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2013-08-09 06:14:12 +08:00
/*global Markdown:true BetterMarkdown:true */
Contains methods to help us with markdown formatting.
@class Markdown
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.Markdown = {
Convert a raw string to a cooked markdown string.
@method cook
@param {String} raw the raw string we want to apply markdown to
@param {Object} opts the options for the rendering
@return {String} the cooked markdown string
cook: function(raw, opts) {
if (!opts) opts = {};
// Make sure we've got a string
if (!raw) return "";
if (raw.length === 0) return "";
return this.markdownConverter(opts).makeHtml(raw);
Creates a new pagedown markdown editor, supplying i18n translations.
@method createEditor
@param {Object} converterOptions custom options for our markdown converter
@return {Markdown.Editor} the editor instance
createEditor: function(converterOptions) {
if (!converterOptions) converterOptions = {};
// By default we always sanitize content in the editor
converterOptions.sanitize = true;
var markdownConverter = Discourse.Markdown.markdownConverter(converterOptions);
var editorOptions = {
strings: {
bold: I18n.t("composer.bold_title") + " <strong> Ctrl+B",
boldexample: I18n.t("composer.bold_text"),
italic: I18n.t("composer.italic_title") + " <em> Ctrl+I",
italicexample: I18n.t("composer.italic_text"),
link: I18n.t("composer.link_title") + " <a> Ctrl+L",
linkdescription: I18n.t("composer.link_description"),
linkdialog: "<p><b>" + I18n.t("composer.link_dialog_title") + "</b></p><p>http://example.com/ \"" +
I18n.t("composer.link_optional_text") + "\"</p>",
quote: I18n.t("composer.quote_title") + " <blockquote> Ctrl+Q",
quoteexample: I18n.t("composer.quote_text"),
code: I18n.t("composer.code_title") + " <pre><code> Ctrl+K",
codeexample: I18n.t("composer.code_text"),
image: I18n.t("composer.upload_title") + " - Ctrl+G",
imagedescription: I18n.t("composer.upload_description"),
olist: I18n.t("composer.olist_title") + " <ol> Ctrl+O",
ulist: I18n.t("composer.ulist_title") + " <ul> Ctrl+U",
litem: I18n.t("composer.list_item"),
heading: I18n.t("composer.heading_title") + " <h1>/<h2> Ctrl+H",
headingexample: I18n.t("composer.heading_text"),
hr: I18n.t("composer.hr_title") + " <hr> Ctrl+R",
undo: I18n.t("composer.undo_title") + " - Ctrl+Z",
redo: I18n.t("composer.redo_title") + " - Ctrl+Y",
redomac: I18n.t("composer.redo_title") + " - Ctrl+Shift+Z",
help: I18n.t("composer.help")
return new Markdown.Editor(markdownConverter, undefined, editorOptions);
Creates a Markdown.Converter that we we can use for formatting
@method markdownConverter
@param {Object} opts the converting options
markdownConverter: function(opts) {
if (!opts) opts = {};
2013-08-09 06:14:12 +08:00
return {
makeHtml: function(text) {
text = Discourse.Dialect.cook(text, opts);
if (!text) return "";
if (opts.sanitize) {
if (!window.sanitizeHtml) return "";
text = window.sanitizeHtml(text);
2013-08-09 06:14:12 +08:00
return text;