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Discourse Ruby Gems
The following Ruby Gems are used in Discourse:
- pg
- redis
- em-redis
- Event Machine
- Active Model Serializers
- Sidekiq
- Therubyracer
- Guard
- OJ
- rack-mini-profiler
- sass
- rest-client
- activerecord-postgres-hstore
- fastimage
- seed-fu
- sanitize
- i18n-js
- pbkdf2
- fast_xs
- omniauth
- omniauth-openid
- omniauth-facebook
- omniauth-twitter
- omniauth-github
- vestal_versions
- uglifier
- nokogiri
- uuidtools
- rinku
- ruby-openid
- rspec
- shoulda
- turn
- fabrication
- mocha
- simplecov
- image_optim
- certified
- rb-fsevent
- rb-inotify
- terminal-notifier-guard
- pry-rails
- fakeweb