Turn "Rename Discussion" dialog into a modal, closes #616 (#1083)

* Changed "Rename Discussion" prompt into a modal.
* Added DiscussionRenameModal component (Modal)
* Changed DiscussionControls.renameAction to use the modal (I may have removed the ability to return a promise)

* Added punycode.js back to js/forum dist

* Fixed some formatting, removed some unnecessary variables
This commit is contained in:
David Sevilla Martín 2017-02-03 14:56:28 -05:00 committed by Franz Liedke
parent b7d6ba4893
commit 26d07699e9
3 changed files with 188 additions and 38 deletions

js/forum/dist/app.js vendored
View File

@ -22162,6 +22162,108 @@ System.register('flarum/components/DiscussionRenamedPost', ['flarum/components/E
'use strict';
System.register('flarum/components/DiscussionRenameModal', ['flarum/components/Modal', 'flarum/components/Button'], function (_export, _context) {
"use strict";
var Modal, Button, DiscussionRenameModal;
return {
setters: [function (_flarumComponentsModal) {
Modal = _flarumComponentsModal.default;
}, function (_flarumComponentsButton) {
Button = _flarumComponentsButton.default;
execute: function () {
DiscussionRenameModal = function (_Modal) {
babelHelpers.inherits(DiscussionRenameModal, _Modal);
function DiscussionRenameModal() {
babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, DiscussionRenameModal);
return babelHelpers.possibleConstructorReturn(this, (DiscussionRenameModal.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(DiscussionRenameModal)).apply(this, arguments));
babelHelpers.createClass(DiscussionRenameModal, [{
key: 'init',
value: function init() {
babelHelpers.get(DiscussionRenameModal.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(DiscussionRenameModal.prototype), 'init', this).call(this);
this.discussion = this.props.discussion;
this.currentTitle = this.props.currentTitle;
this.newTitle = m.prop(this.currentTitle);
}, {
key: 'className',
value: function className() {
return 'DiscussionRenameModal Modal--small';
}, {
key: 'title',
value: function title() {
return app.translator.trans('core.forum.discussion_controls.rename_modal.title');
}, {
key: 'content',
value: function content() {
return m(
{ className: 'Modal-body' },
{ className: 'Form' },
{ className: 'Form-group' },
m('input', { className: 'FormControl title', placeholder: this.currentTitle, bidi: this.newTitle })
{ className: 'Form-group' },
className: 'Button Button--primary',
type: 'submit',
loading: this.loading,
children: app.translator.trans('core.forum.discussion_controls.rename_modal.submit_button')
}, {
key: 'onsubmit',
value: function onsubmit(e) {
var _this2 = this;
this.loading = true;
var title = this.newTitle;
var currentTitle = this.currentTitle;
// If the title is different to what it was before, then save it. After the
// save has completed, update the post stream as there will be a new post
// indicating that the discussion was renamed.
if (title && title !== currentTitle) {
return this.discussion.save({ title: title }).then(function () {
if (app.viewingDiscussion(_this2.discussion)) {
} else {
return DiscussionRenameModal;
_export('default', DiscussionRenameModal);
'use strict';
System.register('flarum/components/DiscussionsSearchSource', ['flarum/helpers/highlight', 'flarum/components/LinkButton'], function (_export, _context) {
"use strict";
@ -22983,12 +23085,6 @@ System.register('flarum/components/ForgotPasswordModal', ['flarum/components/Mod
onchange: m.withAttr('value', this.email),
disabled: this.loading })
{ className: 'checkbox' },
m('input', { name: 'remember', type: 'checkbox', bidi: this.remember, disabled: this.loading }),
{ className: 'Form-group' },
@ -23936,6 +24032,12 @@ System.register('flarum/components/LogInModal', ['flarum/components/Modal', 'fla
bidi: this.password,
disabled: this.loading })
{ className: 'checkbox' },
m('input', { name: 'remember', type: 'checkbox', bidi: this.remember, disabled: this.loading }),
{ className: 'Form-group' },
@ -31140,10 +31242,10 @@ System.register('flarum/utils/computed', [], function (_export, _context) {
'use strict';
System.register('flarum/utils/DiscussionControls', ['flarum/components/DiscussionPage', 'flarum/components/ReplyComposer', 'flarum/components/LogInModal', 'flarum/components/Button', 'flarum/components/Separator', 'flarum/utils/ItemList', 'flarum/utils/extractText'], function (_export, _context) {
System.register('flarum/utils/DiscussionControls', ['flarum/components/DiscussionPage', 'flarum/components/ReplyComposer', 'flarum/components/LogInModal', 'flarum/components/Button', 'flarum/components/Separator', 'flarum/components/DiscussionRenameModal', 'flarum/utils/ItemList', 'flarum/utils/extractText'], function (_export, _context) {
"use strict";
var DiscussionPage, ReplyComposer, LogInModal, Button, Separator, ItemList, extractText;
var DiscussionPage, ReplyComposer, LogInModal, Button, Separator, DiscussionRenameModal, ItemList, extractText;
return {
setters: [function (_flarumComponentsDiscussionPage) {
DiscussionPage = _flarumComponentsDiscussionPage.default;
@ -31155,6 +31257,8 @@ System.register('flarum/utils/DiscussionControls', ['flarum/components/Discussio
Button = _flarumComponentsButton.default;
}, function (_flarumComponentsSeparator) {
Separator = _flarumComponentsSeparator.default;
}, function (_flarumComponentsDiscussionRenameModal) {
DiscussionRenameModal = _flarumComponentsDiscussionRenameModal.default;
}, function (_flarumUtilsItemList) {
ItemList = _flarumUtilsItemList.default;
}, function (_flarumUtilsExtractText) {
@ -31303,22 +31407,10 @@ System.register('flarum/utils/DiscussionControls', ['flarum/components/Discussio
renameAction: function renameAction() {
var _this3 = this;
var currentTitle = this.title();
var title = prompt(extractText(app.translator.trans('core.forum.discussion_controls.rename_text')), currentTitle);
// If the title is different to what it was before, then save it. After the
// save has completed, update the post stream as there will be a new post
// indicating that the discussion was renamed.
if (title && title !== currentTitle) {
return this.save({ title: title }).then(function () {
if (app.viewingDiscussion(_this3)) {
return app.modal.show(new DiscussionRenameModal({
currentTitle: this.title(),
discussion: this

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import Modal from 'flarum/components/Modal';
import Button from 'flarum/components/Button';
* The 'DiscussionRenameModal' displays a modal dialog with an input to rename a discussion
export default class DiscussionRenameModal extends Modal {
init() {
this.discussion = this.props.discussion;
this.currentTitle = this.props.currentTitle;
this.newTitle = m.prop(this.currentTitle);
className() {
return 'DiscussionRenameModal Modal--small';
title() {
return app.translator.trans('core.forum.discussion_controls.rename_modal.title');
content() {
return (
<div className="Modal-body">
<div className="Form">
<div className="Form-group">
<input className="FormControl title" placeholder={this.currentTitle} bidi={this.newTitle} />
<div className="Form-group">
className: 'Button Button--primary',
type: 'submit',
loading: this.loading,
children: app.translator.trans('core.forum.discussion_controls.rename_modal.submit_button')
onsubmit(e) {
this.loading = true;
const title = this.newTitle;
const currentTitle = this.currentTitle;
// If the title is different to what it was before, then save it. After the
// save has completed, update the post stream as there will be a new post
// indicating that the discussion was renamed.
if (title && title !== currentTitle) {
return this.discussion.save({title}).then(() => {
if (app.viewingDiscussion(this.discussion)) {
} else {

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import ReplyComposer from 'flarum/components/ReplyComposer';
import LogInModal from 'flarum/components/LogInModal';
import Button from 'flarum/components/Button';
import Separator from 'flarum/components/Separator';
import DiscussionRenameModal from 'flarum/components/DiscussionRenameModal';
import ItemList from 'flarum/utils/ItemList';
import extractText from 'flarum/utils/extractText';
@ -227,19 +228,9 @@ export default {
* @return {Promise}
renameAction() {
const currentTitle = this.title();
const title = prompt(extractText(app.translator.trans('core.forum.discussion_controls.rename_text')), currentTitle);
// If the title is different to what it was before, then save it. After the
// save has completed, update the post stream as there will be a new post
// indicating that the discussion was renamed.
if (title && title !== currentTitle) {
return this.save({title}).then(() => {
if (app.viewingDiscussion(this)) {
return app.modal.show(new DiscussionRenameModal({
currentTitle: this.title(),
discussion: this