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Archlinux plugin
This plugin adds some aliases and functions to work with Arch Linux.
To use it, add archlinux
to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... archlinux)
Alias | Command | Description |
yaconf | yay -Pg | Print current configuration |
yain | yay -S | Install packages from the repositories |
yains | yay -U | Install a package from a local file |
yainsd | yay -S --asdeps | Install packages as dependencies of another package |
yaloc | yay -Qi | Display information about a package in the local database |
yalocs | yay -Qs | Search for packages in the local database |
yalst | yay -Qe | List installed packages including from AUR (tagged as "local") |
yamir | yay -Syy | Force refresh of all package lists after updating mirrorlist |
yaorph | yay -Qtd | Remove orphans using yay |
yare | yay -R | Remove packages, keeping its settings and dependencies |
yarem | yay -Rns | Remove packages, including its settings and unneeded dependencies |
yarep | yay -Si | Display information about a package in the repositories |
yareps | yay -Ss | Search for packages in the repositories |
yaupg | yay -Syu | Sync with repositories before upgrading packages |
yasu | yay -Syu --no-confirm | Same as yaupg , but without confirmation |
Alias | Command | Description |
trconf | trizen -C | Fix all configuration files with vimdiff |
trin | trizen -S | Install packages from the repositories |
trins | trizen -U | Install a package from a local file |
trinsd | trizen -S --asdeps | Install packages as dependencies of another package |
trloc | trizen -Qi | Display information about a package in the local database |
trlocs | trizen -Qs | Search for packages in the local database |
trlst | trizen -Qe | List installed packages including from AUR (tagged as "local") |
trmir | trizen -Syy | Force refresh of all package lists after updating mirrorlist |
trorph | trizen -Qtd | Remove orphans using yaourt |
trre | trizen -R | Remove packages, keeping its settings and dependencies |
trrem | trizen -Rns | Remove packages, including its settings and unneeded dependencies |
trrep | trizen -Si | Display information about a package in the repositories |
trreps | trizen -Ss | Search for packages in the repositories |
trupd | trizen -Sy && sudo abs && sudo aur | Update and refresh local package, ABS and AUR databases |
trupd | trizen -Sy && sudo abs | Update and refresh the local package and ABS databases |
trupd | trizen -Sy && sudo aur | Update and refresh the local package and AUR databases |
trupd | trizen -Sy | Update and refresh the local package database |
trupg | trizen -Syua | Sync with repositories before upgrading all packages (from AUR too) |
trsu | trizen -Syua --no-confirm | Same as trupg , but without confirmation |
upgrade | trizen -Syu | Sync with repositories before upgrading packages |
Alias | Command | Description |
yaconf | yaourt -C | Fix all configuration files with vimdiff |
yain | yaourt -S | Install packages from the repositories |
yains | yaourt -U | Install a package from a local file |
yainsd | yaourt -S --asdeps | Install packages as dependencies of another package |
yaloc | yaourt -Qi | Display information about a package in the local database |
yalocs | yaourt -Qs | Search for packages in the local database |
yalst | yaourt -Qe | List installed packages including from AUR (tagged as "local") |
yamir | yaourt -Syy | Force refresh of all package lists after updating mirrorlist |
yaorph | yaourt -Qtd | Remove orphans using yaourt |
yare | yaourt -R | Remove packages, keeping its settings and dependencies |
yarem | yaourt -Rns | Remove packages, including its settings and unneeded dependencies |
yarep | yaourt -Si | Display information about a package in the repositories |
yareps | yaourt -Ss | Search for packages in the repositories |
yaupd | yaourt -Sy && sudo abs && sudo aur | Update and refresh local package, ABS and AUR databases |
yaupd | yaourt -Sy && sudo abs | Update and refresh the local package and ABS databases |
yaupd | yaourt -Sy && sudo aur | Update and refresh the local package and AUR databases |
yaupd | yaourt -Sy | Update and refresh the local package database |
yaupg | yaourt -Syua | Sync with repositories before upgrading all packages (from AUR too) |
yasu | yaourt -Syua --no-confirm | Same as yaupg , but without confirmation |
upgrade | yaourt -Syu | Sync with repositories before upgrading packages |
Alias | Command | Description |
pain | pacaur -S | Install packages from the repositories |
pains | pacaur -U | Install a package from a local file |
painsd | pacaur -S --asdeps | Install packages as dependencies of another package |
paloc | pacaur -Qi | Display information about a package in the local database |
palocs | pacaur -Qs | Search for packages in the local database |
palst | pacaur -Qe | List installed packages including from AUR (tagged as "local") |
pamir | pacaur -Syy | Force refresh of all package lists after updating mirrorlist |
paorph | pacaur -Qtd | Remove orphans using pacaur |
pare | pacaur -R | Remove packages, keeping its settings and dependencies |
parem | pacaur -Rns | Remove packages, including its settings and unneeded dependencies |
parep | pacaur -Si | Display information about a package in the repositories |
pareps | pacaur -Ss | Search for packages in the repositories |
paupd | pacaur -Sy && sudo abs && sudo aur | Update and refresh local package, ABS and AUR databases |
paupd | pacaur -Sy && sudo abs | Update and refresh the local package and ABS databases |
paupd | pacaur -Sy && sudo aur | Update and refresh the local package and AUR databases |
paupd | pacaur -Sy | Update and refresh the local package database |
paupg | pacaur -Syua | Sync with repositories before upgrading all packages (from AUR too) |
pasu | pacaur -Syua --no-confirm | Same as paupg , but without confirmation |
upgrade | pacaur -Syu | Sync with repositories before upgrading packages |
Alias | Command | Description |
pacin | sudo pacman -S | Install packages from the repositories |
pacins | sudo pacman -U | Install a package from a local file |
pacinsd | sudo pacman -S --asdeps | Install packages as dependencies of another package |
pacloc | pacman -Qi | Display information about a package in the local database |
paclocs | pacman -Qs | Search for packages in the local database |
paclsorphans | sudo pacman -Qdt | List all orphaned packages |
pacmir | sudo pacman -Syy | Force refresh of all package lists after updating mirrorlist |
pacre | sudo pacman -R | Remove packages, keeping its settings and dependencies |
pacrem | sudo pacman -Rns | Remove packages, including its settings and dependencies |
pacrep | pacman -Si | Display information about a package in the repositories |
pacreps | pacman -Ss | Search for packages in the repositories |
pacrmorphans | sudo pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qtdq) | Delete all orphaned packages |
pacupd | sudo pacman -Sy && sudo abs && sudo aur | Update and refresh the local package, ABS and AUR databases |
pacupd | sudo pacman -Sy && sudo abs | Update and refresh the local package and ABS databases |
pacupd | sudo pacman -Sy && sudo aur | Update and refresh the local package and AUR databases |
pacupd | sudo pacman -Sy | Update and refresh the local package database |
pacupg | sudo pacman -Syu | Sync with repositories before upgrading packages |
upgrade | sudo pacman -Syu | Sync with repositories before upgrading packages |
pacfileupg | sudo pacman -Fy | Download fresh package databases from the server |
pacfiles | pacman -F | Search package file names for matching strings |
pacls | pacman -Ql | List files in a package |
pacown | pacman -Qo | Show which package owns a file |
Function | Description |
pacdisowned | List all disowned files in your system |
paclist | List all installed packages with a short description |
pacmanallkeys | Get all keys for developers and trusted users |
pacmansignkeys | Locally trust all keys passed as parameters |
pacweb | Open the website of an ArchLinux package |
- Benjamin Boudreau - dreurmail@gmail.com
- Celso Miranda - contacto@celsomiranda.net
- KhasMek - Boushh@gmail.com
- Martin Putniorz - mputniorz@gmail.com
- MatthR3D - matthr3d@gmail.com
- ornicar - thibault.duplessis@gmail.com
- Juraj Fiala - doctorjellyface@riseup.net
- Majora320 (Moses Miller) - Majora320@gmail.com
- Ybalrid (Arthur Brainville) - ybalrid@ybalrid.info