Migrations run without force could fail startup in certain environment conditions (when testing production env). Also updated paths permission handling to update more needed locations.
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Development & Testing
All development on BookStack is currently done on the development
When it's time for a release the development
branch is merged into release with built & minified CSS & JS then tagged at its version. Here are the current development requirements:
- Node.js v18.0+
Building CSS & JavaScript Assets
This project uses SASS for CSS development and this is built, along with the JavaScript, using a range of npm scripts. The below npm commands can be used to install the dependencies & run the build tasks:
# Install NPM Dependencies
npm install
# Build assets for development
npm run build
# Build and minify assets for production
npm run production
# Build for dev (With sourcemaps) and watch for changes
npm run dev
Further details about the BookStack JavaScript codebase can be found in the javascript-code.md document.
Automated App Testing
BookStack has a large suite of PHP tests to cover application functionality. We try to ensure that all additions and changes to the platform are covered with testing.
For details about setting-up, running and writing tests please see the php-testing.md document.
Code Standards
We use tools to manage code standards and formatting within the project. If submitting a PR, formatting as per our project standards would help for clarity but don't worry too much about using/understanding these tools as we can always address issues at a later stage when they're picked up by our automated tools.
PHP code standards are managed by using PHP_CodeSniffer. Static analysis is in place using PHPStan & Larastan. The below commands can be used to utilise these tools:
# Run code linting using PHP_CodeSniffer
composer lint
# As above, but show rule names in output
composer lint -- -s
# Auto-fix formatting & lint issues via PHP_CodeSniffer phpcbf
composer format
# Run static analysis via larastan/phpstan
composer check-static
JavaScript code standards use managed using ESLint.
The ESLint rule configuration is managed within the package.json
The below commands can be used to lint and format:
# Run code linting using ESLint
npm run lint
# Fix code where possible using ESLint
npm run fix
Development using Docker
This repository ships with a Docker Compose configuration intended for development purposes. It'll build a PHP image with all needed extensions installed and start up a MySQL server and a Node image watching the UI assets.
To get started, make sure you meet the following requirements:
- Docker and Docker Compose are installed
- Your user is part of the
If all the conditions are met, you can proceed with the following steps:
- Copy
, changeAPP_KEY
to a random 32 char string and setAPP_ENV
. - Make sure port 8080 is unused or else change
to a free port on your host. - Run
chgrp -R docker storage
. The development container will chown thestorage
directories to thewww-data
user inside the container so BookStack can write to it. You need to change the group to your host'sdocker
group here to not lose access to thestorage
directory. - Run
docker-compose up
and wait until the image is built and all database migrations have been done. - You can now login with
as password onlocalhost:8080
(or another port if specified).
If needed, You'll be able to run any artisan commands via docker-compose like so:
docker-compose run app php artisan list
The docker-compose setup runs an instance of MailHog and sets environment variables to redirect any BookStack-sent emails to MailHog. You can view this mail via the MailHog web interface on localhost:8025
. You can change the port MailHog is accessible on by setting a DEV_MAIL_PORT
environment variable.
Running tests
After starting the general development Docker, migrate & seed the testing database:
# This only needs to be done once
docker-compose run app php artisan migrate --database=mysql_testing
docker-compose run app php artisan db:seed --class=DummyContentSeeder --database=mysql_testing
Once the database has been migrated & seeded, you can run the tests like so:
docker-compose run app php vendor/bin/phpunit
The docker-compose setup ships with Xdebug, which you can listen to on port 9090. NB : For some editors like Visual Studio Code, you might need to map your workspace folder to the /app folder within the docker container for this to work.