by extending the already in place mechanism of checking for the first histchar to check for the second as well
zsh-syntax-highlighting / highlighters / main
This is the main highlighter, that highlights:
- Commands
- Options
- Arguments
- Paths
- Strings
How to activate it
To activate it, add it to ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS
This highlighter is active by default.
How to tweak it
This highlighter defines the following styles:
- unknown tokens / errorsreserved-word
- shell reserved wordsalias
- aliasesbuiltin
- shell builtin commandsfunction
- functionscommand
- commandsprecommand
- precommands (i.e. exec, builtin, ...)commandseparator
- command separation tokenshashed-command
- hashed commandspath
- pathspath_prefix
- path prefixespath_approx
- approximated pathsglobbing
- globbing expressionshistory-expansion
- history expansion expressionssingle-hyphen-option
- single hyphen optionsdouble-hyphen-option
- double hyphen optionsback-quoted-argument
- backquoted expressionssingle-quoted-argument
- single quoted argumentsdouble-quoted-argument
- double quoted argumentsdollar-double-quoted-argument
- dollar double quoted argumentsback-double-quoted-argument
- back double quoted argumentsassign
- variable assignmentsdefault
- parts of the buffer that do not match anything
To override one of those styles, change its entry in ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES
, for example in ~/.zshrc
# To differentiate aliases from other command types
# To have paths colored instead of underlined
# To disable highlighting of globbing expressions
The syntax for declaring styles is documented here.