelimValid(delimiter, delIndx, line)
"if the line has an even num of unescaped "'s then we can assume that
"any given " is not a comment delimiter
if s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(a:line, "\"", "\\"))
if s:IsNumEven(s:CountNonESCedOccurances(a:line, '"', '\\'))
return 0
@ -2781,7 +2781,7 @@ endfunction
" Function: s:NumberOfLeadingTabs(s) {{{2
" returns the number of leading tabs in the given string
function s:NumberOfLeadingTabs(s)
return strlen(substitute(a:s, '^\(\t*\).*$', '\1', ""))
return strlen(substitute(a:s, '^\(\t*\).*$', '\1', ''))
" Function: s:NumLinesInBuf() {{{2
@ -2861,13 +2861,13 @@ endfunction
function s:RestoreScreenState()
if !exists("t:NERDComOldTopLine") || !exists("t:NERDComOldPos")
if !exists('t:NERDComOldTopLine') || !exists('t:NERDComOldPos')
throw 'NERDCommenter exception: cannot restore screen'
call cursor(t:NERDComOldTopLine, 0)
normal! zt
call setpos(".", t:NERDComOldPos)
call setpos('.', t:NERDComOldPos)
" Function: s:Right(...) {{{2
@ -2935,8 +2935,8 @@ endfunction
"Saves the current cursor position in the current buffer and the window
"scroll position
function s:SaveScreenState()
let t:NERDComOldPos = getpos(".")
let t:NERDComOldTopLine = line("w0")
let t:NERDComOldPos = getpos('.')
let t:NERDComOldTopLine = line('w0')
" Function: s:SwapOuterMultiPartDelimsForPlaceHolders(line) {{{2
@ -3001,10 +3001,10 @@ endfunction
"FUNCTION: s:TabSpace() {{{2
"returns a string of spaces equal in length to &tabstop
function s:TabSpace()
let tabSpace = ""
let tabSpace = ''
let spacesPerTab = &tabstop
while spacesPerTab > 0
let tabSpace = tabSpace . " "
let tabSpace = tabSpace . ' '
let spacesPerTab = spacesPerTab - 1
return tabSpace
@ -3016,7 +3016,7 @@ endfunction
" -str: the string to remove esc chars from
" -escChar: the escape char to be removed
function s:UnEsc(str, escChar)
return substitute(a:str, a:escChar, "", "g")
return substitute(a:str, a:escChar, '', 'g')
" Function: s:UntabbedCol(line, col) {{{2
@ -3084,7 +3084,7 @@ call s:CreateMaps('i', 'Insert', 'Insert Comment Here', '')
call s:CreateMaps('', ':', '-Sep3-', '')
call s:CreateMaps('', ':help NERDCommenterContents<CR>', 'Help', '')
inoremap <silent> <plug>NERDCommenterInsert <SPACE><BS><ESC>:call NERDComment('i', "insert")<CR>
inoremap <silent> <plug>NERDCommenterInsert <SPACE><BS><ESC>:call NERDComment('i', 'insert')<CR>
" switch to/from alternative delimiters (does not use wrapper function)
nnoremap <plug>NERDCommenterAltDelims :call <SID>SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(1)<cr>