" vim: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 if &cp || v:version < 702 || (exists('g:loaded_airline') && g:loaded_airline) finish endif let g:loaded_airline = 1 if !&lazyredraw echom 'for the time being, vim-airline needs lazyredraw enabled to work properly.' endif function! s:check_defined(variable, default) if !exists(a:variable) let {a:variable} = a:default endif endfunction call s:check_defined('g:airline_left_sep', exists('g:airline_powerline_fonts')?"":">") call s:check_defined('g:airline_right_sep', exists('g:airline_powerline_fonts')?"":"<") call s:check_defined('g:airline_enable_fugitive', 1) call s:check_defined('g:airline_enable_syntastic', 1) call s:check_defined('g:airline_fugitive_prefix', exists('g:airline_powerline_fonts')?'  ':' ') call s:check_defined('g:airline_readonly_symbol', exists('g:airline_powerline_fonts')?'':'RO') call s:check_defined('g:airline_linecolumn_prefix', exists('g:airline_powerline_fonts')?' ':':') call s:check_defined('g:airline_theme', 'default') call s:check_defined('g:airline_modified_detection', 1) call s:check_defined('g:airline_exclude_filenames', ['DebuggerWatch','DebuggerStack','DebuggerStatus']) call s:check_defined('g:airline_exclude_filetypes', ['qf','netrw','diff','undotree','gundo','nerdtree','tagbar']) set laststatus=2 let s:is_win32term = (has('win32') || has('win64')) && !has('gui_running') for mode in ['normal','insert','visual'] let s:airline_colors_{mode} = g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#{mode} let s:airline_colors_{mode}_modified = g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#{mode}_modified endfor let s:airline_mode_map = { \ 'n' : ' NORMAL ', \ 'i' : ' INSERT ', \ 'R' : ' RPLACE ', \ 'v' : ' VISUAL ', \ 'V' : ' V-LINE ', \ 'c' : ' CMD ', \ '' : ' V-BLCK ', \ } let s:airline_highlight_map = { \ 'mode' : 'User2', \ 'mode_separator' : 'User3', \ 'info' : 'User4', \ 'info_separator' : 'User5', \ 'statusline' : 'StatusLine', \ 'statusline_nc' : 'StatusLineNC', \ 'file' : 'User6', \ 'inactive' : 'User9', \ } let s:airline_highlight_groups = keys(s:airline_highlight_map) function! s:highlight(mode) for key in s:airline_highlight_groups if exists('s:airline_colors_{a:mode}[key]') let colors = s:airline_colors_{a:mode}[key] if s:is_win32term let colors = map(colors, 'v:val != "" && v:val > 128 ? v:val - 128 : v:val') endif let cmd = printf('hi %s %s %s %s %s %s %s', \ s:airline_highlight_map[key], \ colors[0] != '' ? 'guifg='.colors[0] : '', \ colors[1] != '' ? 'guibg='.colors[1] : '', \ colors[2] != '' ? 'ctermfg='.colors[2] : '', \ colors[3] != '' ? 'ctermbg='.colors[3] : '', \ colors[4] != '' ? 'gui='.colors[4] : '', \ colors[4] != '' ? 'term='.colors[4] : '') exec cmd endif endfor endfunction function! s:is_excluded_window() for matchft in g:airline_exclude_filetypes if matchft ==# &ft return 1 endif endfor for matchw in g:airline_exclude_filenames if matchstr(expand('%'), matchw) ==# matchw return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction function! s:update_statusline(active) if s:is_excluded_window() return endif let l:mode_color = a:active ? "%2*" : "%9*" let l:mode_sep_color = a:active ? "%3*" : "%9*" let l:info_color = a:active ? "%4*" : "%9*" let l:info_sep_color = a:active ? "%5*" : "%9*" let l:status_color = a:active ? "%*" : "%9*" let l:file_flag_color = a:active ? "%6*" : "%9*" let sl = a:active ? l:mode_color."%{AirlineModePrefix()}".l:mode_sep_color : l:mode_color." NORMAL %9*" let sl.="%{g:airline_left_sep}".l:info_color let sl.="%{g:airline_enable_fugitive&&exists('g:loaded_fugitive')? g:airline_fugitive_prefix.fugitive#head():''}\ " let sl.=l:info_sep_color."%{g:airline_left_sep}" if a:active let sl.=l:status_color.(exists('g:bufferline_loaded')?"\ %{bufferline#generate_string()}\ ":"\ %f%m\ ") else let sl.=" ".bufname(winbufnr(winnr())) endif let sl.="%#warningmsg#" let sl.="%{g:airline_enable_syntastic&&exists('g:loaded_syntastic_plugin')?SyntasticStatuslineFlag():''}" let sl.=l:status_color."%<%=".l:file_flag_color."%{&ro? g:airline_readonly_symbol :''}" let sl.="%q%{&previewwindow?'[preview]':''}" let sl.=l:status_color."\ %{strlen(&filetype)>0?&filetype:''}\ " let sl.=l:info_sep_color."%{g:airline_right_sep}".l:info_color."\ " let sl.="%{strlen(&fileencoding)>0?&fileencoding:''}" let sl.="%{strlen(&fileformat)>0?'['.&fileformat.']':''}" let sl.="\ ".l:mode_sep_color."%{g:airline_right_sep}" let sl.=l:mode_color."\ %3p%%\ ".g:airline_linecolumn_prefix."%3l:%3c\ " call setwinvar(winnr(), '&statusline', sl) endfunction let s:lastmode = '' function! AirlineModePrefix() let l:m = mode() let l:mode = 'normal' if l:m ==# "i" || l:m ==# "R" let l:mode = 'insert' elseif l:m ==? "v" || l:m ==# "" let l:mode = 'visual' endif if g:airline_modified_detection && &modified let l:mode .= '_modified' endif if s:lastmode != l:mode call highlight(l:mode) let s:lastmode = l:mode endif if has_key(s:airline_mode_map, l:m) return s:airline_mode_map[l:m] endif return l:mode endfunction augroup airline au! hi clear StatusLine | hi clear StatusLineNC autocmd ColorScheme * hi clear StatusLine | hi clear StatusLineNC | redrawstatus autocmd WinLeave * call update_statusline(0) autocmd VimEnter,WinEnter,BufWinEnter * call update_statusline(1) augroup END