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2022-11-30 12:01:19 +00:00
* Text used for user-preference specific views within bookstack.
return [
'my_account' => 'My Account',
'shortcuts' => 'Snarveier',
'shortcuts_interface' => 'UI Shortcut Preferences',
'shortcuts_toggle_desc' => 'Her kan du aktivere eller deaktivere snarveier for tastatur system som brukes til navigasjon og handlinger.',
'shortcuts_customize_desc' => 'Du kan tilpasse hver av snarveiene nedenfor. Trykk på ønsket nøkkelkombinasjon etter å ha valgt inndata for en snarvei.',
'shortcuts_toggle_label' => 'Tastatursnarveier aktivert',
'shortcuts_section_navigation' => 'Navigasjon',
'shortcuts_section_actions' => 'Vanlige handlinger',
'shortcuts_save' => 'Lagre snarveier',
'shortcuts_overlay_desc' => 'Merk: Når snarveier er aktivert er et hjelperoverlegg tilgjengelig via å trykke "?" som vil fremheve de tilgjengelige snarveiene som for øyeblikket er synlige på skjermen.',
'shortcuts_update_success' => 'Snarvei innstillinger er oppdatert!',
'shortcuts_overview_desc' => 'Behandle tastatursnarveier du kan bruke for å navigere i systembrukergrensesnittet.',
'notifications' => 'Innstillinger for varsling',
'notifications_desc' => 'Kontroller e-postvarslene du mottar når en bestemt aktivitet utføres i systemet.',
'notifications_opt_own_page_changes' => 'Varsle ved endringer til sider jeg eier',
'notifications_opt_own_page_comments' => 'Varsle om kommentarer på sider jeg eier',
'notifications_opt_comment_replies' => 'Varsle ved svar på mine kommentarer',
'notifications_save' => 'Lagre innstillinger',
'notifications_update_success' => 'Varslingsinnstillingene er oppdatert!',
'notifications_watched' => 'Overvåka & ignorerte elementer',
'notifications_watched_desc' => ' Nedenfor er elementene som har egendefinerte varslingsinnstillinger i bruk. For å oppdatere innstillingene for disse, se elementet, finn varslingsalternativene i sidepanelet.',
'auth' => 'Access & Security',
'auth_change_password' => 'Change Password',
'auth_change_password_desc' => 'Change the password you use to log-in to the application. This must be at least 8 characters long.',
'auth_change_password_success' => 'Password has been updated!',
'profile' => 'Profile Details',
'profile_desc' => 'Manage the details of your account which represents you to other users, in addition to details that are used for communication and system personalisation.',
'profile_view_public' => 'View Public Profile',
'profile_name_desc' => 'Configure your display name which will be visible to other users in the system through the activity you perform, and content you own.',
'profile_email_desc' => 'This email will be used for notifications and, depending on active system authentication, system access.',
'profile_email_no_permission' => 'Unfortunately you don\'t have permission to change your email address. If you want to change this, you\'d need to ask an administrator to change this for you.',
'profile_avatar_desc' => 'Select an image which will be used to represent yourself to others in the system. Ideally this image should be square and about 256px in width and height.',
'profile_admin_options' => 'Administrator Options',
'profile_admin_options_desc' => 'Additional administrator-level options, like those to manage role assignments, can be found for your user account in the "Settings > Users" area of the application.',
'delete_account' => 'Delete Account',
'delete_my_account' => 'Delete My Account',
'delete_my_account_desc' => 'This will fully delete your user account from the system. You will not be able to recover this account or revert this action. Content you\'ve created, such as created pages and uploaded images, will remain.',
'delete_my_account_warning' => 'Are you sure you want to delete your account?',