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synced 2025-02-21 23:57:40 +08:00
Better handling file renaming and deleting
If you are renaming a file via the mm hotkey and it is already opened then all tabs and windows containing the old file will be replaced with a new file. Current tab and windows structure is not changed anymore If you are deleting a file via the md hotkey and it is already open, i.e. presents in buffer lists then a buffer will be removed but a window and tab will be kept with a ':enew' file
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,7 +58,41 @@ endfunction
function! s:promptToDelBuffer(bufnum, msg)
echo a:msg
if g:NERDTreeAutoDeleteBuffer || nr2char(getchar()) ==# 'y'
exec "silent bdelete! " . a:bufnum
" 1. ensure that all windows which display the just deleted filename
" now display an empty buffer (so a layout is preserved).
" Is not it better to close single tabs with this file only ?
let s:originalTabNumber = tabpagenr()
let s:originalWindowNumber = winnr()
exec "tabdo windo if winbufnr(0) == " . a:bufnum . " | exec ':enew! ' | endif"
exec "tabnext " . s:originalTabNumber
exec s:originalWindowNumber . "wincmd w"
" 3. We don't need a previous buffer anymore
exec "bwipeout! " . a:bufnum
"FUNCTION: s:promptToRenameBuffer(bufnum, msg){{{1
"prints out the given msg and, if the user responds by pushing 'y' then the
"buffer with the given bufnum is replaced with a new one
"bufnum: the buffer that may be deleted
"msg: a message that will be echoed to the user asking them if they wish to
" del the buffer
function! s:promptToRenameBuffer(bufnum, msg, newFileName)
echo a:msg
if g:NERDTreeAutoDeleteBuffer || nr2char(getchar()) ==# 'y'
" 1. ensure that a new buffer is loaded
exec "badd " . a:newFileName
" 2. ensure that all windows which display the just deleted filename
" display a buffer for a new filename.
let s:originalTabNumber = tabpagenr()
let s:originalWindowNumber = winnr()
exec "tabdo windo if winbufnr(0) == " . a:bufnum . " | exec ':e! " . a:newFileName . "' | endif"
exec "tabnext " . s:originalTabNumber
exec s:originalWindowNumber . "wincmd w"
" 3. We don't need a previous buffer anymore
exec "bwipeout! " . a:bufnum
"FUNCTION: NERDTreeAddNode(){{{1
@ -112,8 +146,8 @@ function! NERDTreeMoveNode()
"if the node is open in a buffer, ask the user if they want to
"close that buffer
if bufnum != -1
let prompt = "\nNode renamed.\n\nThe old file is open in buffer ". bufnum . (bufwinnr(bufnum) ==# -1 ? " (hidden)" : "") .". Delete this buffer? (yN)"
call s:promptToDelBuffer(bufnum, prompt)
let prompt = "\nNode renamed.\n\nThe old file is open in buffer ". bufnum . (bufwinnr(bufnum) ==# -1 ? " (hidden)" : "") .". Replace this buffer with a new file? (yN)"
call s:promptToRenameBuffer(bufnum, prompt, newNodePath)
call curNode.putCursorHere(1, 0)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user