add comments to MenuItem and MenuController methods

This commit is contained in:
marty 2009-08-20 13:35:47 +12:00
parent 46710bfb25
commit 10bb62a728

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@ -466,6 +466,7 @@ endfunction
let s:MenuController = {}
"FUNCTION: MenuController.New(menuItems) {{{3
"create a new menu controller that operates on the given menu items
function! s:MenuController.New(menuItems)
let newMenuController = copy(self)
let newMenuController.menuItems = a:menuItems
@ -473,6 +474,8 @@ function! s:MenuController.New(menuItems)
"FUNCTION: MenuController.showMenu() {{{3
"start the main loop of the menu and get the user to choose/execute a menu
function! s:MenuController.showMenu()
call self._saveOptions()
@ -495,7 +498,9 @@ function! s:MenuController.showMenu()
call m.execute()
"FUNCTION: MenuController._prompt() {{{3
"get the prompt that should be displayed to the user
function! s:MenuController._prompt()
let toReturn = ''
let toReturn .= "NERDTree Menu. Use j/k/enter and the shortcuts indicated\n"
@ -515,12 +520,13 @@ function! s:MenuController._prompt()
"FUNCTION: MenuController._current(key) {{{3
"get the MenuItem that is curently selected
function! s:MenuController._current()
return self.menuItems[self.selection]
"FUNCTION: MenuController._handleKeypress(key) {{{3
"changes the selection (if appropriate) and returns 1 if the user has made
"change the selection (if appropriate) and return 1 if the user has made
"their choice, 0 otherwise
function! s:MenuController._handleKeypress(key)
if a:key == 'j'
@ -546,6 +552,7 @@ function! s:MenuController._handleKeypress(key)
"FUNCTION: MenuController._allIndexesFor(shortcut) {{{3
"get indexes to all menu items with the given shortcut
function! s:MenuController._allIndexesFor(shortcut)
let toReturn = []
@ -559,6 +566,8 @@ function! s:MenuController._allIndexesFor(shortcut)
"FUNCTION: MenuController._nextIndexFor(shortcut) {{{3
"get the index to the next menu item with the given shortcut, starts from the
"current cursor location and wraps around to the top again if need be
function! s:MenuController._nextIndexFor(shortcut)
for i in range(self.selection+1, len(self.menuItems)-1)
if self.menuItems[i].shortcut == a:shortcut
@ -576,6 +585,8 @@ function! s:MenuController._nextIndexFor(shortcut)
"FUNCTION: MenuController._redraw() {{{3
"wrapper for :redraw[!]. Exists mainly to encapsulate a hack where gtk2 gvim
"doesnt redraw properly without the !
function! s:MenuController._redraw()
if has("gui_running")
@ -585,6 +596,8 @@ function! s:MenuController._redraw()
"FUNCTION: MenuController._setCmdheight() {{{3
"sets &cmdheight to whatever is needed to display the menu. The gtk2 gvim
"spazzes out if we dont have an extra line
function! s:MenuController._setCmdheight()
if has("gui_running")
let &cmdheight = len(self.menuItems) + 3
@ -594,6 +607,8 @@ function! s:MenuController._setCmdheight()
"FUNCTION: MenuController._saveOptions() {{{3
"set any vim options that are required to make the menu work (saving their old
function! s:MenuController._saveOptions()
let self._oldLazyredraw = &lazyredraw
let self._oldCmdheight = &cmdheight
@ -602,6 +617,7 @@ function! s:MenuController._saveOptions()
"FUNCTION: MenuController._restoreOptions() {{{3
"restore the options we saved in _saveOptions()
function! s:MenuController._restoreOptions()
let &cmdheight = self._oldCmdheight
let &lazyredraw = self._oldLazyredraw
@ -645,6 +661,7 @@ endfunction
let s:MenuItem = {}
"FUNCTION: MenuItem.All() {{{3
"get all top level menu items
function! s:MenuItem.All()
if !exists("s:menuItems")
let s:menuItems = []
@ -653,6 +670,7 @@ function! s:MenuItem.All()
"FUNCTION: MenuItem.AllEnabled() {{{3
"get all top level menu items that are currently enabled
function! s:MenuItem.AllEnabled()
let toReturn = []
for i in s:MenuItem.All()
@ -664,6 +682,7 @@ function! s:MenuItem.AllEnabled()
"FUNCTION: MenuItem.Create(options) {{{3
"make a new menu item and add it to the global list
function! s:MenuItem.Create(options)
let newMenuItem = copy(self)
@ -687,6 +706,7 @@ function! s:MenuItem.Create(options)
"FUNCTION: MenuItem.CreateSeparator(options) {{{3
"make a new separator menu item and add it to the global list
function! s:MenuItem.CreateSeparator(options)
let standard_options = { 'text': '--------------------',
\ 'shortcut': -1,
@ -697,6 +717,10 @@ function! s:MenuItem.CreateSeparator(options)
"FUNCTION: MenuItem.enabled() {{{3
"return 1 if this menu item should be displayed
"delegates off to the isActiveCallback, and defaults to 1 if no callback was
function! s:MenuItem.enabled()
if self.isActiveCallback != -1
return {self.isActiveCallback}()
@ -705,6 +729,9 @@ function! s:MenuItem.enabled()
"FUNCTION: MenuItem.execute() {{{3
"perform the action behind this menu item, if this menuitem has children then
"display a new menu for them, otherwise deletegate off to the menuitem's
function! s:MenuItem.execute()
if len(self.children)
let mc = s:MenuController.New(self.children)
@ -717,6 +744,7 @@ function! s:MenuItem.execute()
"FUNCTION: MenuItem.isSeparator() {{{3
"return 1 if this menuitem is a separator
function! s:MenuItem.isSeparator()
return self.callback == -1