This commit adds limits to themes and theme components on the:
- file size of about.json and .discourse-compatibility
- file size of theme assets
- number of files in a theme
The hidden site setting max_drafts_per_user defaults to 10_000 drafts per user.
The longest key should be "topic_<MAX_BIG_INT>" which is 25 characters.
This function was previously expecting multiple services to be injected on any class that uses it. This kind of hidden requirement leads to some very difficult-to-debug situations, so this commit updates the function to lookup all its required services inline.
What is the problem here?
The `selenium-webdriver` gem is responsible for downloading the
right version of the `chromedriver` binary and it downloads it into the
`~/.cache/selenium` folder. THe problem here is that when a user runs `bin/turbo_rspec spec/system`
for the first time, all of the processes will try to download the
`chromedriver` binary to the same path at the same time and will lead
to concurrency errors.
What is the fix here?
Before running any RSpec suite, we first check if the `.cache/selenium`
folder is present. If it is not present, we use a file system lock to
download the `chromedriver` binary such that other processes that runs
after will not need to install the `chromedriver` binary.
The long term fix here is to get `selenium-manager` to download the `chromedriver` binary to a unique path for each
process but the `--cache-path` option for `selenium-manager` is currently not supported in `selenium-webdriver`.
We can no long user Webdriver - SeleniumHQ/selenium#11066. Bumping selenium-webdriver did the trick, as well as manually setting the user_agent for mobile system specs. Unsure what changed to make this necessary, but it is necessary to get the app to boot in mobile view.
By default, the workbox-expiration plugin will not expire cache entries which include a `Vary` header in the response. This means that cached entries can build up until the browser storage quota is hit.
This commit introduces the `ignoreVary: true` option, so that deletion is performed correctly. This will only apply going forward, so this commit also bumps the cache version and deletes the old caches.
Should fix an iOS regression in f5e8e73. iOS does not pull up the keyboard if the `.focus()` call is delayed by a rendering timeout or an asynchronous ajax call. This PR adds earlier `.focus()` calls if the input element is present.
What is the context of this change?
Before 7c6a8f1c74ea7ea3e81d9ffa80ca2227ee36a006, we were using
`preload(:tags)` on the topics relation but that was accidentally
removed in the refactor. This was discovered and fixed in
5bec894a8c64eb54e349b1570cf76bc03efe3a3d but insteadl of using
`preload(:tags)` we ended up using `includes(:tags)`. The problem here
is that `includes(:tags)` can either result in `preload(:tags)` or
`eager_load(:tags)` but for some reason ActiveRecord is deciding to
`eager_load(:tags)` resulting in a joins to the `topic_tags` and `tags`
table which is not necessarily and leads to more inefficient queries.
When `includes(:tags)` is used, listing the latest topics ended up
generating the following sample queries to fetch the list of topics to display.
SELECT DISTINCT "topics"."pinned_at" AS alias_0, "topics"."id" FROM "topics" LEFT OUTER JOIN "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "topics"."category_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "topic_tags" ON "topic_tags"."topic_id" = "topics"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "tags" ON "tags"."id" = "topic_tags"."tag_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users AS tu ON ( = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = 29) LEFT JOIN category_users ON category_users.category_id = topics.category_id AND category_users.user_id = 29 WHERE "topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND (topics.archetype <> 'private_message') AND (COALESCE(categories.topic_id, 0) <> AND (COALESCE(tu.notification_level,1) > 0) AND (topics.category_id = -1
(COALESCE(category_users.notification_level, 1) <> 0 AND (topics.category_id IS NULL OR topics.category_id NOT IN(-1)))
OR tu.notification_level > 1) AND (pinned_globally AND pinned_at IS NOT NULL AND (topics.pinned_at > tu.cleared_pinned_at OR tu.cleared_pinned_at IS NULL)) ORDER BY "topics"."pinned_at" DESC LIMIT 30
SELECT "topics"."id" AS t0_r0, "topics"."title" AS t0_r1, "topics"."last_posted_at" AS t0_r2, "topics"."created_at" AS t0_r3, "topics"."updated_at" AS t0_r4, "topics"."views" AS t0_r5, "topics"."posts_count" AS t0_r6, "topics"."user_id" AS t0_r7, "topics"."last_post_user_id" AS t0_r8, "topics"."reply_count" AS t0_r9, "topics"."featured_user1_id" AS t0_r10, "topics"."featured_user2_id" AS t0_r11, "topics"."featured_user3_id" AS t0_r12, "topics"."deleted_at" AS t0_r13, "topics"."highest_post_number" AS t0_r14, "topics"."like_count" AS t0_r15, "topics"."incoming_link_count" AS t0_r16, "topics"."category_id" AS t0_r17, "topics"."visible" AS t0_r18, "topics"."moderator_posts_count" AS t0_r19, "topics"."closed" AS t0_r20, "topics"."archived" AS t0_r21, "topics"."bumped_at" AS t0_r22, "topics"."has_summary" AS t0_r23, "topics"."archetype" AS t0_r24, "topics"."featured_user4_id" AS t0_r25, "topics"."notify_moderators_count" AS t0_r26, "topics"."spam_count" AS t0_r27, "topics"."pinned_at" AS t0_r28, "topics"."score" AS t0_r29, "topics"."percent_rank" AS t0_r30, "topics"."subtype" AS t0_r31, "topics"."slug" AS t0_r32, "topics"."deleted_by_id" AS t0_r33, "topics"."participant_count" AS t0_r34, "topics"."word_count" AS t0_r35, "topics"."excerpt" AS t0_r36, "topics"."pinned_globally" AS t0_r37, "topics"."pinned_until" AS t0_r38, "topics"."fancy_title" AS t0_r39, "topics"."highest_staff_post_number" AS t0_r40, "topics"."featured_link" AS t0_r41, "topics"."reviewable_score" AS t0_r42, "topics"."image_upload_id" AS t0_r43, "topics"."slow_mode_seconds" AS t0_r44, "topics"."bannered_until" AS t0_r45, "topics"."external_id" AS t0_r46, "categories"."id" AS t1_r0, "categories"."name" AS t1_r1, "categories"."color" AS t1_r2, "categories"."topic_id" AS t1_r3, "categories"."topic_count" AS t1_r4, "categories"."created_at" AS t1_r5, "categories"."updated_at" AS t1_r6, "categories"."user_id" AS t1_r7, "categories"."topics_year" AS t1_r8, "categories"."topics_month" AS t1_r9, "categories"."topics_week" AS t1_r10, "categories"."slug" AS t1_r11, "categories"."description" AS t1_r12, "categories"."text_color" AS t1_r13, "categories"."read_restricted" AS t1_r14, "categories"."auto_close_hours" AS t1_r15, "categories"."post_count" AS t1_r16, "categories"."latest_post_id" AS t1_r17, "categories"."latest_topic_id" AS t1_r18, "categories"."position" AS t1_r19, "categories"."parent_category_id" AS t1_r20, "categories"."posts_year" AS t1_r21, "categories"."posts_month" AS t1_r22, "categories"."posts_week" AS t1_r23, "categories"."email_in" AS t1_r24, "categories"."email_in_allow_strangers" AS t1_r25, "categories"."topics_day" AS t1_r26, "categories"."posts_day" AS t1_r27, "categories"."allow_badges" AS t1_r28, "categories"."name_lower" AS t1_r29, "categories"."auto_close_based_on_last_post" AS t1_r30, "categories"."topic_template" AS t1_r31, "categories"."contains_messages" AS t1_r32, "categories"."sort_order" AS t1_r33, "categories"."sort_ascending" AS t1_r34, "categories"."uploaded_logo_id" AS t1_r35, "categories"."uploaded_background_id" AS t1_r36, "categories"."topic_featured_link_allowed" AS t1_r37, "categories"."all_topics_wiki" AS t1_r38, "categories"."show_subcategory_list" AS t1_r39, "categories"."num_featured_topics" AS t1_r40, "categories"."default_view" AS t1_r41, "categories"."subcategory_list_style" AS t1_r42, "categories"."default_top_period" AS t1_r43, "categories"."mailinglist_mirror" AS t1_r44, "categories"."minimum_required_tags" AS t1_r45, "categories"."navigate_to_first_post_after_read" AS t1_r46, "categories"."search_priority" AS t1_r47, "categories"."allow_global_tags" AS t1_r48, "categories"."reviewable_by_group_id" AS t1_r49, "categories"."read_only_banner" AS t1_r50, "categories"."default_list_filter" AS t1_r51, "categories"."allow_unlimited_owner_edits_on_first_post" AS t1_r52, "categories"."default_slow_mode_seconds" AS t1_r53, "categories"."uploaded_logo_dark_id" AS t1_r54, "tags"."id" AS t2_r0, "tags"."name" AS t2_r1, "tags"."created_at" AS t2_r2, "tags"."updated_at" AS t2_r3, "tags"."pm_topic_count" AS t2_r4, "tags"."target_tag_id" AS t2_r5, "tags"."description" AS t2_r6, "tags"."public_topic_count" AS t2_r7, "tags"."staff_topic_count" AS t2_r8 FROM "topics" LEFT OUTER JOIN "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "topics"."category_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "topic_tags" ON "topic_tags"."topic_id" = "topics"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "tags" ON "tags"."id" = "topic_tags"."tag_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users AS tu ON ( = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = 29) LEFT JOIN category_users ON category_users.category_id = topics.category_id AND category_users.user_id = 29 WHERE "topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND (topics.archetype <> 'private_message') AND (COALESCE(categories.topic_id, 0) <> AND (COALESCE(tu.notification_level,1) > 0) AND (topics.category_id = -1
(COALESCE(category_users.notification_level, 1) <> 0 AND (topics.category_id IS NULL OR topics.category_id NOT IN(-1)))
OR tu.notification_level > 1) AND (pinned_globally AND pinned_at IS NOT NULL AND (topics.pinned_at > tu.cleared_pinned_at OR tu.cleared_pinned_at IS NULL)) AND "topics"."id" = 7 ORDER BY "topics"."pinned_at" DESC
SELECT DISTINCT topics.bumped_at AS alias_0, "topics"."id" FROM "topics" LEFT OUTER JOIN "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "topics"."category_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "topic_tags" ON "topic_tags"."topic_id" = "topics"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "tags" ON "tags"."id" = "topic_tags"."tag_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users AS tu ON ( = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = 29) LEFT JOIN category_users ON category_users.category_id = topics.category_id AND category_users.user_id = 29 WHERE "topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND (topics.archetype <> 'private_message') AND (COALESCE(categories.topic_id, 0) <> AND (COALESCE(tu.notification_level,1) > 0) AND (topics.category_id = -1
(COALESCE(category_users.notification_level, 1) <> 0 AND (topics.category_id IS NULL OR topics.category_id NOT IN(-1)))
OR tu.notification_level > 1) AND (NOT ( pinned_globally AND pinned_at IS NOT NULL AND (topics.pinned_at > tu.cleared_pinned_at OR tu.cleared_pinned_at IS NULL) )) ORDER BY topics.bumped_at DESC LIMIT 30
SELECT "topics"."id" AS t0_r0, "topics"."title" AS t0_r1, "topics"."last_posted_at" AS t0_r2, "topics"."created_at" AS t0_r3, "topics"."updated_at" AS t0_r4, "topics"."views" AS t0_r5, "topics"."posts_count" AS t0_r6, "topics"."user_id" AS t0_r7, "topics"."last_post_user_id" AS t0_r8, "topics"."reply_count" AS t0_r9, "topics"."featured_user1_id" AS t0_r10, "topics"."featured_user2_id" AS t0_r11, "topics"."featured_user3_id" AS t0_r12, "topics"."deleted_at" AS t0_r13, "topics"."highest_post_number" AS t0_r14, "topics"."like_count" AS t0_r15, "topics"."incoming_link_count" AS t0_r16, "topics"."category_id" AS t0_r17, "topics"."visible" AS t0_r18, "topics"."moderator_posts_count" AS t0_r19, "topics"."closed" AS t0_r20, "topics"."archived" AS t0_r21, "topics"."bumped_at" AS t0_r22, "topics"."has_summary" AS t0_r23, "topics"."archetype" AS t0_r24, "topics"."featured_user4_id" AS t0_r25, "topics"."notify_moderators_count" AS t0_r26, "topics"."spam_count" AS t0_r27, "topics"."pinned_at" AS t0_r28, "topics"."score" AS t0_r29, "topics"."percent_rank" AS t0_r30, "topics"."subtype" AS t0_r31, "topics"."slug" AS t0_r32, "topics"."deleted_by_id" AS t0_r33, "topics"."participant_count" AS t0_r34, "topics"."word_count" AS t0_r35, "topics"."excerpt" AS t0_r36, "topics"."pinned_globally" AS t0_r37, "topics"."pinned_until" AS t0_r38, "topics"."fancy_title" AS t0_r39, "topics"."highest_staff_post_number" AS t0_r40, "topics"."featured_link" AS t0_r41, "topics"."reviewable_score" AS t0_r42, "topics"."image_upload_id" AS t0_r43, "topics"."slow_mode_seconds" AS t0_r44, "topics"."bannered_until" AS t0_r45, "topics"."external_id" AS t0_r46, "categories"."id" AS t1_r0, "categories"."name" AS t1_r1, "categories"."color" AS t1_r2, "categories"."topic_id" AS t1_r3, "categories"."topic_count" AS t1_r4, "categories"."created_at" AS t1_r5, "categories"."updated_at" AS t1_r6, "categories"."user_id" AS t1_r7, "categories"."topics_year" AS t1_r8, "categories"."topics_month" AS t1_r9, "categories"."topics_week" AS t1_r10, "categories"."slug" AS t1_r11, "categories"."description" AS t1_r12, "categories"."text_color" AS t1_r13, "categories"."read_restricted" AS t1_r14, "categories"."auto_close_hours" AS t1_r15, "categories"."post_count" AS t1_r16, "categories"."latest_post_id" AS t1_r17, "categories"."latest_topic_id" AS t1_r18, "categories"."position" AS t1_r19, "categories"."parent_category_id" AS t1_r20, "categories"."posts_year" AS t1_r21, "categories"."posts_month" AS t1_r22, "categories"."posts_week" AS t1_r23, "categories"."email_in" AS t1_r24, "categories"."email_in_allow_strangers" AS t1_r25, "categories"."topics_day" AS t1_r26, "categories"."posts_day" AS t1_r27, "categories"."allow_badges" AS t1_r28, "categories"."name_lower" AS t1_r29, "categories"."auto_close_based_on_last_post" AS t1_r30, "categories"."topic_template" AS t1_r31, "categories"."contains_messages" AS t1_r32, "categories"."sort_order" AS t1_r33, "categories"."sort_ascending" AS t1_r34, "categories"."uploaded_logo_id" AS t1_r35, "categories"."uploaded_background_id" AS t1_r36, "categories"."topic_featured_link_allowed" AS t1_r37, "categories"."all_topics_wiki" AS t1_r38, "categories"."show_subcategory_list" AS t1_r39, "categories"."num_featured_topics" AS t1_r40, "categories"."default_view" AS t1_r41, "categories"."subcategory_list_style" AS t1_r42, "categories"."default_top_period" AS t1_r43, "categories"."mailinglist_mirror" AS t1_r44, "categories"."minimum_required_tags" AS t1_r45, "categories"."navigate_to_first_post_after_read" AS t1_r46, "categories"."search_priority" AS t1_r47, "categories"."allow_global_tags" AS t1_r48, "categories"."reviewable_by_group_id" AS t1_r49, "categories"."read_only_banner" AS t1_r50, "categories"."default_list_filter" AS t1_r51, "categories"."allow_unlimited_owner_edits_on_first_post" AS t1_r52, "categories"."default_slow_mode_seconds" AS t1_r53, "categories"."uploaded_logo_dark_id" AS t1_r54, "tags"."id" AS t2_r0, "tags"."name" AS t2_r1, "tags"."created_at" AS t2_r2, "tags"."updated_at" AS t2_r3, "tags"."pm_topic_count" AS t2_r4, "tags"."target_tag_id" AS t2_r5, "tags"."description" AS t2_r6, "tags"."public_topic_count" AS t2_r7, "tags"."staff_topic_count" AS t2_r8 FROM "topics" LEFT OUTER JOIN "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "topics"."category_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "topic_tags" ON "topic_tags"."topic_id" = "topics"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "tags" ON "tags"."id" = "topic_tags"."tag_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users AS tu ON ( = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = 29) LEFT JOIN category_users ON category_users.category_id = topics.category_id AND category_users.user_id = 29 WHERE "topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND (topics.archetype <> 'private_message') AND (COALESCE(categories.topic_id, 0) <> AND (COALESCE(tu.notification_level,1) > 0) AND (topics.category_id = -1
(COALESCE(category_users.notification_level, 1) <> 0 AND (topics.category_id IS NULL OR topics.category_id NOT IN(-1)))
OR tu.notification_level > 1) AND (NOT ( pinned_globally AND pinned_at IS NOT NULL AND (topics.pinned_at > tu.cleared_pinned_at OR tu.cleared_pinned_at IS NULL) )) AND "topics"."id" IN (477, 481, 480, 479, 478, 467, 466, 230, 209, 183, 173, 179, 168, 139, 102, 144, 150, 118, 126, 88, 63, 46, 117, 171, 45, 77, 154, 158, 43, 79) ORDER BY topics.bumped_at DESC
Note how there are two extra queries which has to select `DISTINCT
topics.pinned_at` and `DISTINCT topics.bumped_at` because of the
unnecessary left joins to the `topic_tags` and `tags` table result in
duplicated rows in the topic tables. As a result, PG is not able to
use our indexes to effectively execute the query.
Comparing this to the queries being executed when `preload(:tags)` is
SELECT "topics"."id" AS t0_r0, "topics"."title" AS t0_r1, "topics"."last_posted_at" AS t0_r2, "topics"."created_at" AS t0_r3, "topics"."updated_at" AS t0_r4, "topics"."views" AS t0_r5, "topics"."posts_count" AS t0_r6, "topics"."user_id" AS t0_r7, "topics"."last_post_user_id" AS t0_r8, "topics"."reply_count" AS t0_r9, "topics"."featured_user1_id" AS t0_r10, "topics"."featured_user2_id" AS t0_r11, "topics"."featured_user3_id" AS t0_r12, "topics"."deleted_at" AS t0_r13, "topics"."highest_post_number" AS t0_r14, "topics"."like_count" AS t0_r15, "topics"."incoming_link_count" AS t0_r16, "topics"."category_id" AS t0_r17, "topics"."visible" AS t0_r18, "topics"."moderator_posts_count" AS t0_r19, "topics"."closed" AS t0_r20, "topics"."archived" AS t0_r21, "topics"."bumped_at" AS t0_r22, "topics"."has_summary" AS t0_r23, "topics"."archetype" AS t0_r24, "topics"."featured_user4_id" AS t0_r25, "topics"."notify_moderators_count" AS t0_r26, "topics"."spam_count" AS t0_r27, "topics"."pinned_at" AS t0_r28, "topics"."score" AS t0_r29, "topics"."percent_rank" AS t0_r30, "topics"."subtype" AS t0_r31, "topics"."slug" AS t0_r32, "topics"."deleted_by_id" AS t0_r33, "topics"."participant_count" AS t0_r34, "topics"."word_count" AS t0_r35, "topics"."excerpt" AS t0_r36, "topics"."pinned_globally" AS t0_r37, "topics"."pinned_until" AS t0_r38, "topics"."fancy_title" AS t0_r39, "topics"."highest_staff_post_number" AS t0_r40, "topics"."featured_link" AS t0_r41, "topics"."reviewable_score" AS t0_r42, "topics"."image_upload_id" AS t0_r43, "topics"."slow_mode_seconds" AS t0_r44, "topics"."bannered_until" AS t0_r45, "topics"."external_id" AS t0_r46, "categories"."id" AS t1_r0, "categories"."name" AS t1_r1, "categories"."color" AS t1_r2, "categories"."topic_id" AS t1_r3, "categories"."topic_count" AS t1_r4, "categories"."created_at" AS t1_r5, "categories"."updated_at" AS t1_r6, "categories"."user_id" AS t1_r7, "categories"."topics_year" AS t1_r8, "categories"."topics_month" AS t1_r9, "categories"."topics_week" AS t1_r10, "categories"."slug" AS t1_r11, "categories"."description" AS t1_r12, "categories"."text_color" AS t1_r13, "categories"."read_restricted" AS t1_r14, "categories"."auto_close_hours" AS t1_r15, "categories"."post_count" AS t1_r16, "categories"."latest_post_id" AS t1_r17, "categories"."latest_topic_id" AS t1_r18, "categories"."position" AS t1_r19, "categories"."parent_category_id" AS t1_r20, "categories"."posts_year" AS t1_r21, "categories"."posts_month" AS t1_r22, "categories"."posts_week" AS t1_r23, "categories"."email_in" AS t1_r24, "categories"."email_in_allow_strangers" AS t1_r25, "categories"."topics_day" AS t1_r26, "categories"."posts_day" AS t1_r27, "categories"."allow_badges" AS t1_r28, "categories"."name_lower" AS t1_r29, "categories"."auto_close_based_on_last_post" AS t1_r30, "categories"."topic_template" AS t1_r31, "categories"."contains_messages" AS t1_r32, "categories"."sort_order" AS t1_r33, "categories"."sort_ascending" AS t1_r34, "categories"."uploaded_logo_id" AS t1_r35, "categories"."uploaded_background_id" AS t1_r36, "categories"."topic_featured_link_allowed" AS t1_r37, "categories"."all_topics_wiki" AS t1_r38, "categories"."show_subcategory_list" AS t1_r39, "categories"."num_featured_topics" AS t1_r40, "categories"."default_view" AS t1_r41, "categories"."subcategory_list_style" AS t1_r42, "categories"."default_top_period" AS t1_r43, "categories"."mailinglist_mirror" AS t1_r44, "categories"."minimum_required_tags" AS t1_r45, "categories"."navigate_to_first_post_after_read" AS t1_r46, "categories"."search_priority" AS t1_r47, "categories"."allow_global_tags" AS t1_r48, "categories"."reviewable_by_group_id" AS t1_r49, "categories"."read_only_banner" AS t1_r50, "categories"."default_list_filter" AS t1_r51, "categories"."allow_unlimited_owner_edits_on_first_post" AS t1_r52, "categories"."default_slow_mode_seconds" AS t1_r53, "categories"."uploaded_logo_dark_id" AS t1_r54 FROM "topics" LEFT OUTER JOIN "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "topics"."category_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users AS tu ON ( = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = 29) LEFT JOIN category_users ON category_users.category_id = topics.category_id AND category_users.user_id = 29 WHERE "topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND (topics.archetype <> 'private_message') AND (COALESCE(categories.topic_id, 0) <> AND (COALESCE(tu.notification_level,1) > 0) AND (topics.category_id = -1
(COALESCE(category_users.notification_level, 1) <> 0 AND (topics.category_id IS NULL OR topics.category_id NOT IN(-1)))
OR tu.notification_level > 1) AND (pinned_globally AND pinned_at IS NOT NULL AND (topics.pinned_at > tu.cleared_pinned_at OR tu.cleared_pinned_at IS NULL)) ORDER BY "topics"."pinned_at" DESC LIMIT 30
SELECT "topic_tags".* FROM "topic_tags" WHERE "topic_tags"."topic_id" = 7
SELECT "topics"."id" AS t0_r0, "topics"."title" AS t0_r1, "topics"."last_posted_at" AS t0_r2, "topics"."created_at" AS t0_r3, "topics"."updated_at" AS t0_r4, "topics"."views" AS t0_r5, "topics"."posts_count" AS t0_r6, "topics"."user_id" AS t0_r7, "topics"."last_post_user_id" AS t0_r8, "topics"."reply_count" AS t0_r9, "topics"."featured_user1_id" AS t0_r10, "topics"."featured_user2_id" AS t0_r11, "topics"."featured_user3_id" AS t0_r12, "topics"."deleted_at" AS t0_r13, "topics"."highest_post_number" AS t0_r14, "topics"."like_count" AS t0_r15, "topics"."incoming_link_count" AS t0_r16, "topics"."category_id" AS t0_r17, "topics"."visible" AS t0_r18, "topics"."moderator_posts_count" AS t0_r19, "topics"."closed" AS t0_r20, "topics"."archived" AS t0_r21, "topics"."bumped_at" AS t0_r22, "topics"."has_summary" AS t0_r23, "topics"."archetype" AS t0_r24, "topics"."featured_user4_id" AS t0_r25, "topics"."notify_moderators_count" AS t0_r26, "topics"."spam_count" AS t0_r27, "topics"."pinned_at" AS t0_r28, "topics"."score" AS t0_r29, "topics"."percent_rank" AS t0_r30, "topics"."subtype" AS t0_r31, "topics"."slug" AS t0_r32, "topics"."deleted_by_id" AS t0_r33, "topics"."participant_count" AS t0_r34, "topics"."word_count" AS t0_r35, "topics"."excerpt" AS t0_r36, "topics"."pinned_globally" AS t0_r37, "topics"."pinned_until" AS t0_r38, "topics"."fancy_title" AS t0_r39, "topics"."highest_staff_post_number" AS t0_r40, "topics"."featured_link" AS t0_r41, "topics"."reviewable_score" AS t0_r42, "topics"."image_upload_id" AS t0_r43, "topics"."slow_mode_seconds" AS t0_r44, "topics"."bannered_until" AS t0_r45, "topics"."external_id" AS t0_r46, "categories"."id" AS t1_r0, "categories"."name" AS t1_r1, "categories"."color" AS t1_r2, "categories"."topic_id" AS t1_r3, "categories"."topic_count" AS t1_r4, "categories"."created_at" AS t1_r5, "categories"."updated_at" AS t1_r6, "categories"."user_id" AS t1_r7, "categories"."topics_year" AS t1_r8, "categories"."topics_month" AS t1_r9, "categories"."topics_week" AS t1_r10, "categories"."slug" AS t1_r11, "categories"."description" AS t1_r12, "categories"."text_color" AS t1_r13, "categories"."read_restricted" AS t1_r14, "categories"."auto_close_hours" AS t1_r15, "categories"."post_count" AS t1_r16, "categories"."latest_post_id" AS t1_r17, "categories"."latest_topic_id" AS t1_r18, "categories"."position" AS t1_r19, "categories"."parent_category_id" AS t1_r20, "categories"."posts_year" AS t1_r21, "categories"."posts_month" AS t1_r22, "categories"."posts_week" AS t1_r23, "categories"."email_in" AS t1_r24, "categories"."email_in_allow_strangers" AS t1_r25, "categories"."topics_day" AS t1_r26, "categories"."posts_day" AS t1_r27, "categories"."allow_badges" AS t1_r28, "categories"."name_lower" AS t1_r29, "categories"."auto_close_based_on_last_post" AS t1_r30, "categories"."topic_template" AS t1_r31, "categories"."contains_messages" AS t1_r32, "categories"."sort_order" AS t1_r33, "categories"."sort_ascending" AS t1_r34, "categories"."uploaded_logo_id" AS t1_r35, "categories"."uploaded_background_id" AS t1_r36, "categories"."topic_featured_link_allowed" AS t1_r37, "categories"."all_topics_wiki" AS t1_r38, "categories"."show_subcategory_list" AS t1_r39, "categories"."num_featured_topics" AS t1_r40, "categories"."default_view" AS t1_r41, "categories"."subcategory_list_style" AS t1_r42, "categories"."default_top_period" AS t1_r43, "categories"."mailinglist_mirror" AS t1_r44, "categories"."minimum_required_tags" AS t1_r45, "categories"."navigate_to_first_post_after_read" AS t1_r46, "categories"."search_priority" AS t1_r47, "categories"."allow_global_tags" AS t1_r48, "categories"."reviewable_by_group_id" AS t1_r49, "categories"."read_only_banner" AS t1_r50, "categories"."default_list_filter" AS t1_r51, "categories"."allow_unlimited_owner_edits_on_first_post" AS t1_r52, "categories"."default_slow_mode_seconds" AS t1_r53, "categories"."uploaded_logo_dark_id" AS t1_r54 FROM "topics" LEFT OUTER JOIN "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "topics"."category_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users AS tu ON ( = tu.topic_id AND tu.user_id = 29) LEFT JOIN category_users ON category_users.category_id = topics.category_id AND category_users.user_id = 29 WHERE "topics"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND (topics.archetype <> 'private_message') AND (COALESCE(categories.topic_id, 0) <> AND (COALESCE(tu.notification_level,1) > 0) AND (topics.category_id = -1
(COALESCE(category_users.notification_level, 1) <> 0 AND (topics.category_id IS NULL OR topics.category_id NOT IN(-1)))
OR tu.notification_level > 1) AND (NOT ( pinned_globally AND pinned_at IS NOT NULL AND (topics.pinned_at > tu.cleared_pinned_at OR tu.cleared_pinned_at IS NULL) )) ORDER BY topics.bumped_at DESC LIMIT 30
SELECT "topic_tags".* FROM "topic_tags" WHERE "topic_tags"."topic_id" IN (477, 481, 480, 479, 478, 467, 466, 230, 209, 183, 173, 179, 168, 139, 102, 144, 150, 118, 126, 88, 63, 46, 117, 171, 45, 77, 154, 158, 43, 79)
SELECT "tags"."id", "tags"."name", "tags"."created_at", "tags"."updated_at", "tags"."pm_topic_count", "tags"."target_tag_id", "tags"."description", "tags"."public_topic_count", "tags"."staff_topic_count" FROM "tags" WHERE "tags"."id" IN (10, 20, 26, 7, 27, 28, 30, 19, 9, 4, 15, 29, 14, 18, 11, 25, 1, 21, 8, 22, 5, 32)
We end up with queries that are much more efficient as those queries can
effectively use the indexes.
We reverted these commits because they weren't stable enough. We'll keep working on them on `tests-passed`.
* Revert "UX: Use full width when displaying a single recommendations list. (#22896)"
This reverts commit dd8d89d9c85afee1e3ed23b0a713e3f964d6c4a9.
* Revert "UX: Topic recommendations tweaks. (#22880)"
This reverts commit e7fb4be23ec609546d83950faecdf00b9fcbfb04.
PresenceChannel configuration is cached using redis. That cache is used, and sometimes repopulated, during normal GET requests. When the primary redis server was readonly, that `redis.set` call would raise an error and cause the entire request to fail. Instead, we should ignore the failure and continue without populating the cache.
This PR updates how we display related and suggested topics on mobile and desktop. It adds a new `PluginOutlet` specifically designed for adding new topic lists, which automatically work if following the same conventions as the ones inside `<MoreTopics />`.
While we display lists side by side on desktop, we only display one in mobile. You can switch to another one by clicking on the nav pills, and we'll automatically save your preference for next time.
In e1d27400f5d8be345383b52bd118e652724a517e we started running the splash-screen JS through terser, which removed the trailing newline from the `sourceMappingURL` line.
Adding a reliable end-to-end test for this isn't possible because our testing environment doesn't use terser.
This commit introduces five rake tasks to help us with version bump procedures:
- `version_bump:beta` and `version_bump:minor_stable` are for our minor releases
- `version_bump:major_stable_prepare` and `version_bump:major_stable_merge` are for our major release process
- `version_bump:stage_security_fixes` is to collate multiple security fixes from private branches into a single branch for release
The scripts will stage the necessary commits in a branch and prompt you to create a PR for review. No changes to release branches or tags will be made without the PR being approved, and explicit confirmation of prompts in the scripts.
To avoid polluting the operator's primary working tree, the scripts create a temporary git worktree in a temporary directory and perform all checkouts/commits there.