Using let g:airline_section_y = airline#section#create_right(['ffenc','%{strftime("%H:%M")}'])
will result in an output string of `utf-8[unix] < < 00:00`
This happens, because the function util#prepend() will eventually add an
extra separator, if the width is zero. Therefore, when building the
string, remember, if the last section added an extra separator and only
add one, if there hasn't been added one before.
If active buffer is modified, `:AirlineRefresh` apply `normal` highlight
instead of `normal_modified` highlight.
No particular config is requiered to reproduce this bug.
I see this bug with option `g:airline_skip_empty_sections` set.
Add any modification at the active buffer return to normal mode,
**do not save** and wait a few seconds, you can see highlight change to
normal but file is modified.
Without option `g:airline_skip_empty_sections`, add any modification at
the active buffer return to normal mode and type `:AirlineRefresh` you
can see change to bad highlight .
The syntastic plugin recommends to adjust the statusline.
This does not apply for vim-airline for obvious reasons. Therefore
mention that this recommendation does not apply for us.
Cache the hunk values. In case of short windows, shorten the hunk string
a little bit and make the branch extension take the hunk value into
account when deciding how much to shorten it.
Sometimes, if a buffer triggers many whitespace check warnings,
and the Vim window size is too small, other parts of the statusline
might become unreadable.
Therefore, if the window size is smaller than say 120 characters
and the whitespace warning > 9 chars, limit it to 10 characters
and inidicate, that there is more to come
fixes#1187 by making sure, we only call functions, that actually exist.
Should make vim-airline work with lady loaded YCM, e.g. using vim-plug:
" Code to execute when the plugin is loaded on demand
Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe', { 'for': 'cpp' }
autocmd! User YouCompleteMe if !has('vim_starting') | call youcompleteme#Enable() | endif
Make sure, b:airline_head variable is set, also it is initially set in
this function earlier. But see #1171 for an error.
Therefore, before checking if the variable is empty, make sure it