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synced 2025-03-04 15:17:56 +08:00

A new "lib/compfix.zsh" script defining a new handle_completion_insecurities() function has been added, which handles insecure completion directories by notifying users of said insecurities and moving away all existing completion caches to a temporary directory. While intended to be called at startup, this function is generally callable at any time (e.g., for testing).
61 lines
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61 lines
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# Handle completions insecurities (i.e., completion-dependent directories with
# insecure ownership or permissions) by:
# * Human-readably notifying the user of these insecurities.
# * Moving away all existing completion caches to a temporary directory. Since
# any of these caches may have been generated from insecure directories, they
# are all suspect now. Failing to do so typically causes subsequent compinit()
# calls to fail with "command not found: compdef" errors. (That's bad.)
function handle_completion_insecurities() {
# List of the absolute paths of all unique insecure directories, split on
# newline from compaudit()'s output resembling:
# There are insecure directories:
# /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
# /usr/share/zsh/5.0.6/functions
# /usr/share/zsh
# /usr/share/zsh/5.0.6
# Since the ignorable first line is printed to stderr and thus not captured,
# stderr is squelched to prevent this output from leaking to the user.
local -aU insecure_dirs
insecure_dirs=( ${(f@):-"$(compaudit 2>/dev/null)"} )
# If no such directories exist, get us out of here.
if (( ! ${#insecure_dirs} )); then
print "[oh-my-zsh] No insecure completion-dependent directories detected."
# List ownership and permissions of all insecure directories.
print "[oh-my-zsh] Insecure completion-dependent directories detected:"
ls -ld "${(@)insecure_dirs}"
print "[oh-my-zsh] For safety, completions will be disabled until you manually fix all"
print "[oh-my-zsh] insecure directory permissions and ownership and restart oh-my-zsh."
print "[oh-my-zsh] See the above list for directories with group or other writability.\n"
# Locally enable the "NULL_GLOB" option, thus removing unmatched filename
# globs from argument lists *AND* printing no warning when doing so. Failing
# to do so prints an unreadable warning if no completion caches exist below.
setopt local_options null_glob
# List of the absolute paths of all unique existing completion caches.
local -aU zcompdump_files
zcompdump_files=( "${ZSH_COMPDUMP}"(.) "${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}"/.zcompdump* )
# Move such caches to a temporary directory.
if (( ${#zcompdump_files} )); then
# Absolute path of the directory to which such files will be moved.
local ZSH_ZCOMPDUMP_BAD_DIR="${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/zcompdump-bad"
# List such files first.
print "[oh-my-zsh] Insecure completion caches also detected:"
ls -l "${(@)zcompdump_files}"
# For safety, move rather than permanently remove such files.
print "[oh-my-zsh] Moving to \"${ZSH_ZCOMPDUMP_BAD_DIR}/\"...\n"
mv "${(@)zcompdump_files}" "${ZSH_ZCOMPDUMP_BAD_DIR}/"