" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Bailey Ling. " vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 if !exists(':ProjectCreate') finish endif function! airline#extensions#eclim#creat_line(...) if &filetype == "tree" let builder = a:1 call builder.add_section('airline_a', ' Project ') call builder.add_section('airline_b', ' %f ') call builder.add_section('airline_c', '') return 1 endif endfunction function! airline#extensions#eclim#get_warnings() let eclimList = eclim#display#signs#GetExisting() if !empty(eclimList) " Remove any non-eclim signs (see eclim#display#signs#Update) " :help filter() ---- `the result **is zero** remove the item from the |List| or |Dictionary|.` call filter(eclimList, "v:val.name != '^\(qf_\)\?\(error\|info\|warning\)$'") if !empty(eclimList) let errorsLine = eclimList[0]['line'] let errorsNumber = len(eclimList) let errors = "[Eclim: line:".string(errorsLine)." (".string(errorsNumber).")]" if !exists(':SyntasticCheck') || SyntasticStatuslineFlag() == '' return errors.(g:airline_symbols.space) endif endif endif return '' endfunction function! airline#extensions#eclim#init(ext) call airline#parts#define_function('eclim', 'airline#extensions#eclim#get_warnings') call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#eclim#creat_line') endfunction