'saml_no_email_address'=>'Ezin izan dugu posta helbiderik aurkitu erabiltzaile honentzat, kanpoko autentifikazio zerbitzuak bidalitako datuetan',
'saml_invalid_response_id'=>'Kanpoko egiazkotasun-sistemaren eskaria ez du onartzen aplikazio honek abiarazitako prozesu batek. Loginean atzera egitea izan daiteke arrazoia.',
'oidc_no_email_address'=>'Could not find an email address, for this user, in the data provided by the external authentication system',
'oidc_fail_authed'=>'Login using :system failed, system did not provide successful authorization',
'social_no_action_defined'=>'No action defined',
'social_login_bad_response'=>"Error received during :socialAccount login: \n:error",
'social_account_in_use'=>'This :socialAccount account is already in use, Try logging in via the :socialAccount option.',
'social_account_email_in_use'=>'The email :email is already in use. If you already have an account you can connect your :socialAccount account from your profile settings.',
'social_account_existing'=>'This :socialAccount is already attached to your profile.',
'social_account_already_used_existing'=>'This :socialAccount account is already used by another user.',
'social_account_not_used'=>'This :socialAccount account is not linked to any users. Please attach it in your profile settings. ',
'social_account_register_instructions'=>'If you do not yet have an account, You can register an account using the :socialAccount option.',
'social_driver_not_found'=>'Social driver not found',
'social_driver_not_configured'=>'Your :socialAccount social settings are not configured correctly.',
'invite_token_expired'=>'This invitation link has expired. You can instead try to reset your account password.',
'role_cannot_be_edited'=>'This role cannot be edited',
'role_system_cannot_be_deleted'=>'This role is a system role and cannot be deleted',
'role_registration_default_cannot_delete'=>'This role cannot be deleted while set as the default registration role',
'role_cannot_remove_only_admin'=>'This user is the only user assigned to the administrator role. Assign the administrator role to another user before attempting to remove it here.',
// Comments
'comment_list'=>'An error occurred while fetching the comments.',
'cannot_add_comment_to_draft'=>'You cannot add comments to a draft.',
'comment_add'=>'An error occurred while adding / updating the comment.',
'comment_delete'=>'An error occurred while deleting the comment.',