The current way to parse the statusline content and decide whether a
section is empty, has some flaws:
That is for the following reasons:
- accents are considered to be empty (which they really shouldn't)
- manually parsing the expressions using a
`:while ... matchlist() ... endwhile` loop is slow and fragile
- grouping items such as %( %) are not considered
So replace the logic by using `substitute('pat', '\=add()', '')` to
capture all single expression groups into a list and then looping over
those to decide whether the section is empty.
So with you can display the
virtualenv in your statusline section (if you have enabled it). However
it would only become active for python buffers.
Now perhaps you want to show the virtualenv also in other filetypes like
markdown or CI scripts, so allow this by adding a variable
`airline#extensions#virtualenv#ft'` to the list of filetypes you want to
have enabled. So set:
let g:airline#extensions#virtualenv#enabled = 1
let g:airline#extensions#virtualenv#ft = ['python', 'markdown']
To allow displaying the virtual environment for python and markdown
buffers (but remember you need to have the plugin installed as well!)
When openning popup (vim) or floating (neovim) windows,
do not consider those windows for disabled windows. That is, leave the
main window in activate state instead of marking it disabled
closes: #2387
When using Neovim and switching to another buffer with the mouse and the
current buffer is modified, Vim refuses to switch buffers rightfully,
if the user has not set 'hidden' or 'autowrite' (because it is going to
unload the buffer from memory).
So catch this case and let the user know.
Note: :b! would be another possibility, but I do not prefer using this
attribute, because it is not clear what happens to the current buffer. I
think it is made hidden, but I prefer to be explicit here
Because Tlist_Get_Filenames() only exists within yegappan/taglist,
TlistUpdate was being envoked on every call when using other taglist
versions.(Like vim-scripts/taglist.) This caused visual artifacts and
We now check for a function from both taglist variants to see if either
one has been loaded.
Avoid the error `Unknown function: taglist#Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line`
when using the old tag tlist plugin in a different way.
this means, we have to revert 58410396797054c4bceacaf7142aef7aab545496
since exists() does not handle autoloaded functions correctly.
We can only check it, after we have used the taglist plugin, so that the
autoloading has happened. That means, move the exists() call after the
`:TListUpdate` call which will correctly autoload taglist and then
exists() can check for the existence of the
`taglist#Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line()` function correctly.
closes: #2463
So 47bf6b1716d599fa19756ce094309a3d551fac73 added support for
yegappan/taglist plugin, but unfortunately the old (deprecated)
vim-scripts/taglist.vim repo still exists and this one throws an error
when trying to access taglist#Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line
So check, that this function is defined before trying to load the
While Commit e542f5e introduced a nice little feature for TeX files to
accurately count words, this unfortunately has the drawback of being
possibly slow, especially since the statusline is often re-evaluated.
Therefore disable this feature by default. You can enable it using:
:let g:airline#extensions#vimtex#wordcount = 1
With help from Karl Lervag's suggestion on how to reliably tell when the
above mentioned conditions are the case for the current buffer
Checked to work with other filetypes that use the wordcount in
vim-airline, and these seem to work as before.
Also checked that if two of these filetypes (one TeX and the other
another type, such as markdown) the two coexist peacefully, with TeX
using Karl's wordcount function, and the other using the (I assume)
native wordcount?
Fixed comment wording
This PR should solve my pain as CoC user, that CoC status takes too much space in the C section, right after the file path.
It looks like a waste of space on splitscreen or a small screen.
So I added an option to set
g:airline#extensions#coc#show_coc_status = 0
and the status will be hidden.
By default it works like usual.
Displays whether you have the ruby formatter enabled or not for the
session you are in.
Enable with:
let g:airline#extensions#rufo#enabled = 1
Configure with:
let g:airline#extensions#rufo#symbol = '💎'
vim-airline does not use actually use the `g:coc_stl_format` variable
and it also doesn't seem to be used by coc itself. So let's just remove
this code.
Use TabNew/TabClosed for the "autoshow" event when tabline is used only
for tabs (show_buffers==0). This fixes case of visible tabline when
tab_min_count == 2 and user executes ':tabonly' command - the tabline
should disappear but there is no TabEnter event triggered in this case.
This is the one script, that is usually causing the most slow down.
Converting it to Vim9 Script should keep vim responsive and the users
happy. Hopefully that works now.