1. Use Bash-like expansion for empty searches (when you just use a '%' by itself). '%' will now *only* match the last valid backgrounded process. If there are no such processes, an expansion error will be generated. '%' by itself would previously match either *all* backgrounded processes, or failing that, all processes owned by your user. If you ever tried to run `kill -9 %`, it would either kill all backgrounded processes or *all* of your processes. I'm not sure why anyone would ever want that to be a single keystroke away. You could almost typo it. As a result, `fg %`, `bg %`, `kill %`, etc will all operate on the last process touched by job control. 2. Don't run 'by-name' matches when the search term is numeric. This prevents you from running a command like `kill %1` and accidentally killing a process named something like "1Command". Overloaded behavior can be dangerous, and we probably shouldn't play fast and loose with expansion characters that generate process IDs.
fish - the friendly interactive shell
fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell for OS X, Linux, and the rest of the family. fish includes features like syntax highlighting, autosuggest-as-you-type, and fancy tab completions that just work, with no configuration required.
For more on fish's design philosophy, see the design document.
Quick Start
fish generally works like other shells, like bash or zsh. A few important differences can be found at http://fishshell.com/tutorial.html by searching for magic phrase 'unlike other shells'.
Detailed user documentation is available by running help
within fish, and also at http://fishshell.com/docs/2.0/index.html
fish is written in a sane subset of C++98, with a few components from C++TR1. It builds successfully with g++ 4.2 or later, and with clang. It also will build as C++11.
fish can be built using autotools or Xcode. autoconf 2.60 or later is required.
fish requires gettext for translation support.
Autotools Build
make [gmake on BSD]
sudo make install
Xcode Development Build
- Build the
target in Xcode - Run the fish executable, for example, in
Xcode Build and Install
xcodebuild install
sudo ditto /tmp/fish.dst /
Help, it didn't build!
If fish reports that it could not find curses, try installing a curses development package and build again.
On Debian or Ubuntu you want:
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
on RedHat, CentOS, or Amazon EC2:
sudo yum install ncurses-devel
Packages for Linux
Nightly builds for several Linux distros can be downloaded from http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/siteshwar/
Switching to fish
If you wish to use fish as your default shell, use the following command:
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
chsh will prompt you for your password, and change your default shell.
To switch your default shell back, you can run:
chsh -s /bin/bash
Substitute /bin/bash with /bin/tcsh or /bin/zsh as appropriate.
Contact Us
Questions, comments, rants and raves can be posted to the official fish mailing list at https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/fish-users or join us on our IRC channel #fish at irc.oftc.net.
Found a bug? Have an awesome idea? Please open an issue on this github page.