Expanded tests with many more cases, and added fixes for failed
Updated logic to specifically handling parent <p> tags, and now assume
compatibility with parent block types elswhere to allow use in a
variety of scenarios (td, details, blockquote etc...).
Implements block promoting to body (including position choosing based
upon likely tag position within parent) and block splitting where we're
only a single depth down from the body child.
Saves specifically the document element on output to HTML, since this
results in just the outer HTML being saved while not including the extra
XML tags which would show up before with the changes to force utf8
Adds a thin wrapper for DOMDocument to simplify and align usage within
all areas of BookStack.
Also means we move away from old depreacted mb_convert_encoding usage.
- Merged book and chapter name items to a single page path list item
which has links to parent page/chapter.
- Added permission filtering to page path elements.
- Added page path to also be on comment notifications.
- Updated testing to cover.
- Added new Message Line objects to support.
Done during review of #4629
added book name
synced with actual file from dev branch
added book name
add book name
added book name
extended with chaptername
extended with chapter name
Update PageUpdateNotification.php
Update notifications.php
Update notifications.php
Update notifications.php
correction of chapter syntax
correction of chapter syntax
Changes since adding notifications would cause direction to be assessed
upon max height of 80vh, which caused large dropdowns like the audit log
dropdown to drop up and/or go offscreen.
This restores the default assessment of 500px, and adds dynamic
max-height adjustment to provide more room for large dropdowns.
For #4652
Change due to link color being more suitable in this case since it's not
specifically a block with light text which is what app color is suited
Specifically better for dark mode when a dark app color is used.
For #4630
- Updated anchor scroll change to open up details blocks if the target
exists within.
- Updated highlighting and animation implementation to fix hardly visible highlighting.
- Removed old, now unused, handing of CM instances in details blocks.
Related to #4637.
- Updated sponsor text since it only mentioned GitHub, nothing else.
- Updated translation contribution info to dissuade code-based
contributions due to issues with conflicts/sync.
Previously we'd prevent caching of authed responses for security
(prevent back cache or proxy caching) but caching could still be an
issue in non-auth scenarios due to CSRF (eg. returning to login screen after
session expiry).
For #4600
- Fixed inital empty state margins/paddings to be aligned and not differ
when lists are empty.
- Aligned button/action display when viewing empty entities.
- Fixed use of non-existing permission in books for book empty state
- Updated existing tests now affected by my-account changes.
- Updated some existing tests to more accuractly check the scenario.
- Updated some code styling in SocialController.
- Fixed redirects for social account flows to fit my-account.
- Added test for social account attaching.
- Added test for api token redirect handling.
Updated old user management routes to only be accessible with permission
to manage users, so also removed old content controls checking for that
- Moved preference views to more general "my-account" area.
- Started new layout for my-account with sidebar.
- Added MFA to prefeences view (to be moved).