Displays whether you have the ruby formatter enabled or not for the
session you are in.
Enable with:
let g:airline#extensions#rufo#enabled = 1
Configure with:
let g:airline#extensions#rufo#symbol = '💎'
Ignore 'wildignore' and 'suffixes' when globbing for themes and extensions.
This can be a problem when you have a wildignore containing *.vim.
Check for differing neovim versions with different APIs for LSP.
Consists of two tests:
1. Before extension load, test if this is neovim and whether this neovim
supports LSP
2. When getting diagnostic counts, test whether a language server is
attached to the current buffer
nvimlsp removed the :LspInstallInfo command. So instead check explicitly
for neovim for enabling the nvimlsp extension.
In the extension itself check that at least one LSP is attached to the
buffer before returning warning and error messages.
This fixes issue when using Plug to conditionally loading NrrRgn:
Plug 'chrisbra/NrrwRgn', {'on': ['NR', 'NW', 'NRV', 'NW', 'NarrowRegion']}
The command will exist but the plugin has not been loaded yet which gives a warning message.
Fixes issue #2142.
These changes primarily focused on making the include guards more robust
and simplify how the path for w:airline_section_c was generated.
Credits goes to @kazukazuinaina for improving on my original
Matched VCS format of Netrw to only show branch name.
Filetype hidden as it is a duplicate on the left side.
File encoding hidden as it does not matter in dirvish buffer.
Removed unnecessary current column information
if g:loaded_youcompleteme does not exists, the ycm extension will not be
loaded. However extensions.vim could still try to init the ycm
extension, which would lead to an error message:
E117: unknown function airline#extensions#ycm#init
so make sure, it is only loaded, if ycm is loaded as well.
gina.vim needs the `<mods>` feature to work correctly. Therefore check
that Vim has at least patch 7.4.1898 included before using and accessing
the gina plugin.