When staff only mode is enabled - Discourse.enable_readonly_mode(Discourse::STAFF_WRITES_ONLY_MODE_KEY)
Staff members couldn't reset their password via the "forgot password" link.
This fixes it.
Internal ref. t/133990
We're seeing errors in logs due to some sites setting the reserved_usernames setting to nil. This is causing multiple use cases upstream of User#reserved_username? to error out.
This commit changes from using the raw #reserved_usernames to using the #reserved_usernames_map helper which exists on list-type site settings. It returns an empty array if the raw value is nil or empty string.
When adding or updating a custom user field to apply to all users (retroactively) we want to alert the admin that this will force all existing users to fill up the field before they are able to access the forum again.
However, we currently show this prompt when making changes only to other attributes on the custom field, i.e. the requirement hasn't changed.
This commit fixes that.
In #29169 we added a NULLS NOT DISTINCT option to the unique index on problem_check_trackers. This is to enforce uniqueness even when the target is NULL. (Postgres considers all NULLs to be distinct by default.)
However, this only works in PG15. In PG13 it does nothing.
This commit adds a default dummy string value __NULL__ to target. Since it's a string, PG13 will be able to correctly identify duplicate records.
We're expecting the period param to be something that neatly coerces into a symbol. If we receive something like a nested parameter, this will blow up.
This commit raises an InvalidParameters exception in the case of a non-stringy period parameter.
Creating or updating flags generates global side effects. Sometimes it
seems the state can leak from the flag specs.
This is probably related to the use of `fab!`. This patch replaces those
calls with standard `let`s. While the overall performances of these
tests will be a little less good, their state should not leak anymore.
Since we recently blocked accidental serialization of AR models, we are getting a 500 error in some cases with thumbnails. We can fix this by serializing the thumbnail, previously we just returned a raw OptimizedImage object.
Thumbnails are now attached to the serializer in core, therefore we no longer need to use add_to_serializer within the chat plugin to use thumbnails within chat message uploads.
We're expecting the ID param to be something that neatly coerces into an ID. If we receive something like a nested parameter, this will blow up. (We already handle the case of arrays.)
This commit raises an InvalidParameters exception in the case of a nested ID.
We're expecting the page param to be something that neatly coerces into an integer. If we receive something like a nested parameter, this will blow up. (I'm sure there are other examples as well.)
This commit falls back to a page value of 1 if the coercion fails.
We want to allow lightboxing of smaller images, even if they are below the minimum size for image thumbnail generation.
This change sets a minimum threshold of 100 x 100 pixels for triggering the lightbox.
Co-authored-by: Régis Hanol <regis@hanol.fr>
This commit is fixing the path which sets a default value to trigger. We were doing `if (!this.model.trigger)` but `this.model.trigger` can have `0` as value, which would trigger this codepath and this codepath was setting the first value of `badgeTriggers` as a default value for trigger.
This patch improves the custom `array` type available in contracts.
It’s now able to split strings on `|` on top of `,`, and to be more
consistent, it also tries to cast the resulting items to integers.
Theme modifiers can now be defined as theme settings, this allows for
site operators to override behavior of theme modifiers.
New syntax is:
"modifiers": {
"modifier_name": {
"type": "setting",
"value": "setting_name"
This also introduces a new theme modifier for serialize_post_user_badges. Name of badge must match the name of the badge in the badges table. The client-side is updated to load this new data from the post-stream serializer.
Co-authored-by: David Taylor <david@taylorhq.com>
Technically we don't show the edit custom section button on mobile, but the button is present so I just fixed it so the finder works on mobile. We should probably remove this test or find a way to make the button visible on mobile.
Also used `mobile: true` instead of manual url.
Adding the directory item test causes the default test to fail randomly due to directory items not getting removed properly.
Removing this for now, and also moving this test to the common system folder instead of system/user_page
#29209 introduced a bug where columns to the directory added via add_directory_column are not being translated properly.
This fixes the issue and adds an integration test.
- Uses a temporary, clean, per-test-process directory for minio data
- Runs a separate minio instance for each test process
- Unskips minio-based tests in CI
Constants should always be only assigned once. The logical OR assignment
of a constant is a relic of the past before we used zeitwerk for
autoloading and had bugs where a file could be loaded twice resulting in
constant redefinition warnings.
- limits security key deletes to second factor keys
- also deletes backup codes (lingering backup codes break login flow entirely)
* Add spec for rake task to disable 2FA for a user
This adds dedicated routes for /login and /signup, replacing the use of modals. Currently, this is behind the experimental_full_page_login feature flag. It also includes some small consistency fixes related to formatting, spacing, icons, and the loading of certain elements
Currently, when the MessageFormat compiler fails on some translations,
we just have the raw output from the compiler in the logs and that’s not
always very helpful.
Now, when there is an error, we iterate over the translation keys and
try to compile them one by one. When we detect one that is failing, it’s
added to a list that is now outputted in the logs. That way, it’s easier
to know which keys are not properly translated, and the problems can be
addressed quicker.
The previous implementation of this patch had a bug: it wasn’t handling
locales with country/region code properly. So instead of iterating over
the problematic keys, it was raising an error.
In ed6c9d154591b620e3347a417173b373f4738be7, we started flushing
Redis's database at the end of each test. However, we had something like
config.after(:each, type: :system) { teardown system test stuff }
config.after(:each) { # flush redis }
When stuff was defined in this order, flushing redis was called before
the teardown of system test. Instead we have to switch the order around
which is what this commit does.
If a plugin's JS fails to load for some reason, most commonly
ad blockers, the entire admin interface would break. This is because
we are adding links to the admin routes for plugins that define
them in the sidebar.
We have a fix for this already in the plugin list which shows a warning
to the admin. This fix just prevents the broken link from rendering
in the sidebar if the route is not valid.
This helps uncover issues with bigint columns that are joined with int
columns. It also introduces a temporary API for plugins to migrate int
columns to bigint in test environment to make tests pass.
We some times get the following failure on Github CI:
expected StandardError with message matching /some.host/, got #<Socket::ResolutionError: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution> with backtrace:
* Add migrations to ensure password hash is synced across users & user_passwords
* Persist password-related data in user_passwords instead of users
* Merge User#expire_old_email_tokens with User#expire_tokens_if_password_changed
* Add post deploy migration to mark password-related columns from users table as read-only
* Refactored UserPassword#confirm_password? and changes required to accommodate hashing the password after validations
There have been too many flaky tests as a result of leaking state in
Redis so it is easier to resolve them by ensuring we flush Redis'
Locally on my machine, calling `Discourse.redis.flushdb` takes around
0.1ms which means this change will have very little impact on test
While using `OpenStruct` is nice, it’s generally not a very good idea as
it usually leads to performance problems.
The `OpenStruct` source code even says basically to avoid it.
Since the context object is crucial in our services, this patch replaces
`OpenStruct` with a custom implementation instead.
Because of unreliability, the spec was temporarily disabled. However, it is ensuring that the custom flags system is working correctly. Therefore it would be great to enable it again.
I made a few fixes to try to mitigate this situation:
- Reduced amount of Redis calls;
- When deleting, ensure that the modal is closed before checking the result;
- Moved duplicated name tests to a separate block;
- Increased wait time to 3 times the default because I noticed that sometimes it gets stuck for a moment. Most of the time it is fast, but sometimes when I run tests in a loop 50 times I see slowness.
Dismissing admin notices is an admin-only action. This is enforced on the back-end both by a routing constraint and a policy in the relevant service.
However, we still unconditionally display the "Dismiss" button to anyone with access to the admin dashboard. When clicked, it results in a 404 modal (due to the routing constraint.)
With this change we only render the dismiss button for admins.