Don't update during window opening, closes #179

Plugins like MiniBufExplorer can trigger an update before window
initialization has finished, leading to errors. Skip processing until
that is done.
This commit is contained in:
Jan Larres 2013-11-06 17:06:39 +13:00
parent abffaba655
commit 0fd09344c7

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@ -1733,8 +1733,10 @@ function! s:OpenWindow(flags) abort
let s:window_expanded = 1
let s:window_opening = 1
let openpos = g:tagbar_left ? 'topleft vertical ' : 'botright vertical '
exe 'silent keepalt ' . openpos . g:tagbar_width . 'split ' . '__Tagbar__'
unlet s:window_opening
call s:InitWindow(autoclose)
@ -2915,7 +2917,7 @@ function! s:HighlightTag(openfolds, ...) abort
let foldpat = '[' . s:icon_open . s:icon_closed . ' ]'
let pattern = '/^\%' . tagline . 'l\s*' . foldpat . '[-+# ]\zs[^( ]\+\ze/'
call s:LogDebugMessage("Highlight pattern: '" . pattern . "'")
if exists('g:syntax_on') " Safeguard in case syntax highlighting is disabled
if hlexists('TagbarHighlight') " Safeguard in case syntax highlighting is disabled
execute 'match TagbarHighlight ' . pattern
execute 'match Search ' . pattern
@ -3196,6 +3198,15 @@ function! s:AutoUpdate(fname, force) abort
" don't process it
if exists('s:tagbar_qf_active')
elseif exists('s:window_opening')
" This can happen if another plugin causes the active window to change
" with an autocmd during the initial Tagbar window creation. In that
" case InitWindow() hasn't had a chance to run yet and things can
" break. MiniBufExplorer does this, for example. Completely disabling
" autocmds at that point is also not ideal since for example
" statusline plugins won't be able to update.
call s:LogDebugMessage('Still opening window, stopping processing')
" Get the filetype of the file we're about to process