Let kind2scope and scope2kind be auto-generated from each other in user-defs

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Jan Larres 2011-02-19 17:12:47 +13:00
parent 1b5f3a4e84
commit 91076ee9d5

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@ -742,9 +742,25 @@ function! s:GetUserTypeDefs()
call filter(deflist, 'v:val =~ "^tagbar_type_"')
let defdict = {}
for def in deflist
let type = substitute(def, '^tagbar_type_', '', '')
execute 'let defdict["' . type . '"] = g:' . def
for defstr in deflist
let type = substitute(defstr, '^tagbar_type_', '', '')
execute 'let defdict["' . type . '"] = g:' . defstr
" If the user only specified one of kind2scope and scope2kind use it to
" generate the other one
for def in values(defdict)
if has_key(def, 'kind2scope') && !has_key(def, 'scope2kind')
let def.scope2kind = {}
for [key, value] in items(def.kind2scope)
let def.scope2kind[value] = key
elseif has_key(def, 'scope2kind') && !has_key(def, 'kind2scope')
let def.kind2scope = {}
for [key, value] in items(def.scope2kind)
let def.kind2scope[value] = key
return defdict