'permissions_desc'=>'Set permissions here to override the default permissions provided by user roles.',
'permissions_book_cascade'=>'Permissions set on books will automatically cascade to child chapters and pages, unless they have their own permissions defined.',
'permissions_chapter_cascade'=>'Permissions set on chapters will automatically cascade to child pages, unless they have their own permissions defined.',
'shelves_permissions_cascade_warning'=>'Permissions on shelves do not automatically cascade to contained books. This is because a book can exist on multiple shelves. Permissions can however be copied down to child books using the option found below.',
'shelves_copy_permissions_explain'=>'This will apply the current permission settings of this shelf to all books contained within. Before activating, ensure any changes to the permissions of this shelf have been saved.',
'shelves_copy_permission_success'=>'Shelf permissions copied to :count books',
'books_sort_desc'=>'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'chapters_delete_explain'=>'This will delete the chapter with the name \':chapterName\'. All pages that exist within this chapter will also be deleted.',
'chapters_delete_confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to delete this chapter?',
'pages_edit_delete_draft_confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to delete your draft page changes? All of your changes, since the last full save, will be lost and the editor will be updated with the latest page non-draft save state.',
'pages_edit_switch_to_wysiwyg'=>'Switch to WYSIWYG Editor',
'pages_edit_set_changelog'=>'Set Changelog',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog_desc'=>'Enter a brief description of the changes you\'ve made',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog'=>'Enter Changelog',
'pages_editor_switch_title'=>'Switch Editor',
'pages_editor_switch_are_you_sure'=>'Are you sure you want to change the editor for this page?',
'pages_editor_switch_consider_following'=>'Consider the following when changing editors:',
'pages_editor_switch_consideration_a'=>'Once saved, the new editor option will be used by any future editors, including those that may not be able to change editor type themselves.',
'pages_editor_switch_consideration_b'=>'This can potentially lead to a loss of detail and syntax in certain circumstances.',
'pages_editor_switch_consideration_c'=>'Tag or changelog changes, made since last save, won\'t persist across this change.',
'pages_revisions_desc'=>'Listed below are all the past revisions of this page. You can look back upon, compare, and restore old page versions if permissions allow. The full history of the page may not be fully reflected here since, depending on system configuration, old revisions could be auto-deleted.',
'pages_editing_draft_notification'=>'You are currently editing a draft that was last saved :timeDiff.',
'pages_draft_edited_notification'=>'This page has been updated by since that time. It is recommended that you discard this draft.',
'pages_draft_page_changed_since_creation'=>'This page has been updated since this draft was created. It is recommended that you discard this draft or take care not to overwrite any page changes.',
'start_a'=>':count users have started editing this page',
'start_b'=>':userName has started editing this page',
'time_a'=>'since the page was last updated',
'time_b'=>'in the last :minCount minutes',
'message'=>':start :time. Take care not to overwrite each other\'s updates!',
'tags_index_desc'=>'Tags can be applied to content within the system to apply a flexible form of categorization. Tags can have both a key and value, with the value being optional. Once applied, content can then be queried using the tag name and value.',
'attachments_no_files'=>'No files have been uploaded',
'attachments_explain_link'=>'You can attach a link if you\'d prefer not to upload a file. This can be a link to another page or a link to a file in the cloud.',
'attachments_link_name'=>'Link Name',
'attachment_link'=>'Attachment link',
'attachments_link_url'=>'Link to file',
'attachments_link_url_hint'=>'Url of site or file',
'attachments_insert_link'=>'Add Attachment Link to Page',
'attachments_edit_file'=>'Edit File',
'attachments_edit_file_name'=>'File Name',
'attachments_edit_drop_upload'=>'Drop files or click here to upload and overwrite',
'attachments_order_updated'=>'Attachment order updated',
'attachments_link_attached'=>'Link successfully attached to page',
'templates_set_as_template'=>'Page is a template',
'templates_explain_set_as_template'=>'You can set this page as a template so its contents be utilized when creating other pages. Other users will be able to use this template if they have view permissions for this page.',
'comment_delete_confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?',
'comment_in_reply_to'=>'In reply to :commentId',
// Revision
'revision_delete_confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to delete this revision?',
'revision_restore_confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to restore this revision? The current page contents will be replaced.',
'revision_cannot_delete_latest'=>'Cannot delete the latest revision.',
// Copy view
'copy_consider'=>'Please consider the below when copying content.',
'copy_consider_permissions'=>'Custom permission settings will not be copied.',
'copy_consider_owner'=>'You will become the owner of all copied content.',
'copy_consider_images'=>'Page image files will not be duplicated & the original images will retain their relation to the page they were originally uploaded to.',
'copy_consider_attachments'=>'Page attachments will not be copied.',
'copy_consider_access'=>'A change of location, owner or permissions may result in this content being accessible to those previously without access.',
// Conversions
'convert_to_shelf'=>'Convert to Shelf',
'convert_to_shelf_contents_desc'=>'You can convert this book to a new shelf with the same contents. Chapters contained within this book will be converted to new books. If this book contains any pages, that are not in a chapter, this book will be renamed and contain such pages, and this book will become part of the new shelf.',
'convert_to_shelf_permissions_desc'=>'Any permissions set on this book will be copied to the new shelf and to all new child books that don\'t have their own permissions enforced. Note that permissions on shelves do not auto-cascade to content within, as they do for books.',
'convert_book'=>'Convert Book',
'convert_book_confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to convert this book?',
'convert_undo_warning'=>'This cannot be as easily undone.',
'convert_to_book'=>'Convert to Book',
'convert_to_book_desc'=>'You can convert this chapter to a new book with the same contents. Any permissions set on this chapter will be copied to the new book but any inherited permissions, from the parent book, will not be copied which could lead to a change of access control.',
'convert_chapter'=>'Convert Chapter',
'convert_chapter_confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to convert this chapter?',