The foreground color of PmenuThumb is not actually used for anything by
Vim. It was by mistake that I defined it in the first place, and this
vim-airline theme should refer to a different highlighting group in
order to get a green color.
The dracula Vim colorscheme ( comes with
an accompanying airline-theme. However, since the vim-airline-themes
also ships with the dracula theme, this might cause inconsistencies and
cause confusion which colors should be used.
So simply drop the dracula theme from this repository and use the one from
the upstream dracula colorscheme. After all, you need to install the
color scheme and if you do, you already will get the airline-theme with
The base16 group contained a reference to the Statusline highlighting
group. That changed highlighting of the group unintentionally and made
the wildmenu unreadable.
Most likely, instead of the 'statusline' group it was meant to use the
airline_c highlighting group. So use this instead.
However there was one additional catch. It used the highlighting from the
vimCommand highlighting group. However that group was only available
when editing vim files, else it would fall back to use the Normal
highlighting group. Since the vimCommand highlighting group however
links to the Statement highlighting group, use that instead. Statement
should always be available.
The theme now dynamically loads the correct base16 palette regardless of
how base16-vim is used (using base16_shell, or setting 'termguicolors',
or using gvim). # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines
The non-normal maps may be used by other extensions. In particular,
airline#extensions#tabline#load_theme() causes errors unless they
are set.
The recent change f0e613782d180c0da4d to the molokai theme made people
really unhappy. Therefore revert to the old behaviour. People who liked
the current behaviour can set `:let g:airline_molokai_bright=1` to
enable it again.