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synced 2025-02-08 06:42:02 +08:00
Add debugging functionality
This commit is contained in:
@ -99,9 +99,13 @@ let s:access_symbols = {
let g:loaded_tagbar = 1
let s:last_highlight_tline = 0
let s:debug = 0
let s:debug_file = ''
" s:InitTypes() {{{2
function! s:InitTypes()
call s:LogDebugMessage('Initializing types')
let s:known_types = {}
" Ant {{{3
@ -748,6 +752,8 @@ endfunction
" s:GetUserTypeDefs() {{{2
function! s:GetUserTypeDefs()
call s:LogDebugMessage('Initializing user types')
redir => defs
silent execute 'let g:'
redir END
@ -798,6 +804,8 @@ endfunction
" s:RestoreSession() {{{2
" Properly restore Tagbar after a session got loaded
function! s:RestoreSession()
call s:LogDebugMessage('Restoring session')
let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr('__Tagbar__')
if tagbarwinnr == -1
" Tagbar wasn't open in the saved session, nothing to do
@ -833,6 +841,8 @@ endfunction
" s:MapKeys() {{{2
function! s:MapKeys()
call s:LogDebugMessage('Mapping keys')
nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> <2-LeftMouse>
\ :call <SID>JumpToTag(0)<CR>
nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> <LeftRelease>
@ -876,6 +886,8 @@ endfunction
" s:CreateAutocommands() {{{2
function! s:CreateAutocommands()
call s:LogDebugMessage('Creating autocommands')
augroup TagbarAutoCmds
autocmd BufEnter __Tagbar__ nested call s:QuitIfOnlyWindow()
@ -899,6 +911,8 @@ endfunction
" Test whether the ctags binary is actually Exuberant Ctags and not GNU ctags
" (or something else)
function! s:CheckForExCtags()
call s:LogDebugMessage('Checking for Exuberant Ctags')
let ctags_cmd = s:EscapeCtagsCmd(g:tagbar_ctags_bin, '--version')
if ctags_cmd == ''
@ -940,6 +954,8 @@ endfunction
" s:CheckExCtagsVersion() {{{2
function! s:CheckExCtagsVersion(output)
call s:LogDebugMessage('Checking Exuberant Ctags version')
if a:output =~ 'Exuberant Ctags Development'
return 1
@ -1550,18 +1566,23 @@ endfunction
" s:ProcessFile() {{{2
" Execute ctags and put the information into a 'FileInfo' object
function! s:ProcessFile(fname, ftype)
call s:LogDebugMessage('ProcessFile called on ' . a:fname)
if !s:IsValidFile(a:fname, a:ftype)
call s:LogDebugMessage('Not a valid file, returning')
let ctags_output = s:ExecuteCtagsOnFile(a:fname, a:ftype)
if ctags_output == -1
call s:LogDebugMessage('Ctags error when processing file')
" put an empty entry into known_files so the error message is only
" shown once
call s:known_files.put({}, a:fname)
elseif ctags_output == ''
call s:LogDebugMessage('Ctags output empty')
@ -1577,6 +1598,7 @@ function! s:ProcessFile(fname, ftype)
let typeinfo = s:known_types[a:ftype]
" Parse the ctags output lines
call s:LogDebugMessage('Parsing ctags output')
let rawtaglist = split(ctags_output, '\n\+')
for line in rawtaglist
let parts = split(line, ';"')
@ -1590,6 +1612,8 @@ function! s:ProcessFile(fname, ftype)
" Process scoped tags
let processedtags = []
if has_key(typeinfo, 'kind2scope')
call s:LogDebugMessage('Processing scoped tags')
let scopedtags = []
let is_scoped = 'has_key(typeinfo.kind2scope, v:val.fields.kind) ||
\ has_key(v:val, "scope")'
@ -1605,11 +1629,15 @@ function! s:ProcessFile(fname, ftype)
\ 'Please contact the script maintainer with an example.'
call s:LogDebugMessage('Number of top-level tags: ' . len(processedtags))
" Create a placeholder tag for the 'kind' header for folding purposes
for kind in typeinfo.kinds
let curtags = filter(copy(fileinfo.tags),
\ 'v:val.fields.kind ==# kind.short')
call s:LogDebugMessage('Processing kind: ' . kind.short .
\ ', number of tags: ' . len(curtags))
if empty(curtags)
@ -1629,7 +1657,7 @@ function! s:ProcessFile(fname, ftype)
call extend(fileinfo.tags, processedtags)
" Clear old folding information from previous file version
" Clear old folding information from previous file version to prevent leaks
call fileinfo.clearOldFolds()
" Sort the tags
@ -1641,6 +1669,8 @@ endfunction
" s:ExecuteCtagsOnFile() {{{2
function! s:ExecuteCtagsOnFile(fname, ftype)
call s:LogDebugMessage('ExecuteCtagsOnFile called on ' . a:fname)
let typeinfo = s:known_types[a:ftype]
if has_key(typeinfo, 'ctagsargs')
@ -1690,6 +1720,8 @@ function! s:ExecuteCtagsOnFile(fname, ftype)
echoerr 'Tagbar: Could not execute ctags for ' . a:fname . '!'
echomsg 'Executed command: "' . ctags_cmd . '"'
if !empty(ctags_output)
call s:LogDebugMessage('Command output:')
call s:LogDebugMessage(ctags_output)
echomsg 'Command output:'
for line in split(ctags_output, '\n')
echomsg line
@ -1698,6 +1730,7 @@ function! s:ExecuteCtagsOnFile(fname, ftype)
return -1
call s:LogDebugMessage('Ctags executed successfully')
return ctags_output
@ -2029,6 +2062,8 @@ endfunction
" Display {{{1
" s:RenderContent() {{{2
function! s:RenderContent(...)
call s:LogDebugMessage('RenderContent called')
if a:0 == 1
let fileinfo = a:1
@ -2036,6 +2071,7 @@ function! s:RenderContent(...)
if empty(fileinfo)
call s:LogDebugMessage('Empty fileinfo, returning')
@ -2052,6 +2088,7 @@ function! s:RenderContent(...)
if !empty(s:known_files.getCurrent()) &&
\ fileinfo.fpath ==# s:known_files.getCurrent().fpath
" We're redisplaying the same file, so save the view
call s:LogDebugMessage('Redisplaying file' . fileinfo.fpath)
let saveline = line('.')
let savecol = col('.')
let topline = line('w0')
@ -2114,11 +2151,15 @@ endfunction
" s:PrintKinds() {{{2
function! s:PrintKinds(typeinfo, fileinfo)
call s:LogDebugMessage('PrintKinds called')
let first_tag = 1
for kind in a:typeinfo.kinds
let curtags = filter(copy(a:fileinfo.tags),
\ 'v:val.fields.kind ==# kind.short')
call s:LogDebugMessage('Printing kind: ' . kind.short .
\ ', number of (top-level) tags: ' . len(curtags))
if empty(curtags)
@ -2669,17 +2710,23 @@ endfunction
" s:AutoUpdate() {{{2
function! s:AutoUpdate(fname)
call s:LogDebugMessage('AutoUpdate called on ' . a:fname)
" Don't do anything if tagbar is not open or if we're in the tagbar window
let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr('__Tagbar__')
if tagbarwinnr == -1 || &filetype == 'tagbar'
call s:LogDebugMessage('Tagbar window not open or in Tagbar window')
" Only consider the main filetype in cases like 'python.django'
let ftype = get(split(&filetype, '\.'), 0, '')
call s:LogDebugMessage('Vim filetype: ' . &filetype .
\ ', sanitized filetype: ' . ftype)
" Don't do anything if the file isn't supported
if !s:IsValidFile(a:fname, ftype)
call s:LogDebugMessage('Not a valid file, stopping processing')
@ -2688,9 +2735,11 @@ function! s:AutoUpdate(fname)
" if there was an error during the ctags execution
if s:known_files.has(a:fname) && !empty(s:known_files.get(a:fname))
if s:known_files.get(a:fname).mtime != getftime(a:fname)
call s:LogDebugMessage('Filedata outdated, updating ' . a:fname)
call s:ProcessFile(a:fname, ftype)
elseif !s:known_files.has(a:fname)
call s:LogDebugMessage('Unknown file, processing ' . a:fname)
call s:ProcessFile(a:fname, ftype)
@ -2699,6 +2748,7 @@ function! s:AutoUpdate(fname)
" If we don't have an entry for the file by now something must have gone
" wrong, so don't change the tagbar content
if empty(fileinfo)
call s:LogDebugMessage('fileinfo empty after processing: ' . a:fname)
@ -2708,23 +2758,28 @@ function! s:AutoUpdate(fname)
" Call setCurrent after rendering so RenderContent can check whether the
" same file is redisplayed
if !empty(fileinfo)
call s:LogDebugMessage('Setting current file to ' . a:fname)
call s:known_files.setCurrent(fileinfo)
call s:HighlightTag()
call s:LogDebugMessage('AutoUpdate finished successfully')
" s:IsValidFile() {{{2
function! s:IsValidFile(fname, ftype)
if a:fname == '' || a:ftype == ''
call s:LogDebugMessage('Empty filename or type')
return 0
if !filereadable(a:fname)
call s:LogDebugMessage('File not readable')
return 0
if !has_key(s:known_types, a:ftype)
call s:LogDebugMessage('Unsupported filetype: ' . a:ftype)
return 0
@ -2736,6 +2791,10 @@ endfunction
" properly escaped and converted to the system's encoding
" Optional third parameter is a file name to run ctags on
function! s:EscapeCtagsCmd(ctags_bin, args, ...)
call s:LogDebugMessage('EscapeCtagsCmd called')
call s:LogDebugMessage('ctags_bin: ' . a:ctags_bin)
call s:LogDebugMessage('ctags_args: ' . a:args)
if exists('+shellslash')
let shellslash_save = &shellslash
set noshellslash
@ -2761,6 +2820,8 @@ function! s:EscapeCtagsCmd(ctags_bin, args, ...)
let ctags_cmd = iconv(ctags_cmd, &encoding, $LANG)
call s:LogDebugMessage('Escaped ctags command: ' . ctags_cmd)
if ctags_cmd == ''
echoerr 'Tagbar: Encoding conversion failed!'
\ 'Please make sure your system is set up correctly'
@ -2897,6 +2958,44 @@ function! TagbarGenerateStatusline()
return text
" Debugging {{{1
" s:StartDebug() {{{2
function! s:StartDebug(filename)
if empty(a:filename)
let s:debug_file = 'tagbardebug.log'
let s:debug_file = a:filename
" Empty log file
exe 'redir! > ' . s:debug_file
redir END
" Check whether the log file could be created
if !filewritable(s:debug_file)
echomsg 'Tagbar: Unable to create log file ' . s:debug_file
let s:debug_file = ''
let s:debug = 1
" s:StopDebug() {{{2
function! s:StopDebug()
let s:debug = 0
let s:debug_file = ''
" s:LogDebugMessage() {{{2
function! s:LogDebugMessage(msg)
if s:debug
exe 'redir >> ' . s:debug_file
silent echon strftime('%H:%M:%S') . ': ' . a:msg . "\n"
redir END
" Autoload functions {{{1
function! tagbar#ToggleWindow()
call s:ToggleWindow()
@ -2919,6 +3018,15 @@ function! tagbar#OpenParents()
call s:OpenParents()
function! tagbar#StartDebug(...)
let filename = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : ''
call s:StartDebug(filename)
function! tagbar#StopDebug()
call s:StopDebug()
function! tagbar#RestoreSession()
call s:RestoreSession()
@ -260,6 +260,14 @@ COMMANDS *tagbar-commands*
Open the parent folds of the current tag in the file window as much as
needed for the tag to be visible in the Tagbar window.
:TagbarDebug [logfile]
Start debug mode. This will write debug messages to file [logfile] while
using Tagbar. If no argument is given "tagbardebug.log" in the current
directory is used. Note: an existing file will be overwritten!
End debug mode, debug messages will no longer be written to the logfile.
KEY MAPPINGS *tagbar-keys*
@ -821,6 +829,12 @@ ctags manually execute the following command in a terminal:
If you set the |g:tagbar_ctags_bin| variable you probably have to use the same
value here instead of simply "ctags".
If Tagbar doesn't seem to work at all, but you don't get any error messages,
you can use Tagbar's debug mode to try to find the source of the problem (see
|tagbar-commands| on how to invoke it). In that case you should especially pay
attention to the reported file type and the ctags command line in the log
- jsctags has to be newer than 2011-01-06 since it needs the "-f" option to
work. Also, the output of jsctags seems to be a bit unreliable at the
@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ command! -nargs=0 TagbarOpenAutoClose call tagbar#OpenWindow('fc')
command! -nargs=0 TagbarClose call tagbar#CloseWindow()
command! -nargs=1 TagbarSetFoldlevel call tagbar#SetFoldLevel(<args>)
command! -nargs=0 TagbarShowTag call tagbar#OpenParents()
command! -nargs=? TagbarDebug call tagbar#StartDebug(<f-args>)
command! -nargs=0 TagbarDebugEnd call tagbar#StopDebug()
" Modeline {{{1
" vim: ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et foldenable foldmethod=marker foldcolumn=1
Reference in New Issue
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