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Current steps for a release
Update Version in main.go(now set in package build)- Update CHANGELOG.md
- Tag
- Push everything
- Wait for the github workflows to complete
- Download and verify the correct version of one of the binaries
- Finish the draft release and publish.
- Check gotop-builder for a successful everything build; if successful, publish.
- Notify Nix
Notify HomebrewAutomated now.- Trigger extensions:
and then go in and mark each release as not a pre-release.for p in builder nvidia remote linux; do curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" \ -H "Authorization: token ${TOKEN}" \ --request POST \ --data "{'event_type': 'my-release', 'client_payload': {'tag': '${TAG}'}}" \ https://api.github.com/repos/xxxserxxx/gotop-${p}/dispatches done
- Wait for the AUR project to finish building.
- Update package versions in gotop and gotop-bin
- namcap PKGBUILD
- updpkgsums
- makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO
- git commit -a
- git push
- Test install
, andgotop-git
with running & version check
The AUR project still needs secret credentials to aurpublish to the AUR repository, so the final publish step is still currently manual.
I haven't yet figured this out, so currently just file a ticket and hope somebody on that end updates the package.
Nix adds new and interesting complexities to the release.
- Download the gotop src package; run sha256 on it to get the hash
- cd to the nixpkgs directory
- Update the sha256 hash in
docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,source="\$(pwd)",target=/mnt nixos/nix sh
cd /mnt
- install & run vgo2nix to update deps.nix
nix-build -A gotop
- When it fails, ...