Sean E. Russell b20f477389 linting & documentation
Updated versioning and dates for release.
2020-06-07 16:56:19 -05:00

9.0 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Types of changes:

  • Added: for new features.
  • Changed: for changes in existing functionality.
  • Deprecated: for soon-to-be removed features.
  • Removed: for now removed features.
  • Fixed: for any bug fixes.
  • Security: in case of vulnerabilities.

[4.0.0] 2020-06-07

Command line options have changed.


  • Adds support for system-wide configurations. This improves support for package maintainers.
  • Help function to print key bindings, widgets, layouts, colorschemes, and paths
  • Help prints locations of config files (color schemes & layouts).
  • Help prints location of logs.
  • CLI option to scale out (#84).
  • Ability to report network traffic rates as mbps (#46).
  • Ignore lines matching /^#.*/ in layout files.
  • Instructions for Gentoo (thanks @tormath1!)
  • Graph labels that don't fit (vertically) in the window are now drawn in additional columns (#40)
  • Adds ability to filter reported temperatures (#92)
  • Command line option to list layouts, paths, colorschemes, hotkeys, and filterable devices
  • Adds ability to write out a configuration file
  • Adds a command for specifying the configuration file to use
  • Merged cmatsuoka's console font contribution
  • Added contribution from @wcdawn for building on machines w/ no Go/root access


  • Log files stored in $XDG_CACHE_HOME; DATA, CONFIG, CACHE, and RUNTIME are the only directories specified by the FreeDesktop spec.
  • Extensions are now built with a build tool; this is an interim solution until issues with the Go plugin API are resolved.
  • Command line help text is cleaned up.
  • Version bump of gopsutil
  • Prometheus client replaced by VictoriaMetrics/metrics. This eliminated 6 indirect package dependencies and saved 3.5MB (25%) of the compiled binary size.
  • Relicensed to MIT-3 (see #36)


  • configdir, logdir, and logfile options in the config file are no longer used. gotop looks for a configuration file, layouts, and colorschemes in the following order: command-line; pwd; user-home, and finally a system-wide path. The paths depend on the OS and whether XDG is in use.
  • Removes the deprecated --minimal and --battery options. Use -l minimal and -l battery instead.


  • Help & statusbar don't obey theme (#47).
  • Fix help text layout.
  • Merged fix from @markuspeloquin for custom color scheme loading crash
  • Memory line colors were inconsistently assigned (#91)
  • The disk code was truncating values instead of rounding (#90)
  • Temperatures on Darwin were all over the place, and wrong (#48)
  • Config file loading from ~/.config/gotop wasn't working
  • There were a number of minor issues with the config file that have been cleaned up.
  • Compile errors on FreeBSD due to golang.org/x/sys API breakages
  • Key bindings now work in FreeBSD (#95)
  • Only report battery sensor errors once (reduce noise in the log, #117)
  • Fixes a very small memory leak from the spark and histograph widgets (#128)

[3.5.3] - 2020-05-30

The FreeBSD bugfix release. While there are non-FreeBSD fixes in here, the focus was getting gotop to work properly on FreeBSD.


  • Address FreeBSD compile errors resulting to golang.org/x/sys API breakages
  • Key bindings now work in FreeBSD (#95)
  • Eliminate repeated logging about missing sensor data on FreeBSD VMs (#97)
  • Investigated #14, a report about gotop's memory not matching top's numbers, and came to the conclusions that (a) gotop is more correct in some cases (swap) than top, and (b) that the metric gotop is using (hw.physmem) is probably correct -- or that there's no obviously superior metric. So no change.

[3.5.2] - 2020-04-28


  • Fixes (an embarrasing) null map bug on FreeBSD (#94)

[3.5.1] - 2020-04-09

This is a bug fix release.


  • Removes verbose debugging unintentionally left in the code (#85)
  • kitchensink referenced by, but not included in binary is now included (#72)
  • Safety check prevents uninitialized colorscheme registry use
  • Updates instructions on where to put colorschemes and layouts (#75)
  • Trying to use a non-installed plugin should fail, not silently continue (#77)


  • Improved documentation about installing layouts and colorschemes

[3.5.0] - 2020-03-06

The version jump from 3.3.x is due to some work in the build automation that necessitated a number of bumps to test the build/release, and testing compiling plugins from github repositories.


  • Device data export via HTTP. If run with the --export :2112 flag (:2112 is a port), metrics are exposed as Prometheus metrics on that port.
  • A battery gauge as a power widget; battery as a bar rather than a histogram.
  • Temp widget displays degree symbol (merged from BartWillems, thanks also fleaz)
  • Support for (device) plugins, and abstracting devices from widgets. This allows adding functionality without adding bulk. See the plugins decision wiki section for more information.


  • Keys not controlling process widget, #59
  • The one-column bug, #62

[3.3.2] - 2020-02-26

Bugfix release.


  • #15, crash caused by battery widget when some accessories have batteries
  • #57, colors with dashes in the name not found.
  • Also, cjbassi/gotop#127 and cjbassi/gotop#130 were released back in v3.1.0.

[3.3.1] - 2020-02-18

  • Fixed: Fixes a layout bug where, if columns filled up early, widgets would be consumed but not displayed.
  • Fixed: Rolled back dependency update on github.com/shirou/gopsutil; the new version has a bug that causes cores to not be seen.

[3.3.0] - 2020-02-17

  • Added: Logs are now rotated. Settings are currently hard-coded at 4 files of 5MB each, so logs shouldn't take up more than 20MB. I'm going to see how many complain about wanting to configure these settings before I add code to do that.
  • Added: Config file support. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gotop/gotop.conf can now contain any field in Config. Syntax is simply KEY=VALUE. Values in config file are overridden by command-line arguments (although, there's a weakness in that there's no way to disable boolean fields enabled in the config).
  • Changed: Colorscheme registration is changed to be less hard-coded. Colorschemes can now be created and added to the repo, without having to also add hard-coded references elsewhere.
  • Changed: Minor code refactoring to support Config file changes has resulted in better isolation.

[3.2.0] - 2020-02-14

Bug fixes & pull requests

  • Fixed: Rowspan in a column loses widgets in later columns
  • Fixed: Merged pull request for README clean-ups (theverything:add-missing-option-to-readme)
  • Added: Merge Nord color scheme (jrswab:nordColorScheme)
  • Added: Merge support for multiple (and filtering) network interfaces (mattLLVW:feature/network_interface_list)
  • Added: Merge filtering subprocesses by substring (rephorm:filter)

[3.1.0] - 2020-02-13

Re-homed the project after the original fork (trunk?) was marked as unmaintained by cjbassi.

  • Changed: Merges @HowJMay spelling fixes
  • Added: Merges @markuspeloquin solarized themes
  • Added: Merges @jrswab additional kill terms
  • Added: Adds the ability to lay out the UI using a text file
  • Changed: the project filesystem layout to be more idiomatic

3.0.0 - 2019-02-22


  • Add vice colorscheme #115


  • Change -v cli option to -V for version
  • Revert back to using the XDG spec on macOS


2.0.2 - 2019-02-16


  • Fix processes on macOS not showing when there's a space in the command name #107 #109