Potential fix for #772 - InitWindow issue

Potential fix for #772

This issue is being caused by the InitWindow() routine not being called
when a split of the tagbar window occurs. This will potentially fix that
issue by forceably calling s:InitWindow() when a new tagbar window is

Note however, that when closing one of the split tagbar windows, it does
cause the other one to close as well. It looks like there is an issue on
the close processing that it identifies all windows that have the tagbar
buffer loaded as the tagbar window.
This commit is contained in:
raven42 2021-06-18 08:41:44 -05:00
parent 225e6530c2
commit 98bf0b00ce

View File

@ -569,6 +569,8 @@ function! s:CreateAutocommands() abort
autocmd WinEnter * if bufwinnr(s:TagbarBufName()) == -1 |
\ call s:ShrinkIfExpanded() |
\ else |
\ call s:InitWindow(g:tagbar_autoclose) |
\ endif
autocmd BufWritePost *
@ -968,6 +970,10 @@ endfunction
function! s:InitWindow(autoclose) abort
call tagbar#debug#log('InitWindow called with autoclose: ' . a:autoclose)
if exists('w:tagbar_win_init')
call tagbar#debug#log('InitWindow - already initialized this window')
" Buffer-local options
setlocal filetype=tagbar
@ -1051,6 +1057,7 @@ function! s:InitWindow(autoclose) abort
let s:expand_bufnr = bufnr('%')
let w:tagbar_win_init = 1
call tagbar#debug#log('InitWindow finished')
@ -1109,6 +1116,7 @@ function! s:CloseWindow() abort
call tagbar#StopAutoUpdate()
unlet w:tagbar_win_init
call tagbar#debug#log('CloseWindow finished')