2016-01-14 21:38:38 -05:00
" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Bailey Ling.
2013-08-17 16:44:53 -04:00
" vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
let s:prototype = {}
2013-08-24 04:08:57 +00:00
function! s:prototype.split(...)
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
call add(self._sections, ['|', a:0 ? a:1 : '%='])
2013-08-17 16:44:53 -04:00
2013-10-01 21:23:17 -04:00
function! s:prototype.add_section_spaced(group, contents)
2016-05-12 21:34:29 +02:00
let spc = empty(a:contents) ? '' : g:airline_symbols.space
call self.add_section(a:group, spc.a:contents.spc)
2013-10-01 21:23:17 -04:00
2013-08-17 16:44:53 -04:00
function! s:prototype.add_section(group, contents)
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
call add(self._sections, [a:group, a:contents])
function! s:prototype.add_raw(text)
call add(self._sections, ['', a:text])
2014-11-22 11:52:54 -05:00
function! s:get_prev_group(sections, i)
let x = a:i - 1
while x >= 0
let group = a:sections[x][0]
if group != '' && group != '|'
return group
let x = x - 1
return ''
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
function! s:prototype.build()
let side = 1
let line = ''
2014-10-18 13:59:24 -04:00
let i = 0
let length = len(self._sections)
2014-11-22 11:52:54 -05:00
let split = 0
Do not draw separators for empty sections
This is a little bit a hack, because by the time the separators are
added, it is not clear, if the following section is empty, therefore
we need to parse the content of the following section and eval the
expressions to find out, if this is empty
- catch all exceptions when eval'ing statusline
- make sure, that the seperators are highlighted
even when skipping empty regions (highlight group
names need to be adjusted)
- if a section is defined as empty, it will be removed completly from
the statusline. This means, it won't be called on the next update
and may not refresh properly (e.g. when the whitespace check
triggers, therefore, the whitesapce extension has to call an
explicit redraw whenever it is supposed to be refreshed)
2016-04-18 15:33:47 +02:00
let is_empty = 0
let prev_group = ''
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
2014-10-18 13:59:24 -04:00
while i < length
let section = self._sections[i]
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
let group = section[0]
let contents = section[1]
Do not draw separators for empty sections
This is a little bit a hack, because by the time the separators are
added, it is not clear, if the following section is empty, therefore
we need to parse the content of the following section and eval the
expressions to find out, if this is empty
- catch all exceptions when eval'ing statusline
- make sure, that the seperators are highlighted
even when skipping empty regions (highlight group
names need to be adjusted)
- if a section is defined as empty, it will be removed completly from
the statusline. This means, it won't be called on the next update
and may not refresh properly (e.g. when the whitespace check
triggers, therefore, the whitesapce extension has to call an
explicit redraw whenever it is supposed to be refreshed)
2016-04-18 15:33:47 +02:00
let pgroup = prev_group
2014-11-22 11:52:54 -05:00
let prev_group = s:get_prev_group(self._sections, i)
2016-09-09 08:06:32 +02:00
if group ==# 'airline_c' && !self._context.active && has_key(self._context, 'bufnr')
2016-09-08 18:39:29 +02:00
let group = 'airline_c'. self._context.bufnr
Do not draw separators for empty sections
This is a little bit a hack, because by the time the separators are
added, it is not clear, if the following section is empty, therefore
we need to parse the content of the following section and eval the
expressions to find out, if this is empty
- catch all exceptions when eval'ing statusline
- make sure, that the seperators are highlighted
even when skipping empty regions (highlight group
names need to be adjusted)
- if a section is defined as empty, it will be removed completly from
the statusline. This means, it won't be called on the next update
and may not refresh properly (e.g. when the whitespace check
triggers, therefore, the whitesapce extension has to call an
explicit redraw whenever it is supposed to be refreshed)
2016-04-18 15:33:47 +02:00
if is_empty
let prev_group = pgroup
let is_empty = s:section_is_empty(self, contents)
if is_empty
" need to fix highlighting groups, since we
" have skipped a section, we actually need
" the previous previous group and so the
" seperator goes from the previous previous group
" to the current group
let pgroup = group
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
2014-10-18 13:59:24 -04:00
if group == ''
let line .= contents
elseif group == '|'
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
let side = 0
let line .= contents
2014-11-22 11:52:54 -05:00
let split = 1
2014-10-18 13:59:24 -04:00
2014-11-22 11:52:54 -05:00
if prev_group == ''
2014-10-18 13:59:24 -04:00
let line .= '%#'.group.'#'
2014-11-22 11:52:54 -05:00
elseif split
Do not draw separators for empty sections
This is a little bit a hack, because by the time the separators are
added, it is not clear, if the following section is empty, therefore
we need to parse the content of the following section and eval the
expressions to find out, if this is empty
- catch all exceptions when eval'ing statusline
- make sure, that the seperators are highlighted
even when skipping empty regions (highlight group
names need to be adjusted)
- if a section is defined as empty, it will be removed completly from
the statusline. This means, it won't be called on the next update
and may not refresh properly (e.g. when the whitespace check
triggers, therefore, the whitesapce extension has to call an
explicit redraw whenever it is supposed to be refreshed)
2016-04-18 15:33:47 +02:00
if !is_empty
let line .= s:get_transitioned_seperator(self, prev_group, group, side)
2014-11-22 11:52:54 -05:00
let split = 0
Do not draw separators for empty sections
This is a little bit a hack, because by the time the separators are
added, it is not clear, if the following section is empty, therefore
we need to parse the content of the following section and eval the
expressions to find out, if this is empty
- catch all exceptions when eval'ing statusline
- make sure, that the seperators are highlighted
even when skipping empty regions (highlight group
names need to be adjusted)
- if a section is defined as empty, it will be removed completly from
the statusline. This means, it won't be called on the next update
and may not refresh properly (e.g. when the whitespace check
triggers, therefore, the whitesapce extension has to call an
explicit redraw whenever it is supposed to be refreshed)
2016-04-18 15:33:47 +02:00
if !is_empty
let line .= s:get_seperator(self, prev_group, group, side)
2014-10-18 13:59:24 -04:00
Do not draw separators for empty sections
This is a little bit a hack, because by the time the separators are
added, it is not clear, if the following section is empty, therefore
we need to parse the content of the following section and eval the
expressions to find out, if this is empty
- catch all exceptions when eval'ing statusline
- make sure, that the seperators are highlighted
even when skipping empty regions (highlight group
names need to be adjusted)
- if a section is defined as empty, it will be removed completly from
the statusline. This means, it won't be called on the next update
and may not refresh properly (e.g. when the whitespace check
triggers, therefore, the whitesapce extension has to call an
explicit redraw whenever it is supposed to be refreshed)
2016-04-18 15:33:47 +02:00
let line .= is_empty ? '' : s:get_accented_line(self, group, contents)
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
2014-10-18 13:59:24 -04:00
let i = i + 1
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
if !self._context.active
2016-09-08 18:39:29 +02:00
"let line = substitute(line, '%#airline_c#', '%#airline_c'.self._context.bufnr.'#', '')
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
let line = substitute(line, '%#.\{-}\ze#', '\0_inactive', 'g')
2013-09-07 03:06:08 +00:00
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
return line
2013-09-07 03:06:08 +00:00
2014-11-15 19:49:02 +00:00
function! s:should_change_group(group1, group2)
if a:group1 == a:group2
return 0
let color1 = airline#highlighter#get_highlight(a:group1)
let color2 = airline#highlighter#get_highlight(a:group2)
2016-02-05 22:19:48 +01:00
if g:airline_gui_mode ==# 'gui'
2014-11-15 19:49:02 +00:00
return color1[1] != color2[1] || color1[0] != color2[0]
return color1[3] != color2[3] || color1[2] != color2[2]
2014-11-22 11:52:54 -05:00
function! s:get_transitioned_seperator(self, prev_group, group, side)
2014-10-18 13:59:24 -04:00
let line = ''
2014-11-22 11:52:54 -05:00
call airline#highlighter#add_separator(a:prev_group, a:group, a:side)
let line .= '%#'.a:prev_group.'_to_'.a:group.'#'
let line .= a:side ? a:self._context.left_sep : a:self._context.right_sep
let line .= '%#'.a:group.'#'
return line
function! s:get_seperator(self, prev_group, group, side)
2014-11-15 19:49:02 +00:00
if s:should_change_group(a:prev_group, a:group)
2014-11-22 11:52:54 -05:00
return s:get_transitioned_seperator(a:self, a:prev_group, a:group, a:side)
2014-11-15 19:49:02 +00:00
2014-11-22 11:52:54 -05:00
return a:side ? a:self._context.left_alt_sep : a:self._context.right_alt_sep
2014-10-18 13:59:24 -04:00
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
function! s:get_accented_line(self, group, contents)
if a:self._context.active
2013-09-22 17:15:02 -04:00
let contents = []
let content_parts = split(a:contents, '__accent')
for cpart in content_parts
let accent = matchstr(cpart, '_\zs[^#]*\ze')
call add(contents, cpart)
let line = join(contents, a:group)
let line = substitute(line, '__restore__', a:group, 'g')
let line = substitute(a:contents, '%#__accent[^#]*#', '', 'g')
let line = substitute(line, '%#__restore__#', '', 'g')
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
return line
2013-08-17 16:44:53 -04:00
2013-08-16 01:12:02 +00:00
Do not draw separators for empty sections
This is a little bit a hack, because by the time the separators are
added, it is not clear, if the following section is empty, therefore
we need to parse the content of the following section and eval the
expressions to find out, if this is empty
- catch all exceptions when eval'ing statusline
- make sure, that the seperators are highlighted
even when skipping empty regions (highlight group
names need to be adjusted)
- if a section is defined as empty, it will be removed completly from
the statusline. This means, it won't be called on the next update
and may not refresh properly (e.g. when the whitespace check
triggers, therefore, the whitesapce extension has to call an
explicit redraw whenever it is supposed to be refreshed)
2016-04-18 15:33:47 +02:00
function! s:section_is_empty(self, content)
let start=1
" do not check for inactive windows
if a:self._context.active == 0
return 0
" only check, if airline#skip_empty_sections == 1
if get(g:, 'airline_skip_empty_sections', 0) == 0
return 0
" assume accents sections to be never empty
" (avoides, that on startup the mode message becomes empty)
if match(a:content, '%#__accent_[^#]*#.*__restore__#') > -1
return 0
let list=matchlist(a:content, '%{\zs.\{-}\ze}', 1, start)
if empty(list)
return 0 " no function in statusline text
while len(list) > 0
let expr = list[0]
" catch all exceptions, just in case
if !empty(eval(expr))
return 0
return 0
let start += 1
let list=matchlist(a:content, '%{\zs.\{-}\ze}', 1, start)
return 1
2013-08-24 09:40:20 -04:00
function! airline#builder#new(context)
2013-08-17 16:44:53 -04:00
let builder = copy(s:prototype)
2013-08-24 01:08:22 -04:00
let builder._context = a:context
2014-10-18 13:30:21 -04:00
let builder._sections = []
2013-09-04 19:20:06 +00:00
call extend(builder._context, {
\ 'left_sep': g:airline_left_sep,
\ 'left_alt_sep': g:airline_left_alt_sep,
\ 'right_sep': g:airline_right_sep,
\ 'right_alt_sep': g:airline_right_alt_sep,
\ }, 'keep')
2013-08-16 01:12:02 +00:00
return builder
2013-08-17 16:44:53 -04:00