Merge pull request #266 from toupeira/222

Show current buffers in the middle of the tabline
This commit is contained in:
Bailey Ling 2013-09-22 07:44:15 -07:00
commit 77a0d933d7

View File

@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ let s:builder_context = {
let s:buf_min_count = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_min_count', 0)
let s:tab_min_count = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#tab_min_count', 0)
" TODO: temporary
let s:buf_max = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_max', winwidth(0) / 24)
function! airline#extensions#tabline#init(ext)
if has('gui_running')
set guioptions-=e
@ -103,18 +100,59 @@ function! s:get_buffer_list()
" TODO: temporary fix; force the active buffer to be first when there are many buffers open
if len(buffers) > s:buf_max && index(buffers, cur) > -1
while buffers[1] != cur
let first = remove(buffers, 0)
call add(buffers, first)
let buffers = buffers[:s:buf_max]
call insert(buffers, -1, 0)
call add(buffers, -1)
let s:current_buffer_list = buffers
return buffers
function! s:get_visible_buffers()
let buffers = s:get_buffer_list()
let cur = bufnr('%')
let total_width = 0
let max_width = 0
for nr in buffers
" TODO: get this information from the builder?
let width = len(airline#extensions#tabline#get_buffer_name(nr)) + 4
let total_width += width
let max_width = max([max_width, width])
" only show current and surrounding buffers if there are too many buffers
if total_width > winwidth(0) && index(buffers, cur) > -1
let buf_count = len(buffers)
let position = index(buffers, cur)
" determine how many buffers to show based on the longest buffer width,
" use one on the right side and put the rest on the left
let buf_max = winwidth(0) / max_width
let buf_right = 1
let buf_left = max([0, buf_max - buf_right])
let start = max([0, position - buf_left])
let end = min([buf_count, position + buf_right])
" fill up available space on the right
if position < buf_left
let end += (buf_left - position)
" fill up available space on the left
if end > buf_count - 1 - buf_right
let start -= max([0, buf_right - (buf_count - 1 - position)])
let buffers = eval('buffers[' . start . ':' . end . ']')
if start > 0
call insert(buffers, -1, 0)
if end < buf_count - 1
call add(buffers, -1)
let s:current_buffer_list = buffers
return buffers
@ -122,7 +160,7 @@ function! s:get_buffers()
let b = airline#builder#new(s:builder_context)
let cur = bufnr('%')
let tab_bufs = tabpagebuflist(tabpagenr())
for nr in s:get_buffer_list()
for nr in s:get_visible_buffers()
if nr < 0
call b.add_raw('%#airline_tabhid#...')