Uniform git prompt equal remote to all others prompts, setting the correct symbol
(if applicable) to $git_remote_status, instead of echoing it.
It also solves the problem pointed out in #3911
This adds two new theme functions for git:
* `git_prompt_behind` works in a identical fashion to `git_prompt_ahead`
and will output a format variable (`ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_BEHIND`) if
the branch is behind.
* `git_prompt_remote` will output one format variable if the branch
exists on remote (`ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_REMOTE_EXISTS`), and another
if the branch is unpublished (`ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_REMOTE_MISSING`).
The old `git_prompt_ahead` has been changed. Using git log is subject
to formatting in .gitconfig, which can be overridden and will break
this function. Relying on rev-list is much more stable.
Commit 81004dfaba509ff62a13ba303ab941938d619326 reverted the change
in 9b811fb625c03c30a766191cdf65a1c7c1fd96b2 when editing the merge
conflict from #2928.
This commit fixes that so that we don't make the same mistake again.
First seen in http://git.io/Cdaj5Q
Merged from #2906
The function `git_prompt_info` calls `git config` for its stdout output,
but doesn't handle the stderr output. This can lead to problems,
e.g. if the git config file is unreadable for some reason (permissions
This fixes the issue by simply ignoring the stderr output.
In this commit, the option only works for git but it should not be to hard for
someone who knows svn to so the same.
This commit is largely inspired by @yoavweiss, I only added an option to use
If oh-my-zsh.hide-status is configured, the 'clean' code won't be
generated, and some themes might end up distorted. Let's generate the
'clean' code even when we don't want the show the dirty status.
Signed-off-by: Felipe Contreras <felipe.contreras@gmail.com>
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# modified: git.zsh
#, ignoring untracked files, which seems to be the primary cause for slowness
This patch makes git_prompt_status support three new status variables:
With these extra variables it's easy to see (1) if you have commits in
your local branch that weren't pushed to the remote (AHEAD), (2) if
there are commits in the remote that you haven't merged/rebased yet
(BEHIND) or (3) if you have local unpushed commits AND the remote has
some commits you haven't merged yet (DIVERGED).
Refer to the first line displayed on `git status -b --porcelain`.
An example setup in a .zsh-theme file would be:
For certain git repositories, this slows down usage
of the shell horifically.
This option can be set with
git config --add oh-my-zsh.hide-status 1
which will disable checking/showing the status notification