Startify unfortunately does not set the buftype option, so the
`[noperm]` would be shown, since the buffer is not really a file.
(see mhinz/vim-startify#324)
So allow to blacklist startify from this setting. To do so, the logic
from the tabline extension was refactored out into a separate function
that returns true, if the buffer matches
`g:airline#extensions#tabline#ignore_bufadd_pat` and that function is
then reused for the readonly() function as well.
Instead of requiring each version control plugin to modify airline to
show the current branch, provide a customization function we can check
Following the example of airline_theme_patch_func, you define the
variable like so:
let g:airline#extensions#branch#custom_head = 'david#svn#get_branch'
Custom functions should cache their value. They may need an autocmd to
invalidate their cache:
" Use a buffer-unique group name to prevent clearing autocmds for other
" buffers.
exec 'augroup svndavid-'. bufnr("%")
autocmd BufWinLeave <buffer> unlet! b:svndavid_branch
augroup END
This change lets me integrate with vc.vim (I couldn't get VCSCommand
working for svn) or write my own thing for perforce.
Additionally, always load whole file and check for existence.
Instead of determining up front whether various scm plugins are
installed, check for them on use so they can be added after this script
is sourced.
This also mitigates the problem of checking for existence of autoload
functions (which are not loaded by exist()). Since we're checking
root-level functions, they're likely to be loaded once we're using any
part of the plugin.
275ec4fe63 broke this so that numbering
started from 0 instead of 1 with
g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_mode = 1
Specifically, I overlooked that |index| actually tracked the index of
the current buffer in the buffer list *starting from 1*, whereas I
assumed it tracked the true index (starting from 0).
airline#extensions#tabline#buflist#list doesn't pick up some buffers
(most notably Netrw buffers), so there are sometimes no buffers to show
and the tabline code fails with an error. This avoids that situation.
It would be better to detect these and show titles for them, but for now
this restores the old behaviour.
previously, the branch extension used name[0:6], however that would
break with multibyte characters, since this is a byte index and not a
character index.
This also adds a compatability wrapper, so that versions older than
Vim 7.3 are supported.
This is inspired by, and includes s:strchars from, @ruipgpinheiro's
commit e2d1295a3d3708e8d2a5eb30cac840fc9520bb8b
When the uniq_tail formatter is used, the buffer name is not refreshed
when running through the duplicates. Fix that by getting the correct
buffer name again.
A new variable named cursormode_mode_func is used to store the function
returning the current mode. This allows more customization in the mapping.
The default value is the built-in mode function so there is no change in
Add some documentation.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Faivre <>
looks like this:
let a=(condition ? s:var:'')
confuses older Vims and it complains about a missing colon. So make
parsing a bit easier and add a space in front of the second colon.
commit ab49a1c7ae changed that no leading whitespace was added.
While this removed a double space in front of the current active
selected buffer, it removed one space too much for the non-current
buffers in the bufferline.
So partly reverse it and only add the space, if the highlighting groups
between each item did not change.
previously, when both tabs and buffers were displayed in the tabline, it
was not immediately obvious which side belongs to a buffer and which one
to a tab. Therefore, add [buffers]/[tabs] labels consistently.
under certains circumstances it could happen that for the vim-ctrlspace
tabline extension a tabline group was redefined which would cause a
separator having foreground and background color swapped. This was
caused by using the 'pos' parameter for the right side wrongly.
rather let them be defined whenever they are needed. They were only used
inside a single function anyhow, so it does not make sense to cache
them. In addition, having the user later change the variable won't work
as expected.
The initial reason in #237 is not valid anymore, as vim-gitgutter
functions as expected for editing files that are not part of a repo,
whether they are:
- in a different repo
- in a parent repo (cwd being a submodule)
- outside of the repo
Furthermore, removing this check allows to show relevant info for
specific fugitive file names that are fugitive://..../sha1//...
which are hard to parse manually, especially in complicated situations
such as submodules.
The function shows the line number of the first error/warning that appears in the current buffer. If there are 20 warnings and the first warning exists on line 33, then vim-airline would show "W:20(L33)".
One can change how the line number is represented using: `g:airline#extensions#ale#open_lnum_symbol` and `airline#extensions#ale#close_lnum_symbol`
commit 232b641 did unfortunately disable tagbar completely, since
exists("*func") does not autoload the function.
So this time, try explicitly calling the function once, and if it does
not exists, it should be disabled and not cause any further errors.
rename g:airline#init#async variable to g:airline#init#vim_async
because that is what it is for: showing whether vim supports async. Is
not set vor nvim, because nvim always supports jobs.
When using vim-gitgutter and fugitive:
The hunks extension and the branch extension work as expected when the
file is first loaded; both parts are added to the statusline.
Once the cursor is moved and stopped for &updatetime ms:
1. The branch extension clears b:airline_head on CursorHold
2. Somehow (?) airline#statusline gets called on CursorHold
3. The hunks extension returns '' when b:airline_head is empty, causing
the hunks to be removed from the statusline.
It doesn't make sense to clear airline_head just because the cursor
moved, and the commit message adding the line doesn't say why:
Commit 174b7e1962 relies on airline_head
being set.
Debug detail:
Executing CursorHold Auto commands for "*"
autocommand unlet! b:airline_head
continuing in CursorHold Auto commands for "*"
calling function airline#statusline(1)
line 1: return exists('*airline#extensions#branch#head') && empty(get(b:, 'airline_head', ''))
function airline#extensions#hunks#get_hunks[13]..<SNR>32_get_hunks[14]..<SNR>32_get_hunks_gitgutter[1]..<SNR>32_is_branch_empty returning #1
function airline#extensions#hunks#get_hunks[13]..<SNR>32_get_hunks[14]..<SNR>32_get_hunks_gitgutter returning ''
function airline#extensions#hunks#get_hunks[13]..<SNR>32_get_hunks returning ''
function airline#extensions#hunks#get_hunks returning ''
:au CursorHold
--- Auto-Commands ---
gitgutter CursorHold
* call gitgutter#process_buffer(bufnr(''), 1)
* unlet! b:airline_head
airline_whitespace CursorHold
* call <sid>ws_refresh()
Sample vimrc:
set nocompatible
if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim'))
silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall --sync | q | doautocmd WinEnter
autocmd VimEnter *
\ if len(filter(values(g:plugs), '!isdirectory(v:val.dir)'))
\| PlugInstall --sync | q
\| endif
call plug#begin('~/.vim/bundle/')
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
call plug#end()
set laststatus=2
set updatetime=250
let g:airline_theme = 'dark'
Commmit a10d321809 introduced a small typo
spelling a previously set variable `trailing_fmt` as `trailing_fm`. This
causes Vim to report `trailing_fm` as an undefined variable. In this
change, the variable is properly referenced as `trailing_fmt`.
calling settabvar() while evaluating the 'tabline' setting apparently
causes flicker on Windows. Fall back to using `:let t:var` to store the
content in the current tabpage.
This is not as good as using `settabvar()` since we cannot store the
title for other tabs, but at least it should prevent the flicker and at
the same time at least cache the title for the current tabpage.
do not call airline#extensions#branch#head() but instead use the cached
variable b:airline_head.
Note: it looks like GitGutterGetHunkSummary() could need some cacheing
Currently, vim-airline will check untracked status for files e.g. living
in .git. So when editing .git/config it will show as being untracked.
While technically, this is correct I prefer not to see this for those
files. So skip the check for those files.
Currently the syntastic results are simply dumped into the error
section, however syntastic does internally distinguish between error and
warning sections.
Therefore change the syntastic extension to dump errors into the error
section and warnings into the warning section.
If a file is edited inside a git repository, which lies within a git
repository, the branch extensions shows 'gitmaster | hgdefault'
To make it more obvious, that we are looking into both repositories
here, use 'git:master | hg:default'
vim-airline does use a different section (path/file) depending on
whether 'acd' is set. Later in the bufferline extesion however, it
unconditionally overwrites the 'file' section, regardless of whether
this section is actually used.
Therefore the bufferline section needs to check this option as well.
This should not happen, however being a bit more error tolerant
shouldn't hurt, so let's just fall back to 'normal' for the
g:netrw_sort_direction in case it is not defined (which should be the
default anyhow).
- whether the file is considered to be main or local
- whether the viewer is opened
- whether the compilation is running
- whether the compilation is continuous
* `vimtex` existence check
* variables documentation
TODO: readme and a screenshot
Update doc
Update screenshot url
The denite extension functions return the content of some buffer-local
variables. Those variables are not defined, the first time the they are
accessed and therefore, the statusline is not updated later when
g:airline_skip_empty_sections is set.
So disable this variable in this window, by setting the
w:airline_skip_empty_section=0 variable in the denite window.
Line numbers are now displayed before the error, instead of after, preventing truncation (and thus making the whitespace/indent section essentially useless in smaller terminals)
This was used as a workaround to fix a highlighting bug, which was fixed
in Vim 7.4.1511 and therefore, we need to correctly detect that the
patch was applied and in that case skip adding those extra groups.
As a bonus, when not using those empty %( %) groups, the
skip_empty_section test will correctly handle this and therefore this
Adding an option to prevent windows from being closed when a buffer in
the tabline is middle clicked and the clicked buffer is currently open
in a window.
When this option is enabled, instead of closing the window a new buffer
will be opened in all of the windows editing the clicked buffer instead.
This is my first pull request AND my first experience with vimscript, so
my apologies if this is a bit sloppy 😄
airline#extensions#tabline#excludes and
airline#extensions#tabline#exclude_preview previously had no impact if
changed after vim load. This fixes that.
Currently vim-airline assumes, that the git_dir is part of the path for
the file being edited. This has changed, since git supports worktrees.
So take care of b:git_dir (which is set by fugitive) being a path
differently from the absolute path of the file being edited (however, it
should include the substring worktree in that case).
A typical status line for a 'po' (Portable Object) translation file is:
1152 translated messages, 91 fuzzy translations, 42 untranslated messages.
Adding a substitute(), tidies this to:
1152 translated, 91 fuzzy, 42 untranslated
which is still informative, but less verbose.
Since Vim8 we have win_getid() and getwininfo() functions to get
information about the current window. So we can use those functions to
find out, whether the current window is a quickfix or location list
This avoids using a redir() over the :ls command and trying to
manually match the string quickfix and should be faster and also be more
robust, as the redir may fail if done recursively.
This commit makes branch.vim use neovim's async jobs instead of a system()
function. This way we avoid the v:shell_error overwrite bug and allow live
updates of the untracked status.
* The head string is now calculated iff it has changed.
* The not exists symbol for current file appears as soon as its status is known.
* Fixes various problems with asynchronous status checking, such as:
* The not exists symbol keeps appearing and disapearing. This happened when
file was marked as not existing, the untracked cache was invalidated, and
the cache update is started, but in the meantime, the head string
calculation used the current (empty) value of the cache.
* The not exists symbol never appears, because cache keeps getting invalidated
before b:airline_head is emptied and updated.
* Introduce a config variable that holds the vcs-dependent parts of code.
* Removes `get_*_untracked` duplication by merging their logic together.
* Removes custom checks for 'git' or 'hg'. Functions now rely on provided config
* Use loops instead of manually specifying each handled VCS.
This commit fixes a bug, where untracked files in Git repos did not get the not
exists symbol displayed. The fix works by replacing the previous check for
whether currently edited file is a directory or not with a check based on
`findfile`. More detailed explanation follows.
VCS extension to vim-airline checks whether currently edited file is untracked.
The previous `s:get_git_untracked` implementation, which was used for the
aforementioned purpose for Git repos, was buggy, because it did not return the
untracked symbol in most situations, i.e. the edited file is untracked, but it
was treated as if it wasn't.
The root cause was the second clause in boolean expression checking the output
of `git status`:
if output[0:1] is# '??' && output[3:-2] is? a:file
It was added to make sure we are not checking a directory, but at this point in
the program `a:file` is an absolute path, while output of `git status` is a
relative path from the root of git repo. So the `is?` expression failed in most
This makes it so if the whitespace symbol (g:airline#extensions#whitespace#symbol) is an empty string, we don't end up wth two characters at the beginning of the message.
commit #3d667c32d3ac04 fixed a bug, that a section was not considered
empty for the statusline, also g:airline_skip_empty was set.
However unfortunately, this lead to a regression, makeing the tabline
ugly, because sections, that contained a single highlighting group would
be considered empty and would therefore be skipped. Since this is not
what is expected, make s:section_is_empty() return zero, when it notices
we are looking at a tabline.
Cache the hunk values. In case of short windows, shorten the hunk string
a little bit and make the branch extension take the hunk value into
account when deciding how much to shorten it.
Sometimes, if a buffer triggers many whitespace check warnings,
and the Vim window size is too small, other parts of the statusline
might become unreadable.
Therefore, if the window size is smaller than say 120 characters
and the whitespace warning > 9 chars, limit it to 10 characters
and inidicate, that there is more to come
fixes#1187 by making sure, we only call functions, that actually exist.
Should make vim-airline work with lady loaded YCM, e.g. using vim-plug:
" Code to execute when the plugin is loaded on demand
Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe', { 'for': 'cpp' }
autocmd! User YouCompleteMe if !has('vim_starting') | call youcompleteme#Enable() | endif
Make sure, b:airline_head variable is set, also it is initially set in
this function earlier. But see #1171 for an error.
Therefore, before checking if the variable is empty, make sure it
This is a little bit a hack, because by the time the separators are
added, it is not clear, if the following section is empty, therefore
we need to parse the content of the following section and eval the
expressions to find out, if this is empty
- catch all exceptions when eval'ing statusline
- make sure, that the seperators are highlighted
even when skipping empty regions (highlight group
names need to be adjusted)
- if a section is defined as empty, it will be removed completly from
the statusline. This means, it won't be called on the next update
and may not refresh properly (e.g. when the whitespace check
triggers, therefore, the whitesapce extension has to call an
explicit redraw whenever it is supposed to be refreshed)
"system()" called by "get_git_untracked" and "get_hg_untracked" fails
sometimes. It reports error "Can't open file /tmp/***".
The root cause is that the file path for system() contains some unordinary
character and lacks quotes.
Similar to #1065 and #1081, adds link scripts to be excluded.
Adds a list containing C-like languages to ignore, which implement
multiline comments as:
Comment below filetype check reflects all exclusions (c-like)
This patch prevents check_mix_indent_file() form notifying a "mix-ident-file"
when working where C/CPP using space and comment like:
* Some comment on the 1st column that shall not trigger check_indent_file()
This kind of file can be found in linux kernel for example.
Solution: Add a new option which inverses the position of buffer and
If switch_buffer_and_tabs is 0 (default) buffer are on the left and tabs
on the right else if is 1 the order is reversed.
This is a new tabline extension, that displays both the buffers open and
the available tabs. This has been requested by #639 and fixes#639.
This is based on blings work on branch spike.
This uses the new highlight groups tab*_right, so that the separators
have the correct color. Also this makes some configuration variable
obsolete and therefore, they have been removed.
remove unused combined config variable, remove space after tab
This should make the buflist algorithm faster.
Also there is an alternative implementation in branch 535 available,
which avoids looping over the complete range, I'll stay with the current
approach, as it does not depend on BufAdd/BufDelete autocommands.
instead of testing for buflisted() and bufexists() we only test for
buflisted() because, this also tests for the existence of the buffer.
Also instead of a second loop of the exclude patterns, we'll join all
of them together with '\|' and check if they match the current buffer.
The rest of the conditions have been joined into a single condition.
This together made up an improvement of
FUNCTION airline#extensions#tabline#buflist#list()
Called 94 times
Total time: 0.267305
Self time: 0.267305
FUNCTION airline#extensions#tabline#buflist#list()
Called 85 times
Total time: 0.124572
Self time: 0.124572
Try a different approach, that does not echo
the commandline. For that, create a <silent> mapping,
that is called via feedkeys() and as such should update the tabline.
Solution: Use the current one from ctrlspace 5.0 + minor style fixes
Problem: CtrlSpace 5.0 does no longer work with airline
Solution: Modify the ctrlspace extension to call the new APIs
The statusline work fine but the custom ctrlspace function
somehow/somewhere gets overridden and I could not figure out where.
Therefore the user must add
let g:CtrlSpaceStatuslineFunction = "airline#extensions#ctrlspace#statusline()"
to its .vimrc.
Problem: Ctrlspace 5.0 does not integrate well into tabline
Solution: Write a tabline extensions for ctrlspace 5.0.
The extensions is capable of showing both tabs and buffers, but only the
buffers of a current tab are shown.
This is an extension to the whitespace extension.
It can now detect, if there is mixed indentation used within a file,
e.g. (using space for indentation on some lines and using tabs on other
This fixes#560
Most of them seem to be caused by using :hi statements, although the
highlighting group to be created is exactly the same. Therefore, get the
info from actual definition and only execute :hi when the new group is
actually different.
Also try to avoid to generate :hi statements when the popupmen is
visible. This causes flickers.