using getwinvar directly with 7.3 version of vim display the following error
E118: Too many arguments for function: getwinvar
E15: Invalid expression: getwinvar(a:winnr, '&buftype', '') ==# 'popup'
When the sandbox is active (e.g. while debugging something), certains
commands and expressions are not allowed (see :h sandbox) and may cause
nasty exceptions to be thrown.
So try to catch E48 and handle it gracefully
When `g:airline_skip_empty_sections' is set, and a section is considered
and after that section comes the alignment separator '%=' than airline
would not correctly render the airline_prevgroup_to_airline_curgroup
simply because the '%=' marker confuses it about which is actually the
previous group.
So consider the '%=' marker to be empty as well.
The case can be observed, when having set
`g:airline_skip_empty_sections' to true and opening a help buffer.
Because in that case, airline_section_c will be considered empty, then
the alignment separator comes and after that airline will (wrongly)
generate a highlighting group `airline_c_to_airline_z`, while it should
actually generate `airline_b_to_airline_z`
as per
This also fixes an issue that is shown in older Vims (pre 7.4.1711)
since those versions did not correctly catch exceptions while evaluating
the statusline.
fern.vim decided to remove the global variable `g:fern_loaded` in
So adjust to use the correct variable name `g:loaded_fern`.
Back when the colnr symbol was first introduced in
8929bc72a13d358bb8369443386ac3cc4796ca16 it included symbol `\ue0a3`
when powerline fonts where supposed to be used by setting
`:let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1`
However, it turns out, that those symbol, may actually not be defined in
the powerline fonts at all, only in the
and this has caused various issues, because it either did not display at
all, or the symbol caused strange overflowing issues which made the
overall look of the status line not very appealing and already caused
various issues here in the vim-airline repository.
Therefore, fall back to the symbol `\u2105` (℅) which at least is
already defined in the Unicode specification and has therefore a higher
chance of being defined inside a powerline font at all (but it may still
be missing after all).
Also, it is more consistent, because it will now use the same symbol as
when `g:airline_powerline_fonts` is not defined and the default Unicode
symbols are selected.
So if you want to keep on using the old symbol, you need to use:
let g:airline_symbols.colnr="\ue0a3:"
fixes: #2563
related: #2381
E.g. how to disable the FocusGained event by setting the 'eventignore'
Add some boilerplate to skip the focusgained function handler function, if it should be
ignored. (this should in theory stop setting up the autocommands at all
so might be tiny performance optimization).