We can't use json meta parser's remaining buffered data as the markdown body
because it may not contain the entire original content.
Now we adopt the way like toml and yaml parser's way to extract the meta content
at first.
Also when spilting the meta data and content body, additional io.Copy is
Fix issue #355
Signed-off-by: Tw <tw19881113@gmail.com>
Made a faulty assumption that virualhosts could share acme proxy handlers; turns out they can't without fumbling up the middleware configuration (middleware chains overlap and cross over into other virtualhosts)!
Hosts which are eligible for automatic HTTPS have default port "https" but other hosts (wildcards, loopback, etc.) have the default port 2015. The default host of empty string should be more IPv6-compatible.
Instead of accessing the google website, we setup a local server
for test, then tests will work fine even we are offline.
Fix issue #346
Signed-off-by: Tw <tw19881113@gmail.com>
It no longer uses regular expressions.
It supports both the Unix `{$ENV_VAR}` _and_ the Windows `{%ENV_VAR%}`
Added test for both Unix and Windows env. syntax.
Added a -grace flag to customize graceful shutdown period, fixed bugs related to closing file descriptors (and dup'ed fds), improved healthcheck signaling to parent, fixed a race condition with the graceful listener, etc. These improvements mainly provide better support for frequent reloading or unusual use cases of Start and Stop after a Restart (POSIX systems). This forum thread was valuable help in debugging: https://forum.golangbridge.org/t/bind-address-already-in-use-even-after-listener-closed/1510?u=matt
Fixed pidfile writing problem where a pidfile would be written even if child failed, also cleaned up restarts a bit and fixed a few bugs, it's more robust now in case of failures and with logging.
Whether the original parent process or a child process as part of a restart, the pidfile will not be written/changed until that process has started successfully. It is written every time caddy.Start() succeeds (may be reundant, but that's probably okay).