Extract debug functionality into separate file

This commit is contained in:
Jan Larres 2017-08-20 17:02:36 +12:00
parent 8a1bbcb420
commit 877a4a939c
3 changed files with 144 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ let s:delayed_update_files = []
let g:loaded_tagbar = 1
let s:last_highlight_tline = 0
let s:debug = 0
let s:debug_file = ''
let s:warnings = {
\ 'type': [],
@ -114,7 +112,7 @@ endfunction
" s:InitTypes() {{{2
function! s:InitTypes() abort
call s:debug('Initializing types')
call tagbar#debug#log('Initializing types')
let supported_types = s:GetSupportedFiletypes()
@ -127,7 +125,7 @@ function! s:InitTypes() abort
" Use jsctags/doctorjs if available
let jsctags = s:CheckFTCtags('jsctags', 'javascript')
if jsctags != ''
call s:debug('Detected jsctags, overriding typedef')
call tagbar#debug#log('Detected jsctags, overriding typedef')
let type_javascript = tagbar#prototypes#typeinfo#new()
let type_javascript.ctagstype = 'javascript'
let type_javascript.kinds = [
@ -174,12 +172,12 @@ function! s:LoadUserTypeDefs(...) abort
if a:0 > 0
let type = a:1
call s:debug("Initializing user type '" . type . "'")
call tagbar#debug#log("Initializing user type '" . type . "'")
let defdict = {}
let defdict[type] = g:tagbar_type_{type}
call s:debug('Initializing user types')
call tagbar#debug#log('Initializing user types')
let defdict = tagbar#getusertypes()
@ -238,11 +236,11 @@ endfunction
" Properly restore Tagbar after a session got loaded
function! s:RestoreSession() abort
if s:init_done
call s:debug('Tagbar already initialized; not restoring session')
call tagbar#debug#log('Tagbar already initialized; not restoring session')
call s:debug('Restoring session')
call tagbar#debug#log('Restoring session')
let curfile = fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p')
@ -273,7 +271,7 @@ endfunction
" s:MapKeys() {{{2
function! s:MapKeys() abort
call s:debug('Mapping keys')
call tagbar#debug#log('Mapping keys')
nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> <2-LeftMouse>
\ :call <SID>JumpToTag(0)<CR>
@ -336,7 +334,7 @@ endfunction
" s:CreateAutocommands() {{{2
function! s:CreateAutocommands() abort
call s:debug('Creating autocommands')
call tagbar#debug#log('Creating autocommands')
augroup TagbarAutoCmds
@ -389,7 +387,7 @@ endfunction
" Test whether the ctags binary is actually Exuberant Ctags and not BSD ctags
" (or something else)
function! s:CheckForExCtags(silent) abort
call s:debug('Checking for Exuberant Ctags')
call tagbar#debug#log('Checking for Exuberant Ctags')
if !exists('g:tagbar_ctags_bin')
let ctagsbins = []
@ -444,8 +442,8 @@ function! s:CheckForExCtags(silent) abort
let ctags_output = s:ExecuteCtags(ctags_cmd)
call s:debug("Command output:\n" . ctags_output)
call s:debug("Exit code: " . v:shell_error)
call tagbar#debug#log("Command output:\n" . ctags_output)
call tagbar#debug#log("Exit code: " . v:shell_error)
if v:shell_error || ctags_output !~# '\(Exuberant\|Universal\) Ctags'
let errmsg = 'Tagbar: Ctags doesn''t seem to be Exuberant Ctags!'
@ -472,7 +470,7 @@ endfunction
" s:CtagsErrMsg() {{{2
function! s:CtagsErrMsg(errmsg, infomsg, silent, ...) abort
call s:debug(a:errmsg)
call tagbar#debug#log(a:errmsg)
let ctags_cmd = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : ''
let ctags_output = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : ''
@ -507,16 +505,16 @@ endfunction
" s:CheckExCtagsVersion() {{{2
function! s:CheckExCtagsVersion(output) abort
call s:debug('Checking Exuberant Ctags version')
call tagbar#debug#log('Checking Exuberant Ctags version')
if a:output =~ 'Universal Ctags'
call s:debug("Found Universal Ctags, assuming compatibility")
call tagbar#debug#log("Found Universal Ctags, assuming compatibility")
let s:ctags_is_uctags = 1
return 1
if a:output =~ 'Exuberant Ctags Development'
call s:debug("Found development version, assuming compatibility")
call tagbar#debug#log("Found development version, assuming compatibility")
return 1
@ -524,7 +522,7 @@ function! s:CheckExCtagsVersion(output) abort
let major = matchlist[1]
let minor = matchlist[2]
call s:debug("Ctags version: major='" . major . "', minor='" . minor . "'")
call tagbar#debug#log("Ctags version: major='" . major . "', minor='" . minor . "'")
return major >= 6 || (major == 5 && minor >= 5)
@ -549,7 +547,7 @@ endfunction
" s:GetSupportedFiletypes() {{{2
function! s:GetSupportedFiletypes() abort
call s:debug('Getting filetypes supported by Exuberant Ctags')
call tagbar#debug#log('Getting filetypes supported by Exuberant Ctags')
let ctags_cmd = s:EscapeCtagsCmd(g:tagbar_ctags_bin, '--list-languages')
if ctags_cmd == ''
@ -605,7 +603,7 @@ endfunction
" s:known_files.rm() {{{2
function! s:known_files.rm(fname) abort dict
if s:known_files.has(a:fname)
call s:debug('Removing fileinfo for [' . a:fname . ']')
call tagbar#debug#log('Removing fileinfo for [' . a:fname . ']')
call remove(self._files, a:fname)
@ -613,7 +611,7 @@ endfunction
" Window management {{{1
" s:ToggleWindow() {{{2
function! s:ToggleWindow(flags) abort
call s:debug('ToggleWindow called')
call tagbar#debug#log('ToggleWindow called')
let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr(s:TagbarBufName())
if tagbarwinnr != -1
@ -623,12 +621,12 @@ function! s:ToggleWindow(flags) abort
call s:OpenWindow(a:flags)
call s:debug('ToggleWindow finished')
call tagbar#debug#log('ToggleWindow finished')
" s:OpenWindow() {{{2
function! s:OpenWindow(flags) abort
call s:debug("OpenWindow called with flags: '" . a:flags . "'")
call tagbar#debug#log("OpenWindow called with flags: '" . a:flags . "'")
let autofocus = a:flags =~# 'f'
let jump = a:flags =~# 'j'
@ -645,7 +643,7 @@ function! s:OpenWindow(flags) abort
call s:goto_win(tagbarwinnr)
call s:HighlightTag(g:tagbar_autoshowtag != 2, 1, curline)
call s:debug("OpenWindow finished, Tagbar already open")
call tagbar#debug#log("OpenWindow finished, Tagbar already open")
@ -736,12 +734,12 @@ function! s:OpenWindow(flags) abort
call s:debug('OpenWindow finished')
call tagbar#debug#log('OpenWindow finished')
" s:InitWindow() {{{2
function! s:InitWindow(autoclose) abort
call s:debug('InitWindow called with autoclose: ' . a:autoclose)
call tagbar#debug#log('InitWindow called with autoclose: ' . a:autoclose)
" Buffer-local options
@ -812,12 +810,12 @@ function! s:InitWindow(autoclose) abort
let s:expand_bufnr = bufnr('%')
call s:debug('InitWindow finished')
call tagbar#debug#log('InitWindow finished')
" s:CloseWindow() {{{2
function! s:CloseWindow() abort
call s:debug('CloseWindow called')
call tagbar#debug#log('CloseWindow called')
let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr(s:TagbarBufName())
if tagbarwinnr == -1
@ -876,7 +874,7 @@ function! s:CloseWindow() abort
let s:autocommands_done = 0
call s:debug('CloseWindow finished')
call tagbar#debug#log('CloseWindow finished')
" s:ShrinkIfExpanded() {{{2
@ -950,10 +948,10 @@ endfunction
" s:ProcessFile() {{{2
" Execute ctags and put the information into a 'FileInfo' object
function! s:ProcessFile(fname, ftype) abort
call s:debug('ProcessFile called [' . a:fname . ']')
call tagbar#debug#log('ProcessFile called [' . a:fname . ']')
if !s:IsValidFile(a:fname, a:ftype)
call s:debug('Not a valid file, returning')
call tagbar#debug#log('Not a valid file, returning')
@ -978,7 +976,7 @@ function! s:ProcessFile(fname, ftype) abort
let fileinfo = tagbar#prototypes#fileinfo#new(a:fname, a:ftype, typeinfo)
call s:debug('typeinfo for file to process: ' . string(typeinfo))
call tagbar#debug#log('typeinfo for file to process: ' . string(typeinfo))
" Use a temporary files for ctags processing instead of the original one.
" This allows using Tagbar for files accessed with netrw, and also doesn't
@ -997,13 +995,13 @@ function! s:ProcessFile(fname, ftype) abort
call delete(tempfile)
if ctags_output == -1
call s:debug('Ctags error when processing file')
call tagbar#debug#log('Ctags error when processing file')
" Put an empty entry into known_files so the error message is only
" shown once
call s:known_files.put({}, a:fname)
elseif ctags_output == ''
call s:debug('Ctags output empty')
call tagbar#debug#log('Ctags output empty')
" No need to go through the tag processing if there are no tags, and
" preserving the old fold state isn't necessary either
call s:known_files.put(tagbar#prototypes#fileinfo#new(a:fname, a:ftype,
@ -1011,10 +1009,10 @@ function! s:ProcessFile(fname, ftype) abort
call s:debug('Filetype tag kinds: ' . string(keys(typeinfo.kinddict)))
call tagbar#debug#log('Filetype tag kinds: ' . string(keys(typeinfo.kinddict)))
" Parse the ctags output lines
call s:debug('Parsing ctags output')
call tagbar#debug#log('Parsing ctags output')
let rawtaglist = split(ctags_output, '\n\+')
for line in rawtaglist
" skip comments
@ -1038,7 +1036,7 @@ function! s:ProcessFile(fname, ftype) abort
let curtags = filter(copy(fileinfo.getTags()),
\ 'v:val.fields.kind ==# kind.short && ' .
\ '!has_key(v:val, "scope")')
call s:debug('Processing kind: ' . kind.short .
call tagbar#debug#log('Processing kind: ' . kind.short .
\ ', number of tags: ' . len(curtags))
if empty(curtags)
@ -1066,7 +1064,7 @@ endfunction
" s:ExecuteCtagsOnFile() {{{2
function! s:ExecuteCtagsOnFile(fname, realfname, typeinfo) abort
call s:debug('ExecuteCtagsOnFile called [' . a:fname . ']')
call tagbar#debug#log('ExecuteCtagsOnFile called [' . a:fname . ']')
if has_key(a:typeinfo, 'ctagsargs') && type(a:typeinfo.ctagsargs) == type('')
" if ctagsargs is a string, prepend and append space separators
@ -1131,9 +1129,9 @@ function! s:ExecuteCtagsOnFile(fname, realfname, typeinfo) abort
let ctags_output = s:ExecuteCtags(ctags_cmd)
if v:shell_error || ctags_output =~ 'Warning: cannot open source file'
call s:debug('Command output:')
call s:debug(ctags_output)
call s:debug('Exit code: ' . v:shell_error)
call tagbar#debug#log('Command output:')
call tagbar#debug#log(ctags_output)
call tagbar#debug#log('Exit code: ' . v:shell_error)
" Only display an error message if the Tagbar window is open and we
" haven't seen the error before.
if bufwinnr(s:TagbarBufName()) != -1 &&
@ -1152,12 +1150,8 @@ function! s:ExecuteCtagsOnFile(fname, realfname, typeinfo) abort
return -1
call s:debug('Ctags executed successfully')
if s:debug
exe 'redir! > ' . s:debug_file . '.ctags_out'
silent echon ctags_output
redir END
call tagbar#debug#log('Ctags executed successfully')
call tagbar#debug#log_ctags_output(ctags_output)
return ctags_output
@ -1221,7 +1215,7 @@ function! s:ParseTagline(part1, part2, typeinfo, fileinfo) abort
if !has_key(taginfo.fields, 'kind')
call s:debug("Warning: No 'kind' field found for tag " . basic_info[0] . "!")
call tagbar#debug#log("Warning: No 'kind' field found for tag " . basic_info[0] . "!")
if index(s:warnings.type, a:typeinfo.ftype) == -1
call s:warning("No 'kind' field found for tag " . basic_info[0] . "!" .
\ " Please read the last section of ':help tagbar-extend'.")
@ -1262,7 +1256,7 @@ function! s:ParseTagline(part1, part2, typeinfo, fileinfo) abort
call taginfo.initFoldState(s:known_files)
catch /^Vim(\a\+):E716:/ " 'Key not present in Dictionary'
" The tag has a 'kind' that doesn't exist in the type definition
call s:debug('Warning: Unknown tag kind: ' . taginfo.fields.kind)
call tagbar#debug#log('Warning: Unknown tag kind: ' . taginfo.fields.kind)
if index(s:warnings.type, a:typeinfo.ftype) == -1
call s:warning('Unknown tag kind encountered: ' .
\ '"' . taginfo.fields.kind . '".' .
@ -1501,7 +1495,7 @@ endfunction
" Display {{{1
" s:RenderContent() {{{2
function! s:RenderContent(...) abort
call s:debug('RenderContent called')
call tagbar#debug#log('RenderContent called')
let s:new_window = 0
if a:0 == 1
@ -1511,7 +1505,7 @@ function! s:RenderContent(...) abort
if empty(fileinfo)
call s:debug('Empty fileinfo, returning')
call tagbar#debug#log('Empty fileinfo, returning')
@ -1535,7 +1529,7 @@ function! s:RenderContent(...) abort
if !empty(tagbar#state#get_current_file(0)) &&
\ fileinfo.fpath ==# tagbar#state#get_current_file(0).fpath
" We're redisplaying the same file, so save the view
call s:debug('Redisplaying file [' . fileinfo.fpath . ']')
call tagbar#debug#log('Redisplaying file [' . fileinfo.fpath . ']')
let saveline = line('.')
let savecol = col('.')
let topline = line('w0')
@ -1558,7 +1552,7 @@ function! s:RenderContent(...) abort
" Print tags
call s:PrintKinds(typeinfo, fileinfo)
call s:debug('No tags found, skipping printing.')
call tagbar#debug#log('No tags found, skipping printing.')
if g:tagbar_compact && s:short_help
silent 0put ='\" No tags found.'
@ -1608,7 +1602,7 @@ endfunction
" s:PrintKinds() {{{2
function! s:PrintKinds(typeinfo, fileinfo) abort
call s:debug('PrintKinds called')
call tagbar#debug#log('PrintKinds called')
" If the short or long help is being displayed then the line numbers don't
" match up with the length of the output list
@ -1618,7 +1612,7 @@ function! s:PrintKinds(typeinfo, fileinfo) abort
for kind in a:typeinfo.kinds
let curtags = filter(copy(a:fileinfo.getTags()),
\ 'v:val.fields.kind ==# kind.short')
call s:debug('Printing kind: ' . kind.short .
call tagbar#debug#log('Printing kind: ' . kind.short .
\ ', number of (top-level) tags: ' . len(curtags))
if empty(curtags)
@ -1873,7 +1867,7 @@ function! s:HighlightTag(openfolds, ...) abort
let foldpat = '[' . g:tagbar#icon_open . g:tagbar#icon_closed . ' ]'
let pattern = '/^\%' . tagline . 'l\s*' . foldpat . '[-+# ]\zs[^( ]\+\ze/'
call s:debug("Highlight pattern: '" . pattern . "'")
call tagbar#debug#log("Highlight pattern: '" . pattern . "'")
if hlexists('TagbarHighlight') " Safeguard in case syntax highlighting is disabled
execute 'match TagbarHighlight ' . pattern
@ -2314,7 +2308,7 @@ endfunction
" Helper functions {{{1
" s:AutoUpdate() {{{2
function! s:AutoUpdate(fname, force, ...) abort
call s:debug('AutoUpdate called [' . a:fname . ']')
call tagbar#debug#log('AutoUpdate called [' . a:fname . ']')
" Whether we want to skip actually displaying the tags in Tagbar and only
" update the fileinfo
@ -2331,7 +2325,7 @@ function! s:AutoUpdate(fname, force, ...) abort
" break. MiniBufExplorer does this, for example. Completely disabling
" autocmds at that point is also not ideal since for example
" statusline plugins won't be able to update.
call s:debug('Still opening window, stopping processing')
call tagbar#debug#log('Still opening window, stopping processing')
@ -2341,18 +2335,18 @@ function! s:AutoUpdate(fname, force, ...) abort
" Don't do anything if we're in the tagbar window
if ftype == 'tagbar'
call s:debug('In Tagbar window, stopping processing')
call tagbar#debug#log('In Tagbar window, stopping processing')
" Only consider the main filetype in cases like 'python.django'
let sftype = get(split(ftype, '\.'), 0, '')
call s:debug("Vim filetype: '" . ftype . "', " .
call tagbar#debug#log("Vim filetype: '" . ftype . "', " .
\ "sanitized filetype: '" . sftype . "'")
" Don't do anything if the file isn't supported
if !s:IsValidFile(a:fname, sftype)
call s:debug('Not a valid file, stopping processing')
call tagbar#debug#log('Not a valid file, stopping processing')
let s:nearby_disabled = 1
@ -2368,14 +2362,14 @@ function! s:AutoUpdate(fname, force, ...) abort
" if a:force || getbufvar(curfile.bufnr, '&modified') ||
if a:force || empty(curfile) || curfile.ftype != sftype ||
\ (filereadable(a:fname) && getftime(a:fname) > curfile.mtime)
call s:debug('File data outdated, updating [' . a:fname . ']')
call tagbar#debug#log('File data outdated, updating [' . a:fname . ']')
call s:ProcessFile(a:fname, sftype)
let updated = 1
call s:debug('File data seems up to date [' . a:fname . ']')
call tagbar#debug#log('File data seems up to date [' . a:fname . ']')
elseif !s:known_files.has(a:fname)
call s:debug('New file, processing [' . a:fname . ']')
call tagbar#debug#log('New file, processing [' . a:fname . ']')
call s:ProcessFile(a:fname, sftype)
let updated = 1
@ -2389,7 +2383,7 @@ function! s:AutoUpdate(fname, force, ...) abort
" If we don't have an entry for the file by now something must have gone
" wrong, so don't change the tagbar content
if empty(fileinfo)
call s:debug('fileinfo empty after processing [' . a:fname . ']')
call tagbar#debug#log('fileinfo empty after processing [' . a:fname . ']')
@ -2405,14 +2399,14 @@ function! s:AutoUpdate(fname, force, ...) abort
" Call setCurrent after rendering so RenderContent can check whether the
" same file is being redisplayed
if !empty(fileinfo)
call s:debug('Setting current file [' . a:fname . ']')
call tagbar#debug#log('Setting current file [' . a:fname . ']')
call tagbar#state#set_current_file(fileinfo)
let s:nearby_disabled = 0
call s:HighlightTag(0)
call s:SetStatusLine()
call s:debug('AutoUpdate finished successfully')
call tagbar#debug#log('AutoUpdate finished successfully')
" s:CheckMouseClick() {{{2
@ -2473,12 +2467,12 @@ endfunction
" is acceptable. But in cases where arguments may need to be escaped
" differently for each &shell type, then pass a list of arguments.
function! s:EscapeCtagsCmd(ctags_bin, args, ...) abort
call s:debug('EscapeCtagsCmd called')
call s:debug('ctags_bin: ' . a:ctags_bin)
call tagbar#debug#log('EscapeCtagsCmd called')
call tagbar#debug#log('ctags_bin: ' . a:ctags_bin)
if type(a:args)==type('')
call s:debug('ctags_args (is a string): ' . a:args)
call tagbar#debug#log('ctags_args (is a string): ' . a:args)
elseif type(a:args)==type([])
call s:debug('ctags_args (is a list): ' . string(a:args))
call tagbar#debug#log('ctags_args (is a list): ' . string(a:args))
if exists('+shellslash')
@ -2553,7 +2547,7 @@ function! s:EscapeCtagsCmd(ctags_bin, args, ...) abort
call s:debug('Escaped ctags command: ' . ctags_cmd)
call tagbar#debug#log('Escaped ctags command: ' . ctags_cmd)
if ctags_cmd == ''
if !s:warnings.encoding
@ -2571,7 +2565,7 @@ endfunction
" Partially based on the discussion at
" http://vim.1045645.n5.nabble.com/bad-default-shellxquote-in-Widows-td1208284.html
function! s:ExecuteCtags(ctags_cmd) abort
call s:debug('Executing ctags command: ' . a:ctags_cmd)
call tagbar#debug#log('Executing ctags command: ' . a:ctags_cmd)
if &shell =~# 'fish$'
" Reset shell since fish isn't really compatible
@ -2591,10 +2585,10 @@ function! s:ExecuteCtags(ctags_cmd) abort
set shellcmdflag=/s\ /c
if s:debug
if tagbar#debug#enabled()
silent 5verbose let ctags_output = system(a:ctags_cmd)
call s:debug(v:statusmsg)
call s:debug('Exit code: ' . v:shell_error)
call tagbar#debug#log(v:statusmsg)
call tagbar#debug#log('Exit code: ' . v:shell_error)
silent let ctags_output = system(a:ctags_cmd)
@ -2806,31 +2800,31 @@ endfunction
" s:IsValidFile() {{{2
function! s:IsValidFile(fname, ftype) abort
call s:debug('Checking if file is valid [' . a:fname . ']')
call tagbar#debug#log('Checking if file is valid [' . a:fname . ']')
if a:fname == '' || a:ftype == ''
call s:debug('Empty filename or type')
call tagbar#debug#log('Empty filename or type')
return 0
if !filereadable(a:fname) && getbufvar(a:fname, 'netrw_tmpfile') == ''
call s:debug('File not readable')
call tagbar#debug#log('File not readable')
return 0
if getbufvar(a:fname, 'tagbar_ignore') == 1
call s:debug('File is marked as ignored')
call tagbar#debug#log('File is marked as ignored')
return 0
let winnr = bufwinnr(a:fname)
if winnr != -1 && getwinvar(winnr, '&diff')
call s:debug('Window is in diff mode')
call tagbar#debug#log('Window is in diff mode')
return 0
if &previewwindow
call s:debug('In preview window')
call tagbar#debug#log('In preview window')
return 0
@ -2840,7 +2834,7 @@ function! s:IsValidFile(fname, ftype) abort
" file, so load it now
call s:LoadUserTypeDefs(a:ftype)
call s:debug('Unsupported filetype: ' . a:ftype)
call tagbar#debug#log('Unsupported filetype: ' . a:ftype)
return 0
@ -3068,7 +3062,7 @@ function! s:goto_win(winnr, ...) abort
\ : 'wincmd ' . a:winnr
let noauto = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0
call s:debug("goto_win(): " . cmd . ", " . noauto)
call tagbar#debug#log("goto_win(): " . cmd . ", " . noauto)
if noauto
noautocmd execute cmd
@ -3121,54 +3115,6 @@ function! TagbarBalloonExpr() abort
return taginfo.getPrototype(0)
" Debugging {{{1
" s:StartDebug() {{{2
function! s:StartDebug(filename) abort
if empty(a:filename)
let s:debug_file = 'tagbardebug.log'
let s:debug_file = a:filename
" Empty log file
exe 'redir! > ' . s:debug_file
redir END
" Check whether the log file could be created
if !filewritable(s:debug_file)
echomsg 'Tagbar: Unable to create log file ' . s:debug_file
let s:debug_file = ''
let s:debug = 1
" s:StopDebug() {{{2
function! s:StopDebug() abort
let s:debug = 0
let s:debug_file = ''
" s:debug() {{{2
if has('reltime')
function! s:gettime() abort
let time = split(reltimestr(reltime()), '\.')
return strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.', time[0]) . time[1]
function! s:gettime() abort
return strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
function! s:debug(msg) abort
if s:debug
execute 'redir >> ' . s:debug_file
silent echon s:gettime() . ': ' . a:msg . "\n"
redir END
" Autoload functions {{{1
" Wrappers {{{2
@ -3201,15 +3147,6 @@ function! tagbar#highlighttag(openfolds, force) abort
call s:HighlightTag(a:openfolds, a:force)
function! tagbar#StartDebug(...) abort
let filename = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : ''
call s:StartDebug(filename)
function! tagbar#StopDebug() abort
call s:StopDebug()
function! tagbar#RestoreSession() abort
call s:RestoreSession()
@ -3248,7 +3185,7 @@ endfunction
" Automatically open Tagbar if one of the open buffers contains a supported
" file
function! tagbar#autoopen(...) abort
call s:debug('tagbar#autoopen called [' . bufname('%') . ']')
call tagbar#debug#log('tagbar#autoopen called [' . bufname('%') . ']')
let always = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 1
call s:Init(0)
@ -3258,14 +3195,14 @@ function! tagbar#autoopen(...) abort
let ftype = s:DetectFiletype(bufnr)
if s:IsValidFile(bufname(bufnr), ftype)
call s:OpenWindow('')
call s:debug('tagbar#autoopen finished after finding valid ' .
call tagbar#debug#log('tagbar#autoopen finished after finding valid ' .
\ 'file [' . bufname(bufnr) . ']')
call s:debug('tagbar#autoopen finished without finding valid file')
call tagbar#debug#log('tagbar#autoopen finished without finding valid file')
" tagbar#currenttag() {{{2

autoload/tagbar/debug.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
function! tagbar#debug#start_debug(...) abort
let filename = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : ''
if empty(filename)
let s:debug_file = 'tagbardebug.log'
let s:debug_file = filename
" Clear log file
exe 'redir! > ' . s:debug_file
redir END
" Check whether the log file could be created
if !filewritable(s:debug_file)
echomsg 'Tagbar: Unable to create log file ' . s:debug_file
let s:debug_file = ''
let s:debug_enabled = 1
function! tagbar#debug#stop_debug() abort
let s:debug_enabled = 0
let s:debug_file = ''
function! tagbar#debug#log(msg) abort
if s:debug_enabled
execute 'redir >> ' . s:debug_file
silent echon s:gettime() . ': ' . a:msg . "\n"
redir END
function! tagbar#debug#log_ctags_output(output) abort
if s:debug_enabled
exe 'redir! > ' . s:debug_file . '.ctags_out'
silent echon a:output
redir END
function! tagbar#debug#enabled() abort
return s:debug_enabled
if has('reltime')
function! s:gettime() abort
let time = split(reltimestr(reltime()), '\.')
return strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.', time[0]) . time[1]
function! s:gettime() abort
return strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
let s:debug_enabled = 0
let s:debug_file = ''

View File

@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ command! -nargs=1 -bang TagbarSetFoldlevel call tagbar#SetFoldLevel(<args>, <ba
command! -nargs=0 TagbarShowTag call tagbar#highlighttag(1, 1)
command! -nargs=? TagbarCurrentTag echo tagbar#currenttag('%s', 'No current tag', <f-args>)
command! -nargs=1 TagbarGetTypeConfig call tagbar#gettypeconfig(<f-args>)
command! -nargs=? TagbarDebug call tagbar#StartDebug(<f-args>)
command! -nargs=0 TagbarDebugEnd call tagbar#StopDebug()
command! -nargs=? TagbarDebug call tagbar#debug#start_debug(<f-args>)
command! -nargs=0 TagbarDebugEnd call tagbar#debug#stop_debug()
command! -nargs=0 TagbarTogglePause call tagbar#toggle_pause()
" Modeline {{{1