Oh My Fish ofrece la infraestructura básica para permitirle instalar paquetes que extiendan o modifiquen el aspecto de su _shell_. Es rápido, extensible y
- Cuando es llamado sin argumentos, actualiza el núcleo y todos los paquetes instalados.
- Puede escoger actualizar sólo el núcleo, ejecutando `omf update omf`.
- Para una actualización selectiva de paquetes, escriba solo los paquetes que desea actualizar. Debería incluir "omf" en la lista para actualizar también el
> Este comando intenta ser lo más seguro posible, mitigando efectos colaterales cauados por `exec` y prevenir la recarga en el caso de procesos en segundo
Busca en la base de datos de Oh My Fish un paquete en concreto, tema o ambos. También soporta una búsqueda menos explícita, así que si no está seguro del
De manera predeterminada existen dos canales: el canal `stable` ofrece actualizaciones estables con las versión más recientes de Oh My Fish, y `dev` que
ofrece los últimos cambios en desarrollo. El canal de actualización actual determina a qué versión de `omf update` se actualizará.
Tenga en cuenta que los scripts en ese directorio se ofrecen en el orden en el que el sistema de archivos los ve, y quizás puede ser necesario añadir un
Every time you open a new shell, the startup code initializes Oh My Fish installation path and the _config_ path (`~/.config/omf` by default),
sourcing the [`init.fish`](init.fish) script afterwards, which autoloads packages, themes and your custom init files.
For more information check the [FAQ](docs/en-US/FAQ.md#what-does-oh-my-fish-do-exactly).
### Dotfiles
The `$OMF_CONFIG` directory represents the user state of Oh My Fish. It is the perfect
candidate for being added to your dotfiles and/or checked out to version control. There you can find three important files:
- __`theme`__ - The current theme
- __`bundle`__ - List of currently installed packages/themes
- __`channel`__ - The channel from which OMF gets updates (stable / dev)
And you may create and customize these special files:
- __`init.fish`__ - Custom script sourced after shell start
- __`before.init.fish`__ - Custom script sourced before shell start
- __`key_bindings.fish`__ - Custom key bindings where you can use the `bind` command freely
#### Setting variables in `init.fish`
One of the most common startup commands used in `init.fish` is variables definition. Quite likely, such variables need to be available in any shell session. To achieve this, define them globally. For example:
# Golang developers might need this one
set -xg GOPATH $HOME/gocode
# Python developers otherwise
#### About the bundle
Every time a package/theme is installed or removed, the `bundle` file is updated. You can also edit it manually and run `omf install` afterwards to satisfy the changes. Please note that while packages/themes added to the bundle get automatically installed, a package/theme removed from bundle isn't removed from user installation.
#### Older fish versions
In fish 2.2, there is no `conf.d` directory, so the startup code has to be placed in the fish config file (`~/.config/fish/config.fish`).
It's highly recommended that your custom startup commands go into `init.fish` file instead of `~/.config/fish/config.fish`, as this allows you to keep the whole `$OMF_CONFIG` directory under version control.
If you need startup commands to be run *before* Oh My Fish begins loading plugins, place them in `before.init.fish` instead. If you're unsure, it is usually best to put things in `init.fish`.
## Creating Packages
Oh My Fish uses an advanced and well defined plugin architecture to ease plugin development, including init/uninstall hooks, function and completion autoloading. [See the packages documentation](docs/en-US/Packages.md) for more details.