diff --git a/plugins/heroku-alias/README.md b/plugins/heroku-alias/README.md
index 4b7b953fd..4ecb07a23 100644
--- a/plugins/heroku-alias/README.md
+++ b/plugins/heroku-alias/README.md
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 # heroku-alias
-🧬 Full alias for heroku cli
-|🚀 last maj|📡 source|
-|02/06/2020|[heroku cli doc](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli-commands)|
+Full alias list for Heroku CLI.
-# Alias list
+To use it, add `heroku-alias` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
-## general
-| Alias  | Command |
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-| h | heroku |
-| hauto | heroku autocomplete $(echo $SHELL) |
-| hl | heroku local |
-## config
-| Alias  | Command |
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-| hc | heroku config |
-| hca | heroku config -a |
-| hcr | heroku config -r |
-| hcs | heroku config:set |
-| hcu | heroku config:unset |
-| hcfile | function hcfile bellow |
-hcfile() {
-  echo " Which platform [-r/a name] ? "
-  read platform
-  echo " Which file ? "
-  read file
-  while read line;
-    do heroku config:set "$platform" "$line";
-  done < "$file"
+plugins=(... heroku-alias)
-## apps and favorites
-| Alias  | Command |
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-| ha | heroku apps |
-| hpop | heroku create |
-| hkill | heroku apps:destroy |
-| hlog | heroku apps:errors |
-| hfav | heroku apps:favorites |
-| hfava | heroku apps:favorites:add |
-| hfavr | heroku apps:favorites:remove |
-| hai | heroku apps:info |
-| hair | heroku apps:info -r |
-| haia | heroku apps:info -a |
+## Requirements
-# auth
-| Alias  | Command |
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-| h2fa | heroku auth:2fa |
+- [Heroku CLI](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli)
+| 🚀 last maj | 📡 source                                                                    |
+| ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| 02/06/2020 | [heroku cli doc](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli-commands) |
+## Aliases
+### general
+| Alias | Command                            |
+| ----- | ---------------------------------- |
+| h     | heroku                             |
+| hauto | heroku autocomplete $(echo $SHELL) |
+| hl    | heroku local                       |
+### config
+| Alias  | Command                |
+| ------ | ---------------------- |
+| hc     | heroku config          |
+| hca    | heroku config -a       |
+| hcr    | heroku config -r       |
+| hcs    | heroku config:set      |
+| hcu    | heroku config:unset    |
+Also, you can use the `hcfile` function to set multiple config variables from a file,
+which asks you for a platform and a config file to read the configuration from.
+### apps and favorites
+| Alias | Command                      |
+| ----- | ---------------------------- |
+| ha    | heroku apps                  |
+| hpop  | heroku create                |
+| hkill | heroku apps:destroy          |
+| hlog  | heroku apps:errors           |
+| hfav  | heroku apps:favorites        |
+| hfava | heroku apps:favorites:add    |
+| hfavr | heroku apps:favorites:remove |
+| hai   | heroku apps:info             |
+| hair  | heroku apps:info -r          |
+| haia  | heroku apps:info -a          |
+## auth
+| Alias | Command                 |
+| ----- | ----------------------- |
+| h2fa  | heroku auth:2fa         |
 | h2far | heroku auth:2fa:disable |
-# access
-| Alias  | Command |
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-| hac | heroku access |
-| hacr | heroku access -r |
-| haca | heroku access -a |
-| hadd | heroku access:add |
-| hdel | heroku access:remove |
-| hup | heroku access:update |
+## access
-## addons
-| Alias  | Command |
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-| hads | heroku addons -A |
-| hada | heroku addons -a |
-| hadr | heroku addons -r |
-| hadat | heroku addons:attach |
-| hadc | heroku addons:create |
+| Alias | Command              |
+| ----- | -------------------- |
+| hac   | heroku access        |
+| hacr  | heroku access -r     |
+| haca  | heroku access -a     |
+| hadd  | heroku access:add    |
+| hdel  | heroku access:remove |
+| hup   | heroku access:update |
+### addons
+| Alias | Command               |
+| ----- | --------------------- |
+| hads  | heroku addons -A      |
+| hada  | heroku addons -a      |
+| hadr  | heroku addons -r      |
+| hadat | heroku addons:attach  |
+| hadc  | heroku addons:create  |
 | hadel | heroku addons:destroy |
-| hadde | heroku addons:detach |
-| hadoc | heroku addons:docs |
+| hadde | heroku addons:detach  |
+| hadoc | heroku addons:docs    |
-## login
-| Alias  | Command |
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-| hin | heroku login |
-| hout | heroku logout |
-| hi | heroku login -i |
-| hwho | heroku auth:whoami |
+### login
-## authorizations
-| Alias  | Command |
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-| hth | heroku authorizations |
+| Alias | Command            |
+| ----- | ------------------ |
+| hin   | heroku login       |
+| hout  | heroku logout      |
+| hi    | heroku login -i    |
+| hwho  | heroku auth:whoami |
+### authorizations
+| Alias  | Command                      |
+| ------ | ---------------------------- |
+| hth    | heroku authorizations        |
 | hthadd | heroku authorizations:create |
-| hthif | heroku authorizations:info |
+| hthif  | heroku authorizations:info   |
 | hthdel | heroku authorizations:revoke |
 | hthrot | heroku authorizations:rotate |
-| hthup | heroku authorizations:update |
+| hthup  | heroku authorizations:update |
-## plugins
-| Alias  | Command |
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-| hp | heroku plugins |
+### plugins
-# log
-| Alias  | Command |
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-|hg | heroku logs|
-| hgt | heroku log tail |
+| Alias | Command        |
+| ----- | -------------- |
+| hp    | heroku plugins |
-# database
-| Alias  | Command |
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-| hpg | heroku pg |
-| hpsql | heroku pg:psql |
-| hpb | heroku pg:backups |
-| hpbc | heroku pg:backups:capture |
-| hpbd | heroku pg:backups:download |
-| hpbr | heroku pg:backups:restore |
+### log
-# certs
-| Alias  | Command |
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-| hssl | heroku certs |
-| hssli | heroku certs:info |
-| hssla | heroku certs:add |
+| Alias | Command         |
+| ----- | --------------- |
+| hg    | heroku logs     |
+| hgt   | heroku log tail |
+### database
+| Alias | Command                    |
+| ----- | -------------------------- |
+| hpg   | heroku pg                  |
+| hpsql | heroku pg:psql             |
+| hpb   | heroku pg:backups          |
+| hpbc  | heroku pg:backups:capture  |
+| hpbd  | heroku pg:backups:download |
+| hpbr  | heroku pg:backups:restore  |
+### certs
+| Alias | Command             |
+| ----- | ------------------- |
+| hssl  | heroku certs        |
+| hssli | heroku certs:info   |
+| hssla | heroku certs:add    |
 | hsslu | heroku certs:update |
 | hsslr | heroku certs:remove |
diff --git a/plugins/heroku-alias/heroku.alias.sh b/plugins/heroku-alias/heroku-alias.plugin.zsh
similarity index 100%
rename from plugins/heroku-alias/heroku.alias.sh
rename to plugins/heroku-alias/heroku-alias.plugin.zsh