After deleting a category, we should soft-delete the category definition topic instead of hard deleting it. Else it causes issues while doing the user merge action if the source user has an orphan post that belongs to the deleted topic.
This PR is introducing 2 changes.
1. Date popup is displayed on click instead on hover
2. If the range is given then the whole range is always displayed for both startDate and endDate
3. For range, short time is displayed for end if the range is < 24 hours
- do not reduce opacity of disabled buttons if they are loading
- replace ‘|’ by single quotes not double quotes
- always start from index 0
- reduces amount of work by checking row's length
- apply quotefix to fallback
- do not add 1 to caretposition if index is 0
The algorithm will now do the following:
- split selection to retain only first line
- removes possible "* "
- check for first inclusion
- fallback to first row if nothing found
The color_scheme_id needs to be an integer not a string.
This is one of the failing tests that showed this error:
It showed this error
`POSSIBLE ISSUE W/: /user_themes/0/color_scheme_id`
And this is part of the site.json response:
"user_themes"=>[{"theme_id"=>149, "name"=>"Cool theme 111", "default"=>false, "color_scheme_id"=>37}]
We don't actually use the reminder_type for bookmarks anywhere;
we are just storing it. It has no bearing on the UI. It used
to be relevant with the at_desktop bookmark reminders (see
This commit marks the column as readonly, ignores it, and removes
the index, and it will be dropped in a later PR. Some plugins
are relying on reminder_type partially so some stubs have been
left in place to avoid errors.
This partially reverts commit ddb458343dc39a7a8c99467dcd809b444514fe2c.
Seeing performance degrade on larger sites so back to drawing board on
this one. Instead of the DISTINCT LEFT JOIN, we switch back to
First reported in
There are two optimizations being applied here:
1. Fetch a user's group ids in a seperate query instead of including it
as a sub-query. When I tried a subquery, the query plan becomes very
1. Join against the `topic_allowed_users` and `topic_allowed_groups`
table instead of doing an IN against a subquery where we UNION the
`topic_id`s from the two tables. From my profiling, this enables PG to
do a backwards index scan on the `index_topics_on_timestamps_private`
This commit fixes a bug where listing all messages was incorrectly
excluding topics if a topic has been archived by a group even if the
user did not belong to the group.
This commit also fixes another bug where dismissing private messages
selectively was subjected to the default limit of 30.
This new column will be used to indicate that a bookmark
is at the topic level. The first post of a topic can be
bookmarked twice after this change -- with for_topic set
to true and with for_topic set to false.
A later PR will use this column for logic to bookmark the
topic, and then topic-level bookmark links will take you
to the last unread post in the topic.
See also 22208836c5f2adcf8c85a62d27b67968743b20f0
We don't need no stinkin' denormalization! This commit ignores
the topic_id column on bookmarks, to be deleted at a later date.
We don't really need this column and it's better to rely on the
post.topic_id as the canonical topic_id for bookmarks, then we
don't need to remember to update both columns if the bookmarked
post moves to another topic.
Discourse is sending regularly message to admins when potential problems are persisted. Most of the time they have exactly the same content. In that case, when there are no replies, the old one should be trashed before a new one is created.
This commit sets `tap_failed_tests_only` to `true` in our testem config, so now only the failing tests will show in our GitHub CI Ember test runs, which saves developers from having to hunt through all of the passing tests using GitHub's janky console output scrollback.
There was a check for closed code blocks (which had both opening and
closing markups), but it did not work for the case when the text ends
in an open code block.
Administrators can use second factor to confirm granting admin access
without using email. The old method of confirmation via email is still
used as a fallback when second factor is unavailable.
The previous excerpt was a simple truncated raw message. Starting with
this commit, the raw content of the draft is cooked and an excerpt is
extracted from it. The logic for extracting the excerpt mimics the the
`ExcerptParser` class, but does not implement all functionality, being
a much simpler implementation.
The two draft controllers have been merged into one and the /draft.json
route has been changed to /drafts.json to be consistent with the other
route names.
This is necessary to allow for large file uploads via
the direct S3 upload mechanism, as we convert the external
file to an Upload record via ExternalUploadManager once
it is complete.
This will allow for files larger than 2,147,483,647 bytes (2.14GB)
to be referenced in the uploads table.
This is a table locking migration, but since it is not as highly
trafficked as posts, topics, or users, the disruption should be minimal.