1093 lines
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2013-06-16 16:08:36 -04:00
topic: 'del en link til dette emnet'
post: 'del en link til dette innlegget'
close: 'lukk'
twitter: 'del denne linken på Twitter'
facebook: 'del denne linken på Facebook'
google+: 'del denne linken på Google+'
email: 'del denne linken i en email'
edit: 'rediget tittelen og kategorien til dette emnet'
not_implemented: "Den egenskapen har ikkje blitt implementert enda, beklager!"
no_value: "Nei"
yes_value: "Ja"
of_value: "av"
generic_error: "Beklager, det har oppstått en feil."
log_in: "Logg Inn"
age: "Alder"
last_post: "Siste Innlegg"
admin_title: "Admin"
flags_title: "Flagg"
show_more: "vis mer"
links: Links
faq: "FAQ"
you: "du"
or: "eller"
now: "akkurat nå"
read_more: 'les mer'
one: "på 1 sekund"
other: "på {{count}} sekunder"
one: "på 1 minutt"
other: "om {{count}} minutter"
one: "på 1 time"
other: "på {{count}} timer"
one: "på 1 dag"
other: "på {{count}} dager"
title: "Anbefalte Emner"
not_logged_in: "Beklager, du må være innlogget for å bokmerke innlegg."
created: "Du har bokmerket dette innlegget."
not_bookmarked: "Du har lest dette innlegget; klikk for å bokmerke det"
last_read: "Dette er det siste innlegget du har lest."
new_topics_inserted: "{{count}} nye innlegg."
show_new_topics: "Klikk for å vise."
preview: "forhåndsvisning"
cancel: "avbryt"
save: "Lagre Endringer"
saving: "Lagrer..."
saved: "Lagret!"
none_found: "Ingen emner funnet."
search: "Søk etter et emne ved navn, url eller id:"
placeholder: "skriv emnetittelen her"
user_posted_topic: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a> postet <a href='{{topicUrl}}'>emnet</a>"
you_posted_topic: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>Du</a> postet <a href='{{topicUrl}}'>emnet</a>"
user_replied_to_post: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a> besvarte <a href='{{postUrl}}'>{{post_number}}</a>"
you_replied_to_post: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>Du</a> besvarte <a href='{{postUrl}}'>{{post_number}}</a>"
user_replied_to_topic: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a> besvarte <a href='{{topicUrl}}'>emnet</a>"
you_replied_to_topic: "<a href='{{userUrl}}'>Du</a> besvarte <a href='{{topicUrl}}'>emnet</a>"
user_mentioned_user: "<a href='{{user1Url}}'>{{user}}</a> nevnte <a href='{{user2Url}}'>{{another_user}}</a>"
user_mentioned_you: "<a href='{{user1Url}}'>{{user}}</a> nevnte <a href='{{user2Url}}'>deg</a>"
you_mentioned_user: "<a href='{{user1Url}}'>Du</a> nevnte <a href='{{user2Url}}'>{{user}}</a>"
posted_by_user: "Postet av <a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a>"
posted_by_you: "Postet av <a href='{{userUrl}}'>deg</a>"
sent_by_user: "Sendt av <a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a>"
sent_by_you: "Sendt av <a href='{{userUrl}}'>deg</a>"
"1": "Likes Gitt"
"2": "Likes Mottatt"
"3": "Bokmerker"
"4": "Emner"
"5": "Svar gitt"
"6": "Svar mottatt"
"7": "Omtalelser"
"9": "Sitater"
"10": "Favoritter"
"11": "Redigeringer"
"12": "Sendte Elementer"
"13": "Innboks"
profile: Profile
title: "Bruker"
mute: Mute
edit: Edit Preferences
download_archive: "last ned arkiv av mine innlegg"
private_message: "Private Meldinger"
private_messages: "Meldinger"
activity_stream: "Aktivitet"
preferences: "Preferanser"
bio: "Om meg"
invited_by: "Invitert Av"
trust_level: "Tillitsnivå"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Åpne alle eksterne linker i ny fane"
enable_quoting: "Aktiver siter svar for uthevet tekst"
moderator: "{{user}} er en moderator"
admin: "{{user}} er en admin"
action: "endre"
success: "(email sendt)"
in_progress: "(sender email)"
error: "(feil)"
action: "endre"
title: "Endre Brukernavn"
confirm: "Det kan være kosekvenser ved å endre ditt brukernavn. Er du sikker på at du vil gjøre det?"
taken: "Beklager, det brukernavnet er tatt."
error: "Det skjedde en feil ved endring av ditt brukernavn."
invalid: "Det brukernavnet er ugyldig. Det kan bare inneholde nummer og bokstaver."
action: 'endre'
title: "Endre Email"
taken: "Beklager, den emailen er ikke tilgjengelig."
error: "Det skjedde en feil ved endring av din email. Kanskje den addressen allerede er i bruk?"
success: "Vi har sent en email til den addressen. Vennligst følg meldingens instruksjoner for bekreftelse."
title: "Email"
instructions: "Din email vil aldri bli vist til offentligheten."
ok: "Ser bra ut. Vi sender deg en email for å bekrefte."
invalid: "Vennligst skriv inn en gyldig emailaddresse."
authenticated: "Din email har blitt autentisert av {{provider}}."
frequency: "Vi sender deg bare en email om vi ikke har sett deg nylig og du har ikke allerede sett tingen vi varslet deg om."
title: "Naavn"
instructions: "Den lange versjonen av ditt navn; trenger ikke å være unik. Brukt for alternativ @brukernavn matching og vist bare på brukersiden din."
too_short: "Navnet ditt er for kort."
ok: "Navnet ditt ser bra ut."
title: "Brukernavn"
instructions: "Må være unikt, uten mellomrom. Folk kan nevne deg som @brukernavn."
short_instructions: "Folk kan nevne deg som @{{username}}."
available: "Ditt brukernavn er tilgjengelig."
global_match: "Email matcher det registrerte brukernavnet."
global_mismatch: "Allerede registrert. Prøv {{suggestion}}?"
not_available: "Ikke tilgjengelig. Prøv {{suggestion}}?"
too_short: "Ditt brukernavn er for kort."
too_long: "Ditt brukernavn er for langt."
checking: "Sjekker brukernavns tilgjengelighet..."
enter_email: 'Brukernavn funnet. Skriv inn matchende email.'
title: "Passord Igjen"
last_posted: "Siste Innlegg"
last_emailed: "Sist Kontaktet"
last_seen: "Sist Sett"
created: "Laget Ved"
log_out: "Logg Ut"
website: "Webside"
email_settings: "Email"
title: "Når jeg ikke besøker siden, send meg ett sammendrag på email om siste nytt"
daily: "daglig"
weekly: "ukentlig"
bi_weekly: "hver andre uke"
email_direct: "Motta en email når noen siterer deg, svarer på ditt innlegg, eller nevner ditt @brukernavn"
email_private_messages: "Notta en email når noen sender deg en privat melding"
other_settings: "Annet"
label: "Anse emner som nye når"
not_viewed: "Jeg har ikke sett dem ennå"
last_here: "de var postet siden jeg var her sist"
one: "de var postet i løpet av dagen"
other: "de var postet i de siste {{count}} dagene"
one: "de var postet i løpet av uken"
other: "de vart postet i det siste {{count}} ukene"
auto_track_topics: "Følg automatisk emner jeg åpner"
never: "aldri"
always: "alltid"
one: "etter 1 sekund"
other: "etter {{count}} sekunder"
one: "etter 1 minutt"
other: "etter {{count}} minutter"
title: "invitasjoner"
user: "Invitert Bruker"
none: "{{username}} har ikke invitert noen brukere til siden."
redeemed: "Løs inn invitasjoner"
redeemed_at: "Løst inn ved"
pending: "Ventende Invitasjoner"
topics_entered: "Emner Lagt Inn"
posts_read_count: "Innlegg Lest"
rescind: "Fjern Invitasjon"
rescinded: "Invitasjon Fjernet"
time_read: "Lesetid"
days_visited: "Dager Besøkt"
account_age_days: "Kontoalder i dager"
title: "Passord"
too_short: "Passordet ditt er for kort"
ok: "Passordet ditt ser bra ut"
title: "Siste IP Addresse"
title: "Profilbilde"
instructions: "Vi bruker <a href='https://gravatar.com' target='_blank'>Gravatar</a> basert på din email for profilbilder."
all: "Alle"
posted_by: "Poste av"
sent_by: "Sent av"
private_message: "private meldinger"
the_topic: "emnet"
loading: "Laster..."
close: "Lukk"
learn_more: "lær mer..."
year: 'år'
year_desc: 'emner postet i de siste 365 dager'
month: 'måned'
month_desc: 'emner postet i de siste 30 dager'
week: 'uke'
week_desc: 'emner postet i de siste 7 dager'
first_post: First post
mute: Mute
unmute: Unmute
last_post: Last post
title: "De Beste"
enabled_description: You are currently viewing the "De Beste" view of this topic.
description: "Det er <b>{{count}}</b> innlegg i dette emnet. Det er mange! Will du spare tid ved å vise bare de beste innleggene?"
enable: 'Bytt til "De Beste" modus'
disable: 'Avslutt "De Beste"'
title: "Private Meldinger"
invite: "Inviter Andre..."
email: 'Email'
username: 'Brukernavn'
last_seen: 'Sist Sett'
created: 'Laget'
trust_level: 'Tillitsnivå'
title: "Lag Konto"
action: "Lag en nå!"
invite: "Har du ikke en konto ennå?"
failed: "Something went wrong, perhaps this email is already registered, try the forgot password link"
title: "Glemt Passord"
action: "Jeg glemte mitt passord"
invite: "Skriv inn ditt brukernavn eller e-postaddresse, så sender vi deg en email for å tilbakestille ditt passord."
reset: "Tilbakestill Passord"
complete: "Du burde snart motta en email med instruksjoner om hvordan du kan tilbakestille ditt passord."
title: "Logg Inn"
username: "Brukernavn"
password: "Passord"
email_placeholder: "email addresse eller brukernavn"
error: "Ukjent feil"
reset_password: 'Tilbakestill Passord'
logging_in: "Logger Inn..."
or: "Eller"
authenticating: "Autentiserer..."
awaiting_confirmation: "Din konto avventer aktivering. Bruk 'Glemt Passord' linken for å sende en ny emailfor aktivering."
awaiting_approval: "Din kont har ikkje blitt godkjent av en moderator enda. Du vil motta en email når den er godkjent."
not_activated: "Du kan ikke logge inn enda. Vi sente en email for aktivering til deg <b>{{sentTo}}</b>.. Vennligst følg instruksjonene i den emailen for å aktivere din konto."
resend_activation_email: "Klikk her for å sende emailen for aktivering igjen."
sent_activation_email_again: "Vi sendte deg enda en email for aktivering til <b>{{currentEmail}}</b>. Det kan ta noen minutter før den kommer fram; sørg for at du sjekker spamfolderen din."
title: "med Google"
message: "Autentiserer med Google (sørg for at du tillater pop-up vindu)"
title: "med Twitter"
message: "Autentiserer med Twitter (sørg for at du tillater pop-up vindu)"
title: "med Facebook"
message: "Autentiserer med Facebook (sørg for at du tillater pop-up vindu)"
title: "Logg in med CAS"
message: "Autentiserer med CAS (sørg for at du tillater pop-up vindu)"
title: "med Yahoo"
message: "Autentiserer med Yahoo (sørg for at du tillater pop-up vindu)"
title: "med GitHub"
message: "Autentiserer med GitHub (sørg for at du tillater pop-up vindu)"
title: "med Persona"
message: "Autentiserer med Mozilla Persona (sørg for at du tillater pop-up vindu)"
posting_not_on_topic: "Du svarer på emnet \"{{title}}\", men for øyeblikket ser du på et annet emne."
saving_draft_tip: "lagrer"
saved_draft_tip: "lagret"
saved_local_draft_tip: "lagret lokalt"
similar_topics: "Emnet ditt har likheter med..."
drafts_offline: "utkast offline"
need_more_for_title: "{{n}} igen for tittelen"
need_more_for_reply: "{{n}} igjen for svaret"
title_missing: "Tittel er obligatorisk."
title_too_short: "Tittelen må være minst {{min}} tegn lang."
title_too_long: "Tittelen må være mindre enn {{max}} tegn lang."
post_missing: "Innlegget kan ikke være tomt."
post_length: "Innlegget må være minst {{min}} tegn langt."
category_missing: "Du må velge en kategory."
save_edit: "Lagre Endring"
reply_original: "Besvar det Originale Emnet"
reply_here: "Svar Her"
reply: "Svar"
cancel: "Avbryt"
create_topic: "Lag Emne"
create_pm: "Lag Privat Melding"
users_placeholder: "Legg til en bruker"
title_placeholder: "Skriv tittelen din her. I en kort setning, hva handler denne diskusjonen om?"
reply_placeholder: "Skriv her. Bruk Markdown eller BBCode for formatering. Dra eller lim inn et bilde for å laste det opp."
view_new_post: "Set ditt nye innlegg."
saving: "Lagrer..."
saved: "Lagret!"
saved_draft: "Du har et innleggsutlegg i utvikling. Klikk et sted i denne boksen for å gjenoppta redigering."
uploading: "Laster opp..."
show_preview: 'se forhånsvisning &raquo;'
hide_preview: '&laquo; skjul forhåndsvisning'
quote_post_title: "Siter hele innlegget"
bold_title: "Sterk"
bold_text: "sterk tekst"
italic_title: "Kursiv"
italic_text: "kursiv tekst"
link_title: "Hyperlink"
link_description: "beskriv linken her"
link_dialog_title: "Legg inn Hyperlink"
link_optional_text: "valgfri tittel"
quote_title: "Sitatramme"
quote_text: "Sitatramme"
code_title: "Kode Utsnitt"
code_text: "Legg inn kode her"
image_title: "Bilde"
image_description: "beskriv bildet her"
image_dialog_title: "Legg til Bildet"
image_optional_text: "valgfri title"
image_hosting_hint: "Trenger du <a href='http://www.google.com/search?q=free+image+hosting' target='_blank'>gratis bildelagring?</a>"
olist_title: "Nummerert Liste"
ulist_title: "Kulepunkt Liste"
list_item: "Listeelement"
heading_title: "Overskrift"
heading_text: "Overskrift"
hr_title: "Horisontalt Skille"
undo_title: "Angre"
redo_title: "Gjenta"
help: "Hjelp for redigering i Markdown"
toggler: "gjem eller vis redigeringspanelet"
admin_options_title: "Valgfrie emne-instillinger for ansatte"
auto_close_label: "Auto-lås emnet etter:"
auto_close_units: "dager"
title: "notifikasjoner fra @brukernavn omtalelser, svar til dine innlegg og emner, private meldinger, osv"
none: "Du har ingen notifikasjoner akkurat nå."
more: "se gamle notifikasjoner"
mentioned: "<span title='omtalt' class='icon'>@</span> {{username}} {{link}}"
quoted: "<i title='sitert' class='icon icon-quote-right'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
replied: "<i title='besvart' class='icon icon-reply'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
posted: "<i title='innlegg' class='icon icon-reply'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
edited: "<i title='redigert' class='icon icon-pencil'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
liked: "<i title='likt' class='icon icon-heart'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
private_message: "<i class='icon icon-envelope-alt' title='private melding'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
invited_to_private_message: "<i class='icon icon-envelope-alt' title='invitert til private melding'></i> {{username}} {{link}}"
invitee_accepted: "<i title='accepted your invitation' class='icon icon-signin'></i> {{username}} aksepterte din invitasjon"
moved_post: "<i title='flyttet innlegg' class='icon icon-arrow-right'></i> {{username}} flyttet til {{link}}"
total_flagged: "totalt markerte innlegg"
title: "Legg til Bilde"
from_my_computer: "Fra Min Enhet"
from_the_web: "Fra Nettet"
add_image: "Legg til Bilde"
remote_title: "eksternt bilde"
remote_tip: "skriv inn addressen til et bilde, f.eks. http://example.com/image.jpg"
local_title: "lokalt bilde"
local_tip: "klikk for å velge et bilde fra din enhet."
upload: "Last opp"
uploading_image: "Laster opp bilde"
title: "søk etter emner, innlegg, brukere eller kategorier"
placeholder: "skriv inn søkeordene dine her"
no_results: "Ingen resultater funnet."
searching: "Søker ..."
user: "søket vil foretrekke resultater av @{{username}}"
category: "søket vil foretrekke resultater i {{category}}"
site_map: "gå til en annen emneliste eller kategori"
go_back: 'gå tilbake'
current_user: 'go til din brukerside'
title: 'Favoritt'
star: 'legg dette emnet til favorittlisten din'
unstar: 'fjern dette emnet fra favorittlisten din'
favorited: "Du har ikke meket noen emner som favoritt enda. For å merke ett emne, klikk på stjernen ved siden av tittelen."
unread: "Du har ingen uleste emner å lese."
new: "Du har ingen nye emner å lese."
read: "Du har ikke lest noen emner enda."
posted: "Du har ikke postet i noen emner enda."
latest: "Det er ingen siste emner. Det er trist."
hot: "Det er ingen hotte emner."
category: "Det er ingen {{category}} emner."
latest: "Det er ikke noen siste emner igjen å lese."
hot: "Det er ikke noen hotte emner igjen å lese."
posted: "Det er ikke noen postede emner igjen å lese."
read: "Det er ikke noen leste emner igjen å lese."
new: "Det er ikke noen nye emner igjen å lese."
unread: "Det er ikke noen uleste emner igjen å lese."
favorited: "Det er ikke noen favorittemner igjen å lese."
category: "Det er ikke noen {{category}} emner igjen."
toggle: toggle topic rank details
show: show topic rank details
title: Topic Rank Details
create_in: 'Lag {{categoryName}} Emne'
create: 'Lag Emne'
create_long: 'Lag ett nytt Emne'
private_message: 'Start enn private melding'
list: 'Emner'
new: 'nytt emne'
title: 'Emne'
loading_more: "Laster flere emner"
loading: 'Behandler emnet...'
title: "Emnet er privat"
description: "Beklager, du har ikke tilgang til det emnet!"
title: "Emnet kunne ikke bli behandlet"
description: "Beklager, vi kunne ikke behanldle det emnet, muligens på grunn av et tilkoblingsproblem. Vennligst prøv igjen. Om problemet vedvarer, fortell oss."
title: "Emnet kunne ikke bli funnet"
description: "Beklager, vi kunne ikke finne det emnet. Kanskjer det ble fjernet av en moderator?"
unread_posts: "du har {{unread}} gamle uleste innlett i dette emnet"
new_posts: "det er {{new_posts}} nye innlegg i dette emnet siden du sist leste det"
one: "det er 1 like i dette emnet"
other: "det er {{count}} likes i dette emnet"
back_to_list: "Tilbake til Emnelisten"
options: "Valg for Emner"
show_links: "vis linker i dette emnet"
toggle_information: "vis/skjul emnedetaljer"
read_more_in_category: "Vil du lese mer? Bla gjennom andre emner i {{catLink}} eller {{latestLink}}."
read_more: "Vil du lese mer? {{catLink}} eller {{latestLink}}."
# keys ending with _MF use message format, see /spec/components/js_local_helper_spec.rb for samples
read_more_in_category_MF: "There {UNREAD, plural, one {is <a href='/unread'>1 unread</a>} other {are <a href='/unread'># unread</a>}} and {NEW, plural, one {<a href='/new'>1 new</a> topic} other {<a href='/new'># new</a> topics}} remaining, or browse other topics in {catLink}"
read_more_MF: "There {UNREAD, plural, one {is <a href='/unread'>1 unread</a>} other {are <a href='/unread'># unread</a>}} and {NEW, plural, one {<a href='/new'>1 new</a> topic} other {<a href='/new'># new</a> topics}} remaining, or {latestLink}"
browse_all_categories: Browse all categories
view_latest_topics: view latest topics
suggest_create_topic: Why not create a topic?
read_position_reset: "Your read position has been reset."
jump_reply_up: jump to earlier reply
jump_reply_down: jump to later reply
deleted: "The topic has been deleted"
auto_close_notice: "This topic will automatically close %{timeLeft}."
auto_close_title: 'Auto-Close Settings'
auto_close_save: "Save"
auto_close_cancel: "Cancel"
auto_close_remove: "Don't Auto-Close This Topic"
title: topic progress
jump_top: jump to first post
jump_bottom: jump to last post
total: total posts
current: current post
title: ''
"3_2": 'You will receive notifications because you are watching this topic.'
"3_1": 'You will receive notifications because you created this topic.'
"3": 'You will receive notifications because you are watching this topic.'
"2_4": 'You will receive notifications because you posted a reply to this topic.'
"2_2": 'You will receive notifications because you are tracking this topic.'
"2": 'You will receive notifications because you <a href="/users/{{username}}/preferences">read this topic</a>.'
"1": 'You will be notified only if someone mentions your @name or replies to your post.'
"1_2": 'You will be notified only if someone mentions your @name or replies to your post.'
"0": 'You are ignoring all notifications on this topic.'
"0_2": 'You are ignoring all notifications on this topic.'
title: "Watching"
description: "same as Tracking, plus you will be notified of all new posts."
title: "Tracking"
description: "you will be notified of @name mentions and replies to your posts, plus you will see a count of unread and new posts."
title: "Regular"
description: "you will be notified only if someone mentions your @name or replies to your post."
title: "Muted"
description: "you will not be notified of anything about this topic, and it will not appear on your unread tab."
delete: "Delete Topic"
open: "Open Topic"
close: "Close Topic"
auto_close: "Auto Close"
unpin: "Un-Pin Topic"
pin: "Pin Topic"
unarchive: "Unarchive Topic"
archive: "Archive Topic"
invisible: "Make Invisible"
visible: "Make Visible"
reset_read: "Reset Read Data"
multi_select: "Select for Merge/Split"
convert_to_topic: "Convert to Regular Topic"
title: 'Reply'
help: 'begin composing a reply to this topic'
title: "Clear pin"
help: "Clear the pinned status of this topic so it no longer appears at the top of your topic list"
title: 'Share'
help: 'share a link to this topic'
inviting: "Inviting..."
title: 'Invite to Private Message'
email_or_username: "Invitee's Email or Username"
email_or_username_placeholder: "email address or username"
action: "Invite"
success: "Thanks! We've invited that user to participate in this private message."
error: "Sorry, there was an error inviting that user."
title: 'Invite Friends to Reply'
action: 'Email Invite'
help: 'send invitations to friends so they can reply to this topic with a single click'
email: "We'll send your friend a brief email allowing them to reply to this topic by clicking a link."
email_placeholder: 'email address'
success: "Thanks! We mailed out an invitation to <b>{{email}}</b>. We'll let you know when they redeem your invitation. Check the invitations tab on your user page to keep track of who you've invited."
error: "Sorry, we couldn't invite that person. Perhaps they are already a user?"
login_reply: 'Log In to Reply'
user: "You're viewing only {{n_posts}} {{by_n_users}}."
one: "1 post"
other: "{{count}} posts"
one: "made by 1 specific user"
other: "made by {{count}} specific users"
best_of: "You're viewing the {{n_best_posts}} {{of_n_posts}}."
one: "1 best post"
other: "{{count}} best posts"
one: "of 1 in the topic"
other: "of {{count}} in the topic"
cancel: "Show all posts in this topic again."
title: "Split Topic"
action: "split topic"
topic_name: "New Topic Name:"
error: "There was an error splitting that topic."
one: "You are about to create a new topic and populate it with the post you've selected."
other: "You are about to create a new topic and populate it with the <b>{{count}}</b> posts you've selected."
title: "Merge Topic"
action: "merge topic"
error: "There was an error merging that topic."
one: "Please choose the topic you'd like to move that post to."
other: "Please choose the topic you'd like to move those <b>{{count}}</b> posts to."
select: 'select'
selected: 'selected ({{count}})'
delete: delete selected
cancel: cancel selecting
one: You have selected <b>1</b> post.
other: "You have selected <b>{{count}}</b> posts."
reply: "Replying to {{link}} by {{replyAvatar}} {{username}}"
reply_topic: "Reply to {{link}}"
quote_reply: "quote reply"
edit: "Editing {{link}} by {{replyAvatar}} {{username}}"
post_number: "post {{number}}"
in_reply_to: "in reply to"
reply_as_new_topic: "Reply as new Topic"
continue_discussion: "Continuing the discussion from {{postLink}}:"
follow_quote: "go to the quoted post"
deleted_by_author: "(post removed by author)"
expand_collapse: "expand/collapse"
one: "Reply"
other: "Replies"
create: "Sorry, there was an error creating your post. Please try again."
edit: "Sorry, there was an error editing your post. Please try again."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
upload_too_large: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb), please resize it and try again."
upload_too_many_images: "Sorry, you can only upload one image at a time."
only_images_are_supported: "Sorry, you can only upload images."
abandon: "Are you sure you want to abandon your post?"
save: 'Save Options'
reply: "begin composing a reply to this post"
like: "like this post"
edit: "edit this post"
flag: "flag this post for attention or send a notification about it"
delete: "delete this post"
undelete: "undelete this post"
share: "share a link to this post"
more: "More"
flag: 'Flag'
one: "Clear flag"
other: "Clear flags"
off_topic: "Flag it too"
spam: "Flag it too"
inappropriate: "Flag it too"
custom_flag: "Flag it too"
bookmark: "Bookmark it too"
like: "Like it too"
vote: "Vote for it too"
off_topic: "Undo flag"
spam: "Undo flag"
inappropriate: "Undo flag"
bookmark: "Undo bookmark"
like: "Undo like"
vote: "Undo vote"
off_topic: "{{icons}} marked this as off-topic"
spam: "{{icons}} marked this as spam"
inappropriate: "{{icons}} marked this as inappropriate"
notify_moderators: "{{icons}} notified moderators"
notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} <a href='{{postUrl}}'>notified moderators</a>"
notify_user: "{{icons}} sent a private message"
notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} sent a <a href='{{postUrl}}'>private message</a>"
bookmark: "{{icons}} bookmarked this"
like: "{{icons}} liked this"
vote: "{{icons}} voted for this"
off_topic: "You flagged this as off-topic"
spam: "You flagged this as spam"
inappropriate: "You flagged this as inappropriate"
notify_moderators: "You flagged this for moderation"
notify_user: "You sent a private message to this user"
bookmark: "You bookmarked this post"
like: "You liked this"
vote: "You voted for this post"
one: "You and 1 other flagged this as off-topic"
other: "You and {{count}} other people flagged this as off-topic"
one: "You and 1 other flagged this as spam"
other: "You and {{count}} other people flagged this as spam"
one: "You and 1 other flagged this as inappropriate"
other: "You and {{count}} other people flagged this as inappropriate"
one: "You and 1 other flagged this for moderation"
other: "You and {{count}} other people flagged this for moderation"
one: "You and 1 other sent a private message to this user"
other: "You and {{count}} other people sent a private message to this user"
one: "You and 1 other bookmarked this post"
other: "You and {{count}} other people bookmarked this post"
one: "You and 1 other liked this"
other: "You and {{count}} other people liked this"
one: "You and 1 other voted for this post"
other: "You and {{count}} other people voted for this post"
one: "1 person flagged this as off-topic"
other: "{{count}} people flagged this as off-topic"
one: "1 person flagged this as spam"
other: "{{count}} people flagged this as spam"
one: "1 person flagged this as inappropriate"
other: "{{count}} people flagged this as inappropriate"
one: "1 person flagged this for moderation"
other: "{{count}} people flagged this for moderation"
one: "1 person sent a private message to this user"
other: "{{count}} sent a private message to this user"
one: "1 person bookmarked this post"
other: "{{count}} people bookmarked this post"
one: "1 person liked this"
other: "{{count}} people liked this"
one: "1 person voted for this post"
other: "{{count}} people voted for this post"
one: 1 edit
other: "{{count}} edits"
zero: no edits
one: "Are you sure you want to delete that post?"
other: "Are you sure you want to delete all those posts?"
none: '(no category)'
edit: 'edit'
edit_long: "Edit Category"
edit_uncategorized: "Edit Uncategorized"
view: 'View Topics in Category'
general: 'General'
settings: 'Settings'
delete: 'Delete Category'
create: 'Create Category'
save: 'Save Category'
creation_error: There has been an error during the creation of the category.
save_error: There was an error saving the category.
more_posts: "view all {{posts}}..."
name: "Category Name"
description: "Description"
topic: "category topic"
badge_colors: "Badge colors"
background_color: "Background color"
foreground_color: "Foreground color"
name_placeholder: "Should be short and succinct."
color_placeholder: "Any web color"
delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this category?"
delete_error: "There was an error deleting the category."
list: "List Categories"
no_description: "There is no description for this category."
change_in_category_topic: "Edit Description"
hotness: "Hotness"
already_used: 'This color has been used by another category'
is_secure: "Secure category?"
add_group: "Add Group"
security: "Security"
allowed_groups: "Allowed Groups:"
auto_close_label: "Auto-close topics after:"
title: 'Why are you flagging this post?'
action: 'Flag Post'
take_action: "Take Action"
notify_action: 'Notify'
cant: "Sorry, you can't flag this post at this time."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Why does this post require you to speak to this user directly and privately? Be specific, be constructive, and always be kind."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Why does this post require moderator attention? Let us know specifically what you are concerned about, and provide relevant links where possible."
at_least: "enter at least {{n}} characters"
more: "{{n}} to go..."
left: "{{n}} remaining"
title: "Topic Summary"
links_shown: "show all {{totalLinks}} links..."
clicks: "clicks"
topic_link: "topic link"
help: "this topic is closed; it no longer accepts new replies"
help: "this topic is pinned; it will display at the top of its category"
help: "this topic is archived; it is frozen and cannot be changed"
help: "this topic is invisible; it will not be displayed in topic lists, and can only be accessed via a direct link"
posts: "Posts"
posts_long: "{{number}} posts in this topic"
original_post: "Original Post"
views: "Views"
replies: "Replies"
views_long: "this topic has been viewed {{number}} times"
activity: "Activity"
likes: "Likes"
top_contributors: "Participants"
category_title: "Category"
history: "History"
changed_by: "by {{author}}"
categories_list: "Categories List"
title: "Latest"
help: "the most recent topics"
title: "Hot"
help: "a selection of the hottest topics"
title: "Favorited"
help: "topics you marked as favorites"
title: "Read"
help: "topics you've read, in the order that you last read them"
title: "Categories"
title_in: "Category - {{categoryName}}"
help: "all topics grouped by category"
zero: "Unread"
one: "Unread (1)"
other: "Unread ({{count}})"
help: "tracked topics with unread posts"
zero: "New"
one: "New (1)"
other: "New ({{count}})"
help: "new topics since your last visit"
title: "My Posts"
help: "topics you have posted in"
zero: "{{categoryName}}"
one: "{{categoryName}} (1)"
other: "{{categoryName}} ({{count}})"
help: "latest topics in the {{categoryName}} category"
browser_update: 'Unfortunately, <a href="http://www.discourse.org/faq/#browser">your browser is too old to work on this Discourse forum</a>. Please <a href="http://browsehappy.com">upgrade your browser</a>.'
# This section is exported to the javascript for i18n in the admin section
type_to_filter: "type to filter..."
title: 'Discourse Admin'
moderator: 'Moderator'
title: "Dashboard"
version: "Version"
up_to_date: "You're up to date!"
critical_available: "A critical update is available."
updates_available: "Updates are available."
please_upgrade: "Please upgrade!"
installed_version: "Installed"
latest_version: "Latest"
problems_found: "Some problems have been found with your installation of Discourse:"
last_checked: "Last checked"
refresh_problems: "Refresh"
no_problems: "No problems were found."
moderators: 'Moderators:'
admins: 'Admins:'
private_messages_short: "PMs"
private_messages_title: "Private Messages"
today: "Today"
yesterday: "Yesterday"
last_7_days: "Last 7 Days"
last_30_days: "Last 30 Days"
all_time: "All Time"
7_days_ago: "7 Days Ago"
30_days_ago: "30 Days Ago"
all: "All"
view_table: "View as Table"
view_chart: "View as Bar Chart"
latest_changes: "Latest changes: please update often!"
by: "by"
title: "Flags"
old: "Old"
active: "Active"
clear: "Clear Flags"
clear_title: "dismiss all flags on this post (will unhide hidden posts)"
delete: "Delete Post"
delete_title: "delete post (if its the first post delete topic)"
flagged_by: "Flagged by"
error: "Something went wrong"
view_message: "view message"
title: "Groups"
edit: "Edit Groups"
selector_placeholder: "add users"
name_placeholder: "Group name, no spaces, same as username rule"
title: "API"
long_title: "API Information"
key: "Key"
generate: "Generate API Key"
regenerate: "Regenerate API Key"
info_html: "Your API key will allow you to create and update topics using JSON calls."
note_html: "Keep this key <strong>secret</strong>, all users that have it may create arbitrary posts on the forum as any user."
title: "Customize"
long_title: "Site Customizations"
header: "Header"
css: "Stylesheet"
override_default: "Do not include standard style sheet"
enabled: "Enabled?"
preview: "preview"
undo_preview: "undo preview"
save: "Save"
new: "New"
new_style: "New Style"
delete: "Delete"
delete_confirm: "Delete this customization?"
about: "Site Customization allow you to modify stylesheets and headers on the site. Choose or add one to start editing."
title: "Email"
sent_at: "Sent At"
email_type: "Email Type"
to_address: "To Address"
test_email_address: "email address to test"
send_test: "send test email"
sent_test: "sent!"
title: "Impersonate User"
username_or_email: "Username or Email of User"
help: "Use this tool to impersonate a user account for debugging purposes."
not_found: "That user can't be found."
invalid: "Sorry, you may not impersonate that user."
title: 'Users'
create: 'Add Admin User'
last_emailed: "Last Emailed"
not_found: "Sorry, that username doesn't exist in our system."
new: "New"
active: "Active"
pending: "Pending"
approved: "Approved?"
one: "approve user"
other: "approve users ({{count}})"
active: 'Active Users'
new: 'New Users'
pending: 'Users Pending Review'
newuser: 'Users at Trust Level 0 (New User)'
basic: 'Users at Trust Level 1 (Basic User)'
regular: 'Users at Trust Level 2 (Regular User)'
leader: 'Users at Trust Level 3 (Leader)'
elder: 'Users at Trust Level 4 (Elder)'
admins: 'Admin Users'
moderators: 'Moderators'
ban_failed: "Something went wrong banning this user {{error}}"
unban_failed: "Something went wrong unbanning this user {{error}}"
ban_duration: "How long would you like to ban the user for? (days)"
delete_all_posts: "Delete all posts"
ban: "Ban"
unban: "Unban"
banned: "Banned?"
moderator: "Moderator?"
admin: "Admin?"
show_admin_profile: "Admin"
refresh_browsers: "Force browser refresh"
show_public_profile: "Show Public Profile"
impersonate: 'Impersonate'
revoke_admin: 'Revoke Admin'
grant_admin: 'Grant Admin'
revoke_moderation: 'Revoke Moderation'
grant_moderation: 'Grant Moderation'
reputation: Reputation
permissions: Permissions
activity: Activity
like_count: Likes Received
private_topics_count: Private Topics Count
posts_read_count: Posts Read
post_count: Posts Created
topics_entered: Topics Entered
flags_given_count: Flags Given
flags_received_count: Flags Received
approve: 'Approve'
approved_by: "approved by"
time_read: "Read Time"
delete: "Delete User"
delete_forbidden: "This user can't be deleted because there are posts. Delete all this user's posts first."
delete_confirm: "Are you SURE you want to permanently delete this user from the site? This action is permanent!"
deleted: "The user was deleted."
delete_failed: "There was an error deleting that user. Make sure all posts are deleted before trying to delete the user."
send_activation_email: "Send Activation Email"
activation_email_sent: "An activation email has been sent."
send_activation_email_failed: "There was a problem sending another activation email."
activate: "Activate Account"
activate_failed: "There was a problem activating the user."
deactivate_account: "Deactivate Account"
deactivate_failed: "There was a problem deactivating the user."
none: "Choose a type of content to begin editing."
title: 'Content'
edit: "Edit Site Content"
show_overriden: 'Only show overridden'
title: 'Settings'
reset: 'reset to default'